
  1. langy

    Leon 80k service, Luton / Cambridge

    I don't think many people look at the servicing section below, so I'll try here: My 06 Leon Ref Sport tdi is 500 miles off it's 80k service . The car has been serviced by main dealers to date and I plan to run it for another 70 to 80k (ish). So has anyone got any good recommendations for...
  2. CH1

    Leon 40k/ 4 yr service

    Re: Petrol 1.8T Leon Had a look in search and couldn't find anything recent on this, so want to know what was included in this service? plugs? filters? oil of course, and was brake fluid included or to be charged as extra if required? Local SEAT garage quoted me £330 which I thought was...
  3. first service

    Hi guys, I brought an ibiza Fr last week, done 5000 miles and one year old, however the service book is totally empty, can you tell me if it should have had a service by now - i have some thought that new cars are supposed to have filters and oil changed after 1500 miles, as its worn in but...
  4. service indicator?

    I am going to be servicing the leon in the next few weeks as i think it good practice to give a car a bit of attention when you buy it to make sure everything is in good working order and anything that i find can wearing out can be replaced before it wears out. But ... how do you reset the...
  5. Invisible

    Cupra Service Indicator

    Just been reading another post, quote below; My K1 is coming up for its 1st service, 10K. Currently done about 9,500 miles. (I don't want to reset it) My previous FR used to warn me of how many miles left till service due. Should my display do the same on the Cupra / K1 and if so how...
  6. Time for a service

    hi all, I have already changed the plugs,leads, dis cap, rotar arm but what else do i need to change for a good service is it just oil, oil filter, and fuel filter? I don't know the last time it had a decent service so just want to get it right. thanks
  7. jattjoka01

    cars due for a service

    cars due for a service... just wondering a good price out there for a full service? and how much parts would cost and where to source them... cheers....
  8. Service Manual?

    Hello! Im looking for a second-hand Leon 1.8 Top Sport, year 2003->. Before I can make any big decisions I would like to see Leons service program. That I can be sure there is no big services coming soon after I have bought mine. So does someone have or is there somewhere in the internet...
  9. Pulsebassuk

    My Dirty Fuel Filter with Pictures. Non Service?!

    Hi there Guys and Gals, I really cant understand why Fuel filters are a not included in a Seat Service. My car has done 58,000 miles and look at the state of it! it was black inside. When I banged it on the floor loads of black bits came out :repuke: and I have been using Optimax/V power for...
  10. vwbassett

    What would you do in a service

    Hi, A friend at work asked me to service his car and wants to know what to buy. Il be fitting his plugs, oil and filter, air filter, pollen and fuel filter and looking over his brakes. Anything im missing out for the regular bits? Cheers Adam
  11. Please help: Wipers stuck in service position!

    Hi there as per previous thread, I needed to replace the wiper linkage on one side...this went smoothly enough. Replaced wiper arm etc However, the wipers work fine but when then come to rest either driving or parked up they always return to the service position (at the bottom of the...
  12. service lcr

    hi i have had my lcr for nearly a year its a 03 with 38k its coming up for a service the problem is dont know wat to do my mate has offered to do a full service as a mate but cant stamp the book but could keep all recipts of oil plugs oil filter etc or i could just go seat barlows wolverhampton...
  13. Blade

    10k service

    Well my K1 just had its 1st (10k) service today and all is well. I supplied my own oil and it cost me £87 :D. My original tyres are showing f/r -5mm, f/l -5, r/r- 4 and r/l - 4. These Bridgestone RE 050a tyres give excellent grip wet or dry and have been the best performance tyre i have used to...
  14. Doing my own service - what do i need to do?

    Hi guys, i'm hoping to do the service on my mk4 1.4 16v se ibiza. it's just a 4th service, done yearly as the car only has 30k miles. has anybody got or know where to get a service schedule / check sheet so that i don't miss anything that i really shouldn't. any help /advice would be...
  15. second service

    comeing up to my secound service on a 1.8t 07,cant seem to find my service book . any one know whats needed to carry out the service..oil.. filter...ect...thanks
  16. MrBen2k7

    Air Con Service...

    So i went to Birmingham today to watch my cousin and the rest of the mighty Argyle prove that Birmingham aren't good enough for the prem next year. It was a hot day, and the first time I've really used my air con... and its sh!t... How much am I looking at for an Air con service? What...
  17. service OIL

    hi all service light keeps flashing service OIL, does this mean it needs topping up or changing ? the light came on about 69000 miles just had it serviced at 65000 seems a bit weird to me as i was told it was changed. Then if i press the ikkle button to cancel the milage counter it's saying...
  18. meltonlad

    how do i reset the service indicator

    garage i got it from have done a service but i still got the service sign coming on how can i reset it ? its a 2000 1.8 20v
  19. MK2 service @ Audi?

    Hey My auntie works for Audi Huddersfield and i can get quite a bit knocked off servicing, but i wanted to check that i AM allowed to get it serviced at Audi? I was going to ring the dealer i bought it from (Ted Johnsons Barnsley) but i have a feeling they might just say "yes you have to...
  20. Service interval display: confused

    I know this has been mention umerous times before and through a search I cant find the answer. I will have the car a year in two weeks but I cant remember exactly what mileage was on the car when I got it ( it was 8 months old and somewhere over 8000 miles on the clock). I was told it had it...
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