A 1400 can be anywhere between 1350 and 1449. My 1.8T and yours are 1781cc so the +/- 10cc argument hold no water.
Of course if you change a 1400 to 1600 you have to tell the dvla and insurance.
OK yeah, the tolerances are more than 10cc each way but that's not the point.
My point was that if the factory are selling stroked 1.4 engines that have a capacity of 1.6 then they will be a 1.6 on the V5
IMO stroking will not increase capacity on a 1.4 to 1.6, same as a re-bore will not take one from 1.4 to 1.6 either, I reckon both together will maybe take it to 1.5 max and then you will need head work too
I have had mini engines re-bored in the passed (to the max) and the capacity went from 1275 to 1340 any more and the gap between bores is too slim

Thats 65cc over all 4 pots not 50cc per pot
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