
  1. Vag-com on Windows 7

    Just to let you all know that this works fine on windows 7 I used version 409.1 :D
  2. Can someone advise me please (vag-com)

    Sorry to cross post guys but i could do with a reply to my thread in the vag-com forum! Thread can be found here Surely someone must know, or have an opinion? Ta!
  3. Can anyone vagcom my car?

    Hi all. I have developed a bad misfire on my ibiza cupra 2001. anything over 9psi of boost and it runs on 3 cylinders! have changed the spar plugs and the coil packs and nothing is different. Is there anyone in the leicestershire are (coalville) that would plug in for me and tell me...
  4. Misfire when under load VAGCOM RESULTS PG 2

    Hi all. my car has been misfiring recently even on idle so i changed the offending coilpack for a new one and now it idles fine but goes onto 3 cylinders when you put your foot down? any ideas? has got new plugs in also...
  5. VAGcom software

    does anyone fancy running me a copy off for a small price? Thanks, Dan
  6. VAG-COM and Throttle Pedal

    Is it possible for vag-com to show say what percentage the throttle pedal is reading? The reason I'm asking is i suspect a faulty pedal sensor as the revs some time dont fall back to idle. Cheers Bruce
  7. mr.leatherday

    vagcom cable for cupra r

    hi just looking at vag come cables on ebay is there a perticuler 1 for the cupra r and will it the softwear work with any laptop and is it worth buying or not? many thanks martin
  8. label file for 08 Leon 2.0TDI

    Hi, VAG-COM doesnt seam to fine a label file when im on the engine section of measuring blocks. For most other blocks it does fine a label file. Has anybody created a label file for this engine or know a label file which can work for it? Ill post this in the Leon Mk2 specific forum too...
  9. danielc16

    help THROTTLE bodie?? i got it on vagcom

    i got the following codes: 01314- ENGINE CONTROL 79-00 – PLEASE CHECK FAULT CODES 17967 – THROTTLE VALVE CONTROL PART (J338): FAULT IN BASIC SETTINGS P1559 – 35-00 17953 - Throttle Valve Controller: Malfunction P1545 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent is this becuase the throttle...
  10. Anyone With Vag-Com In Gillingham/Rainham Kent ?

    Hi, If anyone has vag com in Gillingham/Rainham, kent or there abouts i am after a favour please. Obviously for beer tokens ! I need to reset the variable servce settings on my Audi A4. Any help would be appreciated ! Cheers John
  11. Vag-com battery codes / induction kit

    Hi guys, I just got myself an x reg leon cupra. Very impressed. Loads of fun. I did a vagcom check on it and came up with a couple of codes- (00532 supply voltage b+) and (00668 battery power voltage supply terminal 30) I then realised i have no idea what that means lol. Has anyone seen these...
  12. MichalR

    VAG-COM in South East London/Bromley?

    Hi all, I have a Mk4 Ibiza that i used to collect some things last summer...i had to take out the passenger seat which ment disconecting the airbag parents have been using the car recently and i now need to get an MOT but the airbag light is on. Would anyone in the area be kind...
  13. SNOWZ

    vagcom help

    just got my ebay cable to work on my freeware version of vagcom, i had to change the port for the usb cable from the default com8 to com2 with thanks to nogutsnoglory on my thread in mk3 ibiza section, Anyway, i open vagcom select the correct com and press test and it finds it and i save the...
  14. haz eny one in Kent get vagcom

    haz any one get vagcom in kent???
  15. ChrisGTL

    VAG-COM MAF Block3 - PD150

    If anyone is bored and has VAG-COM on a PD 150 can you check something for me please. Goto Engine, measureing blocks and open block 003. Can you report your MAF requested and actual at idle?
  16. Vin-R

    VAGCOM key fob issue LCR pls help...

    hi guys, hope you can help me, as you all know, one press on the fob opens the driver door only. two presses on the fob opens all doors inc boot. dont know if you guys have had this but 9 times out of ten when i double click still only drivers door opens, then after a few presses...
  17. selfagg

    Vagcom results... help please

    I posted the below in the TDI forum, but have been advised that I'd get a better response here... Didn't even know there was a VAGCOM section! Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong place... I'm terrible with forums and wouldn't post a new topic unless I really needed help! Could anyone...
  18. selfagg

    Leon TDI Issues - Vagcom help needed...

    Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong place... I'm terrible with forums and wouldn't post a new topic unless I really needed help! Could anyone help diagnose this for me: VAG-COM Version: Release 303.1 Chassis Type: 1M - Seat Leon Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,17,19,22,35,46,56 Address...
  19. cus

    realigning throttle body using vag-com

    i took off my inlet manifold and cleaned my throttle body. now i've been told that it needs realigning through vag-com... i dont have a clue what to do!! i only have the shareware version.. will i need the full version to do this? what are the steps to doing this please :)
  20. Cupra Gsy

    Where to buy Vagcom?

    I'm thinking about buying vagcom as every problem the cupra gets can pretty much get solved by vagcom. So can anyone tell me the best place to get the setup with leads. And what ram etc i will need to run it off my laptop
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