Aye, I had it all bolted in and ready for use on the day. Fortunately there was no need

I've got a TRS Tow Loop on Order now as well
I've found a few pics that were taken of Shed and I at Rockingham the other weekend.
The track is easier than I remember, I'll upload the vids soon too

Shed performed well although it did feel a little flat sometimes, could be that I've got used to it though now?
The tyres started giving up before the brakes which was nice

still think I need to up the brakes capability some more though. I'm a bit torn about where to focus next between Power and Handling.
Power Upgrades:
Blueflame Turbo Back Exhaust with Motorsport Cat
Forge FMIC
Forge Turbo Intake Pipe and Charge Pipes
Uprated Engine Mounts (all 3)
Handling Upgrades:
Neuspeed 28mm rear Anti Roll Bar
S3 Front Upper Strut Brace
R32 Front Lower Strut Brace
Adjusted Geometry Setup
Polybushes all round
Any recommendations?