
  1. duncerduncs

    Aero Wipers

    I'm trying to buy some new aero wiper arms and blades for my girlfriends Valentine's Day present (I think it's romantic...!), and I've been searching the site for about 2 hours and I'm unable to find the part numbers :( I was wondering if someone could post the part numbers for the arms and...
  2. Tell

    Snow and Front Wipers

    Well I'm sure all you people that live up north have already worked out it's good to take the snow off the windscreen using a scrapper and not be lazy as I was this morning and use the wiper... reason they won't retract back into the pillar with the snow packed in there... took me three goes at...
  3. Nath.

    well cheep aero wipers ?

    I already have the late polo ones but I have seen this on ebay and wonder if people want to try them or if people have already done so as they are well cheep...
  4. Smoki333

    Front Aero Wipers For £28!!!

    Well i have been thinking about doing the front aero wiper conversion from the Lupo Gti to the mk3 cupra for sometime now, but the price of £80ish was putting me off just for them. What would you say if there was an much much easier solution to this an it only costs £28 all in.:clap...
  5. Wipers with a mind of their own

    Guys I have a problem, My wipers, both front and back seem to have a mind of their own, the wipers will just turn themselves on, and stay on constantly even when I have not moved the stick next to the steering wheel. It does not happen all the time hit it is driving me up the wall [:@]...
  6. dav150n

    front aero wipers

    did anyone find an easy way of taking the old wiper arms off? tried prising it and snapped the plastic trim that goes along the bottom of windscreen:cry: some help please
  7. Funkyfin2000

    Removing Front Wipers

    Hi Peeps, Been trying to put aero wipers on the front.....what a nitemare, can't get the buggers off.. any trick to it? or is it soak in WD40 and wait??? Same on my mates Audi A3.... undid the nut and pulling and pulling and they won't shift? Any ideas? Rich
  8. Bosch Aerotwin wipers & rear wiper

    I've decided to stump up for a pair of Aerotwin wipers as the blades I got at the dealers at my last service have only lasted 6 months. Tried all the tricks; swapping sides, cleaning with vinegar, running a stanley blade down each side of the blade, but they just don't do a good enough job. The...
  9. Removing front wipers help

    Ive got a leak in my car and read all of your helpful guides on this. I tried getting the scuttle panel off yesterday but with no luck because I couldnt get the wipers off. I took the plastic moulding bit off, undone and removed the nut but just couldnt pull the wiper off. Is there a techniqe to...
  10. dash

    Aero wipers

    [:@] Can somebody please help me with .... I have been trying to remove the old wiper arms since saturday...Its just not coming off. Tried WD40 looks like its bonded. Dont want to break the mechanism, is there a way of removing them after obviously having removed the nuts!!!!!!!![:@] [:@] [:@]
  11. problem now with both wipers! help

    problems started with rear wiper coming on when it feels like it , now front wipers have also started coming on without prompting. has anyone had this problem or have any ideas on the fix?:confused:
  12. Ant FR

    Got my Aero Wipers on, all the price of £14

    They finally turned up today, got a buzz from my mate to come down and pick em up, fitted em very very easyily and they look just as good as the aero wipers fitted tot eh facelifted Ibiza. Best bit is they cost just £14 ( price to me obviously!!) instead of te £90 odd quickk foor new arms...
  13. g60jet

    Valeo Areo Wipers (LHD ones)

    Hi Guys Well I may be opening a can of worms here, but at christmas i was in spain and popped into the local auto centre, and whilst pottering around I came across the wiper blades. It wasnt long before i spotted the aero ones, in single packs and different lengths. Well I´m back in...
  14. spyke85

    Aero wipers

    Has anyone put the facelift front aero wipers onto their cars yet?
  15. Front Windscreen Wipers

    Hi all my 1st post and just a quick question.......... How good are your front windscreen wipers, I have a 54 plate altea with these new floppy rubbery wiper blades and when the wipers go down towards the bottom of the windscreen they clear the rain, etc. However on the return (back to...
  16. Wipers just stopped...

    Hi everyone, Went to pick up the missus today in the pouring rain - wipers working fine. Parked outside her work, sat there for 2 or 3 minutes, went to clear the screen....and nothing. Had a quick look through the manual, nothing strikes me as a quick fix....if there's a fuse for it then I...
  17. Wipers for my 225 cupra r

    HI guys, any1 out there to help me source this quick and easy cool mod. The rear fabia wiper where can i get hold of it and how much does it cost and also where can i get the aero front wipers from and how much are they:confused: ::rolleyes:
  18. front wipers ?

    Hi all i have just converted my rear wiper and looks great,i even managed to sell the original on e-bay ! Does anybody know if there is something simular you can do to the front wipers as they look horrible now i have had the rear done. Thanks.
  19. Crazy Wipers!

    Recently Started having problems with my Wipers. mainly they wont stop. They work fine for a bit, but when they are on intermitant every now and then they dont park at the bottom of screen, then when I turn the wipers off they start going and I cant turn them off????? Fairly certain its not...
  20. Aero Wipers

    Right i'm very confused! I've done a search on fitting front aero wipers but i just got loads off different info, I don't wanna be doing any welding as thats just crazy! people are sayin that lupo gti's fit with a bit off trimming, well my gf has a lupo gti and i really can't see them fitting...