
  1. cupraRgstar

    radio doesnt find any stations!

    as above my mates cupra doesnt find any stations?been told he neeed a new head unit but is this right or is there a cheaper fix?if so what is the part number
  2. Arosa radio wiring

    Can anyone please tell me where I can get a wiring diagram or pin-out for the Arosa (2001) radio power plug? I need to adapt it to a radio with standard ISO power socket config. Thanks in advance. johnmac
  3. altea phil

    Radio Fault ??

    Finally got 'round to reading the owners manual for the sound system, and I think I've got a fault. When I press the "AUDIO" button, the word "FADER" rarely appears on the display, so I am unable to alter the sound balance from front to rear. It did appear yesterday, when I was tinkering with...
  4. Radio turns itself on when parked..

    Help......Upon arriving home from work I noticed that the central console display was on and the radio was playing even though the car was locked up and had not been driven for a couple of days. So I unlocked the car with the plipper and turned the radio off by pushing in the volume control...
  5. SeanyK

    *niggly* issue... / Petrol display on radio

    Hey folks, this is a VERY picky issue, but I noticed the other day; I filled up my car for the first time since buying after it arrived pretty much on fumes :lol: Anyway! I reset the counters etc, and the gauge displays correctly, but noticed on the radio display (where you can cycle...
  6. radio problems in my ibiza

    hi guys, i seem to have an issue with my stereo. when im listening to the radio it sounds as though the volume randomly goes up and then down. when the volume goes down it sounds quite muffled and by the sound of it,it sometimes comes out louder from certain speakers, both the fade and balance...
  7. ianltd

    Clock display on Radio?

    Hi, Does anyone know if there is any function that can be selected to get the clock display on the radio or the Climate display? Thanks in advance:D Ian
  8. Problem Putting Radio Back In

    Hi There, I have taken out my original Seat radio from my mk1 Leon, and now I can't put it back in properly. As you can see from the first picture in this thread, there are several wires that need plugging back into the radio. In my car, the...
  9. cookieboy

    changing my radio

    Hi im looking into changing my radio on my leon cupra r 04.. Im just wondering if any1 has done this? And do i need to buy any extra bit to fit into the wire loom... Cheers
  10. how to decode my radio?

    hi all im asking for help on how to decode my radio i have entered the wrong code twice and now has gone into 'safe' mode, i have read the manuals and it says once i have entered the wrong code and safe mode is started the intervals will increase when the code is re entered wrongly. however i...
  11. I'll make a radio work in this car if it's the last thing I do.

    When I bought the car, someone had lopped the original connector off and the sh1tty radio was connected by twisted wire - and no rear speakers working /wired. It's progressed a bit since then. New radio, bluetooth phone pairing, rear speakers work - and yesterday I patiently soldered an ISO...
  12. Electrical problems?! crazy radio.

    Hi all, I recently purchased an Ibiza 1.6 Sport. Having spent a few weeks getting to know it, I've found some electrical butchery has taken place. When looking in the fuse area under the steering wheel there was a mess of spliced cables etc. I got a friend of mine who is an automotive...
  13. Radio coding

    Last week I had a starter motor problem where the wires pulled themselves free from the waterproof terminal, so i disconnected the battery, took battery out to gain access to the wires. Striped plastic back re-wired etc, jobs was a good'un, turned on the radio and it asked for the code. I put...
  14. fishtoasty

    Poor radio reception after fitting aftermarket head unit

    after fitting an aftermarket radio to my lcr my recption on the tuner seems really poor. its all connected up properly as far as i am aware. any ideas what could be causing this issue. i am sure it was ok for a while after i fitted my radio. now the reception is just rubbish. any ideas would...
  15. Problem with MK4 Ibiza Radio..

    I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I've just got the standard radio installed in my MK4 Seat Ibiza, and when I'm driving along, the sound quality goes from nice and clear and sharp to muffled and quiet. I think it just happens on the drivers side, in the front speaker, but I'm not...
  16. Radio code help

    Made a real school boy error. I can't find the little bit of paper with my radio code on and now I need it as I disconnected the radio. Can anyone help me with this? As my local dealer is trying to pull my pants down for it. Cheers
  17. radio / head unit problem options

    Hi i am new to this forum & would be grateful of some advice. My 2001 ibiza cupra radio has just started coming on of its own accord & will not turn off. I believe this can happen & it was a real pain in the backside as i returned to my car today & had to call the AA out as i had a flat battery...
  18. How do I make one of these radio surrounds

    how could i make one of these? ive tried fibre glass and that didnt work too well
  19. Alana Radio Problems

    Okay i have a seat ibiza 1.2 just got it yesterday from a garage it is a 2002 and when i got it the guy told me the radio was stuck in safe mode after he serviced it an he was just waiting for the codes. But last night i was reading the manual for the radio and i found the radio code so i went...
  20. MP3 Radio

    My Altea doesn't have the MP3 CD player just the standard one. Anyway, I have bought off ebay a slightly damaged facia MP3 unit from an Altea and was wondering if I change the facia from my current non-mp3 version will it work with the MP3 version? Thanks Rob
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