8bit's Mk1 Leon Cupra R. Scarlett - as in Johansson...

dreago 1

Oct 21, 2011
East Sussex
They're not necessary as such, they're just there to channel air in through that pipe that runs inside the nearside wing to the standard airbox. I still use that pipe to provide cold air to the filter inside the heatshield so I keep the headlight cover and the ducting. I'll get round to sorting a cold air feed once I've installed my FMIC and made room for one by removing the SMICs.

Thats the plan I am thinking, my sisters bf works with sheat metal and I making me a heatshield that is more like a box than the one I use to have. With the filter being so big does that pipe fit on? may try and get a headlight cover.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
The colour red is amazing on the LCR :)

Yeah it's a nice red :) I didn't like it in the photos I saw of my car before I bought it but when I saw it in the metal I had to have a red one.

Is yours Flash Red or (like mine) Emocion Red? I noticed in your avatar pic that you've got dark wheels and silver mirrors - have you got a larger version of that photo? Been wondering what silver mirrors (like the Audi S/RS models have) might look like on mine.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Thats the plan I am thinking, my sisters bf works with sheat metal and I making me a heatshield that is more like a box than the one I use to have. With the filter being so big does that pipe fit on? may try and get a headlight cover.

I chopped the end off the pipe so it didn't foul on the filter. Personally I wouldn't bother too much about changing the heatshield - to my mind they serve two purposes. First is to shield the filter from heat, which yours does because it's between the engine/turbo and the filter. Second is to support and secure the cone filter, which yours also does. I wouldn't say it was necessary to enclose the filter any more than it already is, particularly without having a dedicated cold air feed.

The differences in terms of airflow in g/s are likely to be pretty minimal too.

Did you try the gearbox reset?

dreago 1

Oct 21, 2011
East Sussex
He has nearly got the shield made and it should look better. The hole on the other shield didn't match up right and was kinking the TIP. I didnt do the gear linkage yet as the pub was calling so will do it at the weekend. Let you know how I get on, will be in touch incase I fu*k it up.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Ah, I always forget that some folk like a nice, pretty engine bay :) Nowt wrong with that and if it fits your TIP better then that's a win.

You'll be fine doing the gear linkage, I'm always nervous about doing stuff on the transmission cos I don't know a lot about it. Just follow the guide in the video and you shouldn't have any bother. I'd check that you've got something that will properly lock the two holes under the gear stick gaiter first - I thought I'd have a screwdriver that would work but the handle made it impossible to get it through both holes so I ended up using a 4mm allen key.

Only other tricky thing is pushing down the shift tower just enough to let you push in the L-shaped locking pin and turn it upwards but it's do-able.

dreago 1

Oct 21, 2011
East Sussex
I would say neat, rather than pretty. I take it the allen key worked ok because I will probably use one of them. I did think that would work when I watched the video, it does seem straight forward enough. I am going to send Dave from sere motors a message and see if he can get one of them headlight cover thing. Regarding the FMIC do you have any idea which you are going to get? AmD, Forge? I did see somewhere that Toyo make one that is a hell of a lot cheaper but just as good.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Yeah the allen key worked but it had to be twisted into place to hold the lever steady.

I've already got the FMIC, I got the Forge one from another member who lives near me who's breaking his LCR. Photos of it on the last couple of pages on this thread, I've sprayed it black for extra stealth ;)

dreago 1

Oct 21, 2011
East Sussex
Sorry I missed that. What do you think of the Toyo one. Do you know anything about it? Whats the best way to get the gearstick gaiter off?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
No worries :) The gaiter is easy to remove - feel around either side, about a quarter of the way forward of the corners under the leather there are little plastic clips, you'll feel them through the leather. Push them both inwards towards the gear lever and pull up the rear edge of the frame around the leather. Takes a bit of wiggling but it should just lift up.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cool, yeah keep me posted. It's not a hard job to do, just a bunch of bolts to undo to get the battery and tray out but it all goes back together easy enough.

dreago 1

Oct 21, 2011
East Sussex
Sweet thanks. one last question, what full beam bulbs are you running. I have led sidelights and 6000k or 8000k hids but the full beam is yellow.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Umm not sure I've ever replaced them. I know I'm using Osram Nightbreaker Plus in the dipped beams but I'll search my email for receipts from autobulbsdirect and see if I've ever changed the fulls. If you can get the Nightbreaker Plus in the right type for the mains then I'd suggest that.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
I haven't got HIDS so can't really say if Nightbreakers are better or not (probably not) but I didn't fancy the hassle of either failing MOTs or taking the HIDS out for MOTs so I just decided to get good Halogen bulbs. The Nightbreaker Plus dipped bulbs are certainly a lot better than other halogens though.

Unless you do a lot of your mileage after dark on quiet roads I'd say for the amount of time you use full beam it's probably not worth the effort putting HIDs in. I always laugh a bit when folk change their foglights for HIDs!

dreago 1

Oct 21, 2011
East Sussex
I get ya. I spend most of the time in the dark down country lanes. I had a look at the gear stick, I can't work out where the pin is supposed to go. Does yours look the same.


dreago 1

Oct 21, 2011
East Sussex
Looking at it. It looks like the part with the eye for them to match up has been replaced. Probably when they changed the stem and knob. If I want to do it think I have to find someone with a gear stick I can borrow for half hour!


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Hmm that doesn't look right, there should be a little metal bit coming off the gear lever with a hole in it. Can you get a shot from another angle, like how you would look at it from the driver's seat?

Have you got a different gear knob/lever on your car?

dreago 1

Oct 21, 2011
East Sussex
Yea a b& m racing one. I am going to try and borrow an original from someone at some point. Bit pissed off as I was looking forward to doing it.
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