
  1. jonnie5

    No Wipers

    Driving home tonight in the monsoon and the wipers stop working. Rear wiper still works but no wipers at the front? I'll be back at the dealerif I ccan get there:(
  2. si-mate


    When I bought the car the wipers were poo so bought some new bosch ones from Halfords and these are no better - they still squeek and smear. Any suggestions?
  3. Problem with Wipers

    Okay not a big deal, but the car has only 3000 miles on it and im needing a new driverside wiper already - there is a notch taken out of the blade meaning the wiper doesnt cover all the window, and leaves a big 5mm wide line right in the drivers line of vision.. Ive never even handled the...
  4. c11rgd

    Aero Wipers

    Anyone tried these. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/UNIVERSAL-FIT-TWIN-AERO-TYPE-WIPER-BLADES_W0QQitemZ300118104820QQihZ020QQcategoryZ45645QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem also does anyone know which VAG group cars wiper arms will fit the seat leon. would mk5 golf fit?
  5. tris

    HELP!! Wipers

    Just on my way home about 30miles away in the rain doing 70mph dowm the M/Way and the wipers STOP I can hear the motor trying to move them but nothing is moving can someone help Please Have got her home but need to use her on tuesday
  6. what are aero wipers....

    are they good for the car? do they add less wind resistance, better at removing rain, or are they a cosmetic thing? tyvm
  7. Anyone tried these sort of wipers?

    Found these on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BN-FLAT-FLEXIBLE-WIPER-BLADES-FOR-SEAT-IBIZA-LEON_W0QQitemZ170113395591QQihZ007QQcategoryZ45645QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem My current blades are on their way out and I quite like the idea of converting to the areo style but canna be arsed...
  8. Noisy Wipers

    Hi guys, The wipers on my 1999 1.9Tdi (SE) are bloomin noisy. They don't squeak or chatter, but clunk at the top and bottom of the travel. :think: I've just changed the blades to valeo silencio aero type ones, but it's just as noisy!(They do a lovely job of wiping though...) This a...
  9. Windscreen wipers

    Waiting for my FR TDI to be built, I have been looking on the net at various exterior pictures of the Mk 2 Leon. I noticed in one of them, with the wipers in operation, that they were hinged at the outer edges (ie they operate in symetrical arcs as opposed to the more conventional types which...
  10. Windscreen wipers??

    I have been having this on/off problem with my windscreen wipers for the past couple of months. Basically they just stop working sometimes and completely die?? But it is only the front ones and usually within a few days they start to work again? So it can't be the fuse? Can anyone help at...
  11. wipers :-(

    My wipers are p*ssin me off! Everytime i use them they are streaky, and leave a white residue on the windscreen. They are only about 2-3 months old! I tried washing them when i last washed my car but it made no difference! Any ideas for a solution gratefully received.
  12. reedbradshaw

    aero wipers

    are thye hard to fit what do i need to fit them ? whats the point in having some ? just that my wipers are knackered ! :confused: the blades that is and im going to see if spending a little extra would be worth it
  13. matylad

    Wheel repair in Cheshire & Aero Wipers

    Hi all. As some of you are aware i took delivery of my Cupra R on friday morning.....So far I'm loving every single second, weather its driving it or just looking at it!!! Anyway.....On the way down from the Lakes the delivery driver managed to curb the passenger side front wheel [:@] I have...
  14. Window Wipers

    What size wipers are used on a mk2 ibiza front and the rear one?
  15. nick-barnes07

    octavia aero wipers and arms

    just wondering if these will fit a cupra r , and anyone know part numbers if they do , cheers ,
  16. CHR15B

    Aero Wipers

    Not had much luck searching. Where can I buy Aero Wipers for the car? Are they easy enough to fit? How much do they cost? Cheers
  17. olaf

    Aero Wipers

    Would these Ebay Wipers be suitable for upgrading a Leon?
  18. dodgy wipers

    Hi folks, After remedying my leaking doors, only now got to sort out the intermittent wipers. They just stop for no good reason and then restart with a little nudge or sometiomes large yank. Is it the motor? thanks
  19. Dolly_Gti

    Feel the wipers through the pedals

    http://www.seatcupra.net/forums/showthread.php?t=106369&highlight=wipers i found this thread and its my issue with my new motor, a 97 gti cupra 16v. when stationary feet on the pedals ie, clutch down brake on, when the wipers move you can feel them. i see from the above thread the clutch...
  20. Help Needed Toledo Wipers

    On my way back from Edinburgh the wipers decided to tangle up,i thought it was just the spindle nuts come loose but the spindle has completely snapped at the base,anyone done wipers before ,any help would be gratefull as the wife needs the car for work,cheers :(
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