
  1. speedo cluster problem

    Thought I'd try here first before pulling things apart When I go to start my car, put the key in the ignition, click it forward once the clock set should switch on (the petrol gauge flicks up, the oil and handbrake lights click on also the airbag light comes on) then click forward once more...
  2. TDISam

    Speedo problem

    Hi all, ever since i've had my ibiza i've noticed that if i do 40mph by my speedo through a speed camera i always seem to be going fair bit faster than everyone else, if i do the same speed as everyone its "officially" 32mph. Personally im a bit dubious as to whether everyone in my area is super...
  3. Altea Speedo Accuracy

    When driving my Altea, I can't believe how slow some speeds seem compared to my previous car. Even in the demonstrator I felt this too. Anyway, I now have the explanation. The speedo overreads by 10%. I know this because I have bought some diagnostic kit which reads live data from the ECU...
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