
  1. Sharky_82

    Water Temp Needle

    Driving home yesterday - was on the motorway doing about 70 - had to slow down to 50(bloody m1 road works[:@]) and noticed my temp need drop considerably - just above the first quarter mark - then went up to 70MPH again and went back to 90 degrees stood in some traffic, it dropped again...
  2. Tartanbeef

    Mechanic telling me lies about temp warning beeps ?What do u think...

    When i start my car my engine temp warning beeps and flashes until the car has heat up,the mechanic says its supposed to do that so that i know when i can start giving it the beans? I had a problem with the car overheating,i changed the fuse for the fans and it only beeps up until the temp is...
  3. Fluctuating Engine Temp

    Can anyone help/advise me with this problem? The engine temp gauge fluctuates from 70 - 90, doesn't make any difference on warm or cold days, or if i set the cabin temp at 21 or 24, or if i'm in traffic or on a clear road, travelling slow or not so slow the needle moves up and down, one minute...
  4. Over temp warning light flashing when engine is cold

    Hi there my girlfriend was leaving work 2 days ago, she was driving for about a minute then the red warning light on the temp gauge started to flash and beep 3 times even though the gauge was still sitting at the bottom (cold), she then pulled over and turned the ignition off then back on and it...
  5. beezertart

    temp sensor?

    Having had the temp sender on the block pack up,or so it seems,no gauge movement,it seems now the outside temp sensor has gone squiffy???? Given todays lovely driving conditions n consequent time sat in traffic i was toodling thru the mfa to see how long i'd been sat in the car n noticed the...
  6. ttothec

    Low Oil Temp Reading??

    finally got round to wiring in my oil temp gauge today, and im a little concerned that my oil temp is low ive read it should be between 80-100 degrees C here is a pic of as high as it goes it didnt rise any higher than this and i was driving for a good 40mins is it cos of the...
  7. Temp Gauge Warning Light

    Had the red light on temp gauge beep at me a few times when its been cold. Checked level and all seems ok. Took it to stealers and they said couldnt find anything wrong. No leaks or faults etc. Rang different dealer and was told its a warning that outside temperature has been below 5degrees. Now...
  8. Temp sender location

    Have had numerous problems with the idle of my car, it also statters and revs all over the place. Replace the MAF 3 times however this hasnt sorted the problem. What to euro car parts and got the temp sender as its been recommended by this forum to replace. Its a 4 pin domponent however i have...
  9. benjiwales

    ? Water temp sender

    Hi Got an 04' LC 32K miles, AUQ engine, yesterday the orange engine warning light come on, did a bit of searching on here and thought it might be the water temp sender. Especially as the car seemed reluctant to start, almost as if the battery was low on charge (it's not I've checked)...
  10. Big_daddy

    Logs after new temp sensor fitted

    Replaced the temp sensor and done some logs to see any different. Am i running rich or lean? :confused: Monday 24 December 2007 17:45:36 06A 906 032 T 1.8L R4/5VT 0003 Group A: '003 Group B: '020 Idle speed Air mass in Throt Angle Ignit Angle Idle...
  11. Engine Temp Sensor

    The temp needle on my dash board is intermittent and when it goes of the engine idles at over 1k so I am guessing the ECU thinks it is cold. It should be easy enough to swap it or fix the bad connection but where is it on the TDi PD engine? Sorry to be a noob but never owned a Seat/VW before.
  12. Johnny Hotrod

    Temp Sensor

    Fitted new temp sensor last week due to engine management light coming on & showing it as a fault. Since then the light has stayed off but the car has not seemed to get up to 90 degrees when running & today the warning light started flashing & beeping when i started car. Drove for about 4 miles...
  13. Temp

    Ha ha ha, funniest thing ever this morning. Outside temp was showing 4.5 (i'm sure it was colder, but oh well), next thing I noticed was that it was showing 58 :D Pics to follow when I get home
  14. Water Temp Guage

    Right folks Bit of a strange one here, this morning I drove the 6 miles to work and about a mile from it I noticed the temp guage was still right at the bottom and hadnt lifted at all. On the way home it done the same but all of a sudden it shot up to halfway where it usually sits. The car...
  15. Where is the temp sensor?

    Hi guys, Sorry for the completely null question. I havnt had a look before and it's dark outside now, but Im thinking of replacing the temp sensor in another attempt to solve my problem, but have no idea where it goes. Has anyone got any pictures or a simple description. Much thanks
  16. ChrisCurzon

    What should oil temp be?

    hey guys fitted oil temp gauge at weekend was a right bugger to do but got there in end. just wondering what should the oil temp be around make sure mines working correctly got a metric one and seems to sit around 80-85 most of time cant boot it at min but does that seem about rigth would it...
  17. Big_daddy

    Temp sensor quick one

    Just a quick one, wil this temp sesnor fit mine Leon 1.8T sports. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-GOLF-IV-BORA-PASSAT-A3-DUAL-TEMPERATURE-SENSOR_W0QQitemZ360000586009QQihZ023QQcategoryZ9889QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Just got the part number from the sticky. is this a good value for money?
  18. sirjimalot

    Help with Oil temp gauge

    Just wondering where it is i need to wire it up to. just im gonna do it tomorrow and i thought to sav me looking for the right place for ages i would just ask first to see if anyone could tell me, cheers.
  19. Specification of OEM Xenon Bulbs for temp upgrade.

    Every time I see aftermarket Xenon lights with an approx 8k temp, and of course some of the older Vauxhalls, Beemers etc with OEM Xenons, it makes me think that an OEM Xenon Bulb upgrade may be worth while. Problem is I have no idea as to the specification of the OEM bulbs although I do know...
  20. PAK

    coolant temp sensor part no.?

    does anyone know the coolant temp sensor part no. for my 2001 ibiza tdi? ive been on GSF and it only listed TEMP SENSOR so wasnt sure if it was for the coolant or not. doesnt have to be from GSF, could also try EURO CAR PARTS, which one is the cheapest/best?:confused: cheers
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