
  1. Does the tray under the radio have a rubber mat ?

    Does the cubby hole tray under the Radio in the Ibiza mk4 include a rubber mat ? Mine doesn’t and makes it useless for storing anything as the items slide straight out as soon as you accelerate If there is a mat available, does anyone know the part number so that it can be ordered from the...
  2. red line fun

    radio / air con displays ... can they be tweaked?

    one thing that really disappoints me is the displays not lighting up unless lights are on, radio can be near impossible to see when it's dull (black display don't help!!) although it ain't always dull enough to warrant putting lights on. can this be altered so these displays are lit when...
  3. New Ibiza - USB option for radio. Can i add it myself ?

    Hello, Just picked up my new Ibiza, what a car ! - love it !. Just a little question though. When you buy a new Ibiza you can get the factory to install USB functionality to the radio, where you can put your music on a memory stick and play it from there. Just saves burning to CD each time...
  4. allh2k

    Rear screen heater button causes radio to go fuzzy

    As title suggests any one else had this issue? Usually happens when its wet or very damp in the morning:help:
  5. googies

    Radio Wiring ID

    Does anyone have a guide to the wiring identification for the Altea/Toledo radio harness? Also location of the speed pulse wire to ECU, how to get to the reverse gear switch wiring and the handbrake on/off switch wiring?
  6. Radio volume problem

    Hi apologies if this has already been handled once already, but couldnt find anything on the search...:help: My radio has a problem with volume..every now and again, cant find anything specific that im doing when it does it, it will get louder and then quieter again :blink: im not entirely...
  7. ski_tzo

    Removing mk3 radio

    Any one know of any guides on how to remove the head unit? Got one of the grom ipod connector thingys with a boot cable but it isnt working so im wondering if the cable going to the boot is actually plugged in! :whistle:
  8. Craigus

    Mk1 Leon radio code

    Can vagcom change the radio code?
  9. radio code

    after disconnecting y battry to do a little work i realised i didnt have the code as the dealer neva supplyed a manual after still waiting 3 months so didnt have the code. rand the up this morning to get a snotty bloke sayin i would have to take my car up and it would take 30mins. then he says i...
  10. radio's been gay

    right i have searched but can only find that the volume is dodgy my sister has just got a 1.4 and when you get out the car the radio turns back on is there anyway of stopping this or is it just a welcome to mk 3 ownership please help
  11. DOLBY

    finding radio code...

    how do you find out the radio code for the standard aura head unit? this is now the second time i have had SAFE appear on the radio. the first time a local independant garage sorted it for me alongside gettin a service. only thing is they didnt write the new code in the handbook. (handbook...
  12. grim1987

    How to remove "safe" mode from radio?

    fitted the amber strobe lights n wired them to the battery, clearly had to disconnect the positive terminal for the radio. Reconnected the terminal and had "2 SAFE" on the radio screen afterward. Took the car to the dealership to reset the code and they told me to leave the radio on with the...
  13. skullarms

    "safe" command on radio

    Hi again all, hopefully i am being stupid and this one can be solved quick, took my battery off to do some work on the car, on re-connection the radio said "safe", checked the handbook and it told me that i needed to press the PTY button then put in the code etc etc, I did this using the code...
  14. mr.leatherday

    ipod connector for standard seat leon radio

    hi evary one i hope some one can help me beteer than the dealer. i want a i pod connector for my sterio but if i have one do i lose the cd changer also dose anyone know the cheapest place to get one and are they hard to fit? thankls for your time Martin.
  15. ski_tzo

    Tuning in mk3 radio

    Good morning First post so be kind lol Just bought a MK3 last night but having cd player withdrawal symptoms already. I have a FM transmitter for my ipod but i cant seem to manually tune the radio to a freq with no existing station on it. It just automatically goes to the next station...
  16. Radio Code

    I've lost my manual for the radio, I know the code and have entered it, what do I need to do then... i have tried pressing all the buttons. The display just shows the code I have entered and I cant get the radio back on.
  17. Electroluminescent mk2 leon radio display

    instructions here -
  18. Glovepup

    My standard Seat Radio

    Right, well as many did I have a cd drive failure on my Seat radio, so i had it replaced a couple of weeks ago. Well the aux option stopped working, and whilst I visisted the dealership again for the noisy wing mirror problem. They took a look at the radio and now when pushing the aux it sys...
  19. Yet another radio problem - I hope

    Hi all - another problematic Aura HU. Was working fine up till about 3 months ago (original spec TDi bought new back in 2000!) when it started asking for the security code when I turn the unit on. This was predominantly when starting the car after leaving it overnight. Then it started to...
  20. need radio code

    can anyone help me here? i stupidly took the radio out to see what connectors where on to see if i needed to buy a new adapter for my alpine system (which i have to) i plug the old one back in and it said 1000 ive looked all over the car, in the glovebox, under the ashtray (both of...