
  1. What features can Vagcom add to my Mk1 Leon?

    So far IIRC Folding Mirrors Beep to my alarm de/activation Closing/opening windows with alarm fob Foglight illumination on alarm locking Rear Wiper activation when reverse gear selected? Is there anything else apart from fault finding of course? :)
  2. ipd56

    Vagcom Peterborough area pls

    my engine management light came up on the way home from work any one got vagcom in Peterborough area can plug it in pls and see whats going on :) Many thx Ian
  3. vag-com required in/around leicester

    as the title says vag-com required for throttle body alignment, i'm in leicester and willing to travel. any help much appreciated:help:
  4. Big Ejit

    VAG.COM Scan required S B'ham area Please!

    Would someone in the South Birmingham area be willing to read off the fault codes on my LCR for me please? TCS light came on 4 times today requiring a key off each time to clear it. From searching older posts on here, it looks like a classic MAF problem but i would like to confirm it before...
  5. WHich VAGcom for a 55 LCR?

    After having a provisional search it appears that there is a choice of cables/interfaces for 2005 cars, being a complete noobie to this diagnostic interface can someone please point me in the right direction?
  6. andy.morgan

    VAGCOM Results Please Help

    This is the results from Vagcom can anyone help with the results, my be a silly question just want confirmation VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-US Chassis Type: 1M - Seat Leon Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,17,19,22,35,46,56...
  7. Vagcom

    I want to get a vagcom for my car Seat Ibiza 1.9tdi sport 130bhp, but, i don't know where to start? Well where do i get one from :) Can anyone help? :confused:
  8. Vag-com license

    What does it get you? i.e. how long does it last for 1 year or forever? Can you update the versions of Vag-com using the same license. It doesn't seem to say anything about that on the site. Thanks
  9. Craigus

    Help with Vagcom logs....

    I finally got round too doing some logs on the Leon Cupra R as i bought the car and the previous owner mentioned it had been remapped, but i wanted to make sure, So i bought a Revo Sps 1 to switch the map and off, and decided to do some logs to see if could tell the difference on Meas Bloc...
  10. genuine vagcom and central locking problems

    hi guys, after having lots of problems, found a guy who's a bit of a whizz on vagcom for vw's and he said it would no bother to reinstall remote unlocking keys using vagcom, said he's done it countless times on golfs and bora's problem is he started up vagcom, got some skc code no bother...
  11. Suchley

    Local vagcom user essex-london-south east

    I require help to code my flip key to my imb , Will sort you out if possible :D Thanks Dan
  12. kewe

    Playing with VAGCOM Recodes on a V5?

    Has Anyone played with the Recode options in VAGCOM for a V5 Toledo? I have read through the 'vagcom' section and 'how to guides' but most seem to be questions about fault codes and no clear instructions how to carry it out recodes. I've seen it can do things like:- Auto lock at 12MPH...
  13. Cupra Gsy

    Cant get vag-com to work at all

    No matter what i do i cant get vag com to work and i have gone threw some of the sticky's and still nothing i keep getting Port status ok Interface: Not found And i had a driver disc that came with the cable and loaded it up and it accepted it but vag-com cant find it Has anyone got...
  14. HELP VAG-COM in newcastle?

    hi all has anyone got vag-com in newcastle they could please help me with having a nightmare with my ibiza cheers martyn
  15. help pls - Vag-com Liverpool

    Hi guys, I need to code a key for my car, I was thinking of buying a blank one off eBay and getting it coded. This is as the dealer is wanting £180 for a new key!! I was going to buy the lead and download the software and do this myself but people have recommended against it saying it...
  16. Using a VAG-COM lead with other manufacturers

    My wifes car is a Nissan Almera, and it has an engine fault light on it. We know what the problem is and its not a critical one (speed sensor intermittent failure), so we want to reset the code to remove the light. I have a lead and the vag-com software for my Toledo, but I was wondering...
  17. luke07cupra


    Does anyone know which version of vagcom will work with my 07 cupra? I know it needs a direct CAN connection interface. I've got a copy of vagcom version 311.2 off ebay and bought an interface without doing the prior research and it doesn't work - duh!!! I really need to do some data logging...
  18. cypher007

    VNT excercise using vagcom, questions

    i went into the engine block then basic settings and ran group 11, but the car's rpm didnt go upto 1400rpm, as some people have said, it just stayed at idle with the display showing duty cycle and the on of cycle. does this mean it worked? also how long should i run it for?
  19. paradigm

    A few VAG-COM errors...

    Hi guys, I know I could search for each individual code and try and work out what they mean, but I'm in a huge hurry (car is meant to be getting traded in soon), and need to sort the following out ASAP: 5 Faults Found: 17608 - Boost Pressure Control Valve (N249): Mechanical Malfunction...
  20. Craigus

    Vagcom, how do i go about doing some logs...

    I need to do some boost logs, to see if my cars been remapped, ive owned my R for a month now, and when i bought it, it had instructions in the manuals for a Revo SPS1 Just need to know what psi its boosting at. Thanks in advance Craig.
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