Bank Holiday Opening Hours


Active Member
Forum Sponsor
Sep 8, 2008
Hastings, East Sussex

With the Bank Holiday weekend fast approaching, here are our opening hours.

Friday 15th of April - Closed
Saturday 16th April 9am to 12 noon - Open
Sunday 17th of April - Closed
Monday 18th of April - Closed
Tuesday 19th of April - Normal hours resume

Helpful information for when we are closed:

Policy Renewals
To renew an existing policy with the current insurer, pay online using a credit/debit card. Renew your policy here.

Motor Claims (exc. windscreens)
To report an accident involving your vehicle, call 0345 618 8316.

For windscreen claims, please refer to your insurer's documentation for the appropriate telephone number.

All Other Claims
Please refer to your insurer's documentation for the appropriate telephone number.

Best wishes,

Simon at Chris Knott Insurance
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