
  1. PhilW

    Injection Time v Running Lean/Rich

    Hi, I'm tryin to understand the relationship between lambda values, MAF values and its related injection on time. As a rough calculation A/F ration is calculated as (100*Inj period[ms] *RPM)/120000 So if MAF values are low inecjor times would therefore would be low in proportion, which...
  2. JIMYU

    anyone running k03s with smic?

    I'm just wondering how much it suffers from heatsoak compared with k03? How much different does it feel in general to a k03...? Thanks, Jim
  3. PhilW

    Help on Running Lean.

    Had my car on the rollers yesteday and pulled a miserable 212bhp/272lbs/ft of torque on a k03s, where previously i pulled 227bhp/253lbs/ft torque on a k03. Now something funny was happening between 4-5k, the car was smoking a lot, mixture of grey and blue smoke and didnt make the power...
  4. Cordoba gti 8valve running lumpy and missing??

    Hi guys! I've just purchased a cordoba gti on a p-plate and am having a few issues. It seems to be miss firing on idle and i'm getting big flat spots when accelerating. It appears to be worse after its been idling for a while and the fuel consumption is averaging at around 25mpg around town...
  5. Black TDI Turbo

    Vagcom and running faults

    Hi matesgot a 2002 ayp ibiza cupra and his mil lights on. Ive put vagcom on it and came up with the : Control Module Part Number: 6K0 906 032 AA Component and/or Version: 1.8L 20VT EU3 0002 Software Coding: 10500 Work Shop Code: WSC 13876 4 Faults...
  6. spikeydoo

    LCR Running poorly or am I just fussy??

    Hi I've had a hunt about on here & now I'm thoughly confused....I have a 2005 LCR when it's cold seems to run like a pig, boost hesitates & seems splutery, is this just taken as the norm for one of these? Also slight flat spot when pulling away - slight blip of the right pedal normally helps...
  7. Lean running LCR.

    Had my LCR on the dyno last week and it turns out that it is running very, very lean - tester said it could a number of things but wouldnt know exactly until they had looked at a few things - anyway, he recommended I get it sorted kind of sharp as the car could go bang!:cry: - is this something...
  8. CatB1

    Arosa Tdi rough running

    As above,2002,65,000 miles.Initial idling & running seems OK,car accelerates normally & smooth tickover.Once engine warms up the engine starts juddering/shuddering and acceleration is non-existant at motorway speeds.When stationary at traffic lights at 900rpm the juddering/shuddering starts...
  9. Running in of new cars

    Hi all Does anyone know if you need to "run in" engines these days? I know it always used to be the case that with new cars you had to keep the revs down below 3k for the first 1,000 miles. I drove my current Golf TDI like a Granny for ages on this belief. When I get the FR TDI I will...
  10. Battery running flat. I need to know exactly what the first fuse is

    I am having a problem with my Seat Ibiza where the battery runs flat every night unless I take the first fuse out. What happens is that when the car is parked a whiring possibly electrical noise happens after 10 mins. The noise is coming from close to the rear right wheel. I have recently had a...
  11. c11rgd

    s3 running gear?

    i have the PROP, Rear DIFF, Cradle and Hubs and Shocks off an Audi S3. if i source an s3 gearbox will i be able to fit this to my LCR 210, as i know in EU they launched a 4 motion version, so is the chassis the same??/
  12. Big_daddy

    am i running right? Abit underpowered

    Last night had a few line ups. The toyoat starlet turbo Vauxal astra 2.0gsi honda civic 1.8 vti-s My 1st and 2nd i keep up, 3rd and onwards it feels it no going any were i get left behind! :( Is my car running right or is just me?
  13. Rough running

    :confused: Started car this morning and it was running really rough and sounded like it was only running on two cylinders, also there was a little bit of smoke from the exhaust.I gave it some revs and it cleared and idled as normal. The engine is a 1.6, has anyone else had this happen?:confused:
  14. Running rich... Help please

    Ive logged block 032 on Vag-Com and i'm getting readings of -1.6 additive trim in the first column and -9.6 multiplicative trim in the second column. I've checked all over for boost leaks but cant find anything. What else could be causing my car to run rich? Could the 02 sensor be faulty? Is...
  15. Realistic Running Costs (not fuel related)?

    Hi all. I was just curious about how much money I need to spend per year on a 2002 Cupra-R (210bhp) as per general wear and tear running costs. For example, how often do I need to change pads/discs/tyres and how often should I change the oil? Also, what are the true running costs of...
  16. pd130 running rough upto service

    I've had a bit of a search for a related thread but couldn't find anything so appologies if this has been covered before. My pd130 Ibiza tdi sport is comming up to its 40k service (which is booked for tomorrow at SEAT) and it seems that for the last few hundred miles it has started running...
  17. Question to those running an uprated Sachs clutch.

    Had my flywheel replaced yesterday as I had a nasty tapping noise when the car was idle, new flywheel sorted that and it now idles perfectly :) Whilst the gearbox was out I had the Sachs organic clutch disc fitted to replace my OEM disc, I already have the Sachs uprated pressure plate. So...
  18. Running in a new TDi

    Firstly i have had a quick search as i know how annoying it is when things are repeated and returned nothing really, however feel free to throw links at me:) I have ordered a new Ibiza FR Tdi 130 which is due on the 1st of March. Now I have never been able afford a brand new car before so im...
  19. seatdude

    car running problem

    as i got in the car last night i started it up i then flashed it on main been and the car revs went higher then it cut out, i tride to fire it up again and a weired noise came from the engine like clicking noises so i left it for about 15 min and then started it up and it was fine went to pull...
  20. chris285

    engine running question

    my 1.4 99 plateis not running correctly, more specifically when running at lower rpm's below around 2k or so idling is not correct its not smooth and reversing down the drive cause the rev's to drop from normal to around 500 or less and it jumps back up again it was doing this a few weeks...
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