Christmas Opening 2018 : Chris Knott


Active Member
Forum Sponsor
Sep 8, 2008
Hastings, East Sussex
Christmas Opening 2018 : Chris Knott

Hi all, I just wanted to thank those members who asked us to quote during the last year and those who went on cover.

Our regular opening hours are Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm and Saturday 9am to 12noon but during Christmas week we'll be operating different hours as follows:

Monday 24 December: OPEN 09:00-12:30
Christmas Day: CLOSED
Boxing Day: CLOSED
Thursday 27 December: CLOSED
Friday 28 December: OPEN 09:00-17:00
Saturday 29 December: CLOSED
Monday 31 December: OPEN 09:00-12:30
New Year's Day: CLOSED
Wednesday 2 January: BACK TO NORMAL

We hope you'll understand that we want to balance customer needs with our desire that staff are able to spend some quality time with their loved ones.

QUOTELINE: 0800 917 2274

RENEW ONLINE at any time
You can pay for the straight renewal of an existing policy online by credit/debit card at - simply click ‘Renew Online’.

If you need to make a motor claim (not windscreen), please call our claims line on 0345 618 8316. For all other claims, please refer to your insurer’s documentation for the appropriate number to call.

May I take this opportunity to wish all members of this club/forum a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

For existing clients - thank you again for your custom, we genuinely appreciate it.

For anyone else - we hope you'll give us the opportunity to quote for your car insurance under our special 'clubs and enthusiasts' facility during 2019. In 2018 members have saved 22% on average by switching to Chris Knott (see our other forum posts).

best regards,
Nick and the Chris Knott team
Progressive Parts, performance parts and tuning specialists