After a few weeks between purchasing, and actually getting round to it, the new pads and fluid were fitted today

Since boiling them at Combe, they've been very iffy under use and the pads had generated quite a bit of braking wobble, which I thought were warped discs. The old pads still at a few mm on them but I thought I'd try the cheap (gulp) option and replace the pads, which arrived in good time thanks to Badger5.
Another job on the list was to replace the brake fluid. I was originally going to use Super4 DOT Brake Fluid but found some Halfords DOT 5.1 fluid which exceeds the spec of 5.1 etc etc. Not the best make of Brake Fluid, but more than adequate and it will be changed every 6 months or so anyway.
Following this, I decided it would be a good idea to change the oil and filter, I have always changed the oil on my cars after 5,000 miles (apart from my company car!) and its normally pretty clean. The LCR however came out a bit black so... A few more 5k oil changes should change that though!
Finally, we needed to see what was causing my front wheels to work their way loose. They needed tightening at Combe, and at the Nurburgring. After a bit of deliberation we've worked out that the powdercoating on the wheels is to blame. The Wheelbolts are radiused, and need metal to metal contact with the wheel to secure them. The powdercoat is preventing this fully, and when it gets hot and expands, the normal virbation etc is working them loose. We've torqued them up properly for now but will be rectifying this next week with a dremel. We'll also be sorting the rear pads and discs with new ones when they arrive during next week.
Looks much better now, will report back on any handling improvement, although widening the track should make some difference.
A massive thank you is needed for Techie who did the work for me in his spare time. It's much appreciated mate, thanks for the time
Expensive... Must remember is Smiles per Gallon, not Miles per Gallon! (repeat until you believe it!)