
  1. M20FES

    110,000 mile service

    Iam abit lost with a car bible that is a "Haynes Manual". I just wondered what the standard service procedure is for 110,000 mile service. Iam guessing its the standard stuff like air filter, oil & filter change etc. Is there anything else that needs changing for this service ? Thanks :D
  2. 60,000 service 90tdi - what needs doing?

    hi there, just trying to book my loen tdi 90s in for the 60k service. i want to do oil, oil filter, air filter. anything else? i could do it, but i really dont have the time at the moment so going to get a garage to do it. cheers
  3. Service Diagram... ? Front Suspension?

    Hey guys, My spring has snapped on passenger side suspension and trying to work out what parts I need to order and how it all goes together up there! Has anyone got an exploded diagram for a Mk4 Ibiza 2004 TDi Sport 130 ?! It would be amazing!!! Thanks -Stu
  4. Service and remap 110tdi

    Hi all, I've owned my Toledo (110 ASV) for a few months now and it needs an inspection service (20k interval). I'm in the Edinburgh area and was wondering what sort of prices people are paying for this service and from where. So far I've had one quote for £120 (+ VAT) which seemed reasonable...
  5. Gordz

    Postal ECU Remap Service?

    What does everyone think to one of THESE? Feedback seems very good with a range of VAG cars been done. Just never heard of a company that you send your ECU off to and they remap it and send it back. Just not sure if can be trusted? It is only £99, so tempting! Or is it one of those to good to...
  6. N Jardine

    service light

    hi all i serviced my leon today whoohooo, afterwards i took it to my local seat dealer to ask if they would turn of the service indicator (spanner) and they told me NO:censored: . because i didn't bring it to them to do they won't touch it. is there anything i can do myself or am i going to...
  7. service.?

    just had a look at my service book and the next service is at 51k does anyone no what this service intails is it just normall and does anyone no what the big ones are. ?
  8. SEAT service or AMD service?

    Car needs a first year service. Its fully stage 2 plus. Its not a year old yet so still in warranty. Car has had intermittent issues in the past which at the moment are gone, and have been around since before the car got modified. VAG COM brings up throttle body issues. Now im just wondering...
  9. Service negligence?!

    Ok, so... i have a K1 Cupra which is leased through my company. service is included. just before xmas my service indicator was around 150 miles to go so booked it in for the first day back (4th). over the break i think it went over maybe 50-70 miles.. nothing major. Anyway. car was serviced on...
  10. schnipps

    50k service with cam belt and water pump

    Been quoted 500 inc vat for the above from main dealer, ringing around loads of independents the prices vary quite a bit which worries me as i don't think they know what they are doing, i know its 60k for the cam belt but im past 4 years so want it out of the way. Arnold Clark want 210 for...
  11. AntneeUK

    MOT/100k Service Results

    Took the car in to Willoughby Seat in Chillwell this morning for an MOT and the ~100k service and picked it up this afternoon. Couple of points and some questions: I've had an intermittent voltage error show up in VAG-COM for a while now, they think it was related to one of the battery...
  12. 40K Service- Not impressed!

    Over the Christmas period my Leon had it's annual service and MOT with an oxfordshire based Seat Dealer. Deciding to treat the car to the full works service I was given the usual dealer jargon regarding how much work this is. Being fully aware of how much of the work was visual checks- I...
  13. Engine service and seats

    Howdy again. I was on here a few days ago prattling on about the engine choice I'm after for my up and coming Leon. - Well, I'm probably going to go for the 2 litre diesel version. Can anyone tell me when the big evil 'cambelty' type of services are due on it? - I don't want to pick up what...
  14. Calyx

    Cam Belt/Water pump service...

    Car is approaching the 60k mark so the dreaded cam belt is due to be replaced :( (money i could be spending elsewhere) just wondering where you guys/girls took there's? Had a look at EMD and places like that. Location isnt really a problem with me travelling with the forces a lot so either...
  15. andreww

    40K Service on 20VT ~ what is needed?

    Does anyone know what should be done/changed at the 40K service? My FR 20VT had the cambelt/pump/aux belt done at just over 4 years old ~32k miles. It's now coming up on 40K. I assume it's just oil, filter, pollen filter, gearbox oil? Cheers.
  16. Service

    Hey all its nearly New Year and as im skint at this time of the year my 2nd service will need to hold off until the end of january is there any bits i csan check and make sure im alright until then? ie antifreeze etc, and filters in sure there cheap enough, any thoughts? :D
  17. how many days can one be late for a service before it affects the warranty.

    hello, how many days can one be late for a service before it affects the warranty. the next service for my seat ibiza is due 30/12/09. i tried to get in before then but all garages are booked till the end of the new year. first appointments 04/01/10. if i am out by a week does this affect the...
  18. Gordz

    80k Service Cost?

    Just dropped Leon off for 80k service today... So was wondering what sort of prices people have paid for their 80k service on 1.9 tdi (I assume would be very similar no matter which bhp model the engine is?). Dropped it off at 8:30am this morning, and they said it should be ready about 4...
  19. Has anyone got a list of what is carried out in each service for the Cupra?

    Specifically, I need to know whats on the 30,000 mile service. Been quoted £205 from SEAT and £100 from VW for a 30k service. It would be handy to know whats in each service if someone has a handly clicky link for each service though. Ta, Horace
  20. chris285

    pd150 service question

    got a service coming up for my leon in the new year, as you can see from my sig its a stage 1 revo with a custom cat back exhaust in place currently i was going to take the opportunity to get a green cotton filter in at this point to replace the standard one in currently, however looking at...
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