
  1. Cupra R

    BKR7EIX Spark Plugs

    To the guy's who have fitted the above plugs to their cars, did you leave the gap they came at or did you re-gap them and if so, what to? Cheers
  2. Funkyfin2000

    Spark Plugs for a Stage 2 Leon

    Hi Guys, Service due soon.....and I have a stage 2 leon running approx 280bhp. Any ideas for which Spark Plugs would go down well? Forgot to say - it runs Tesco Super at all times. Rich

    Nology Silver Spark Plugs The Best?

    Apparantly these are the best sparkplugs in the world :shrug: but ive never heard of them. i just got some iridiums but the "Nology" website rekon Iridiums Are Cack and silver is the best ,Has anyone used these before? Any good? check the website
  4. What oil & spark plugs for an IHI?

    Hi guys, as above, just doing my IHI conversion & want to do an oil/spark plug change. I've done a search & only came up with the oil, badger recommends the motul 15w50 oil, just not sure on the plugs, any recommendations? Also, anymore recommendations on oil aswell just to keep my options open...
  5. Replacing Glow Plugs?

    Evening all, Looking to replace the glow plugs on the BKD 2.0TDI engine, and had a visual look all round where i could on the engine block... no joy! cant see them anywhere! Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  6. ibiza_adam

    Which Spark Plugs to get???

    Hi all, i'm after changing the plugs on my 07 1.4 85bhp, which do I need?!?!?! And is there anything to look out for when changing them? I don't want a repeat of my old X-flow fiesta that used to snap plugs in the head for fun :cry:[:@] :clap: Only done 17k so don't think they will be baked...
  7. Iridium Spark Plugs 2.0T?

    Ive heard a bit about these plugs, are they worthy of upgrading to? but tbh I cant see anywhere where they are sold for the 200ps 2.0T. Any comments?
  8. what spark plugs should i buy???

    hi i have recently bought a LCR 210, want to change the spark plugs but dont want to buy some that disagree with the car what would you guys recommend??? would be good to get three options 1) cost effective option 2) average plugs 3) top brand plugs cheers bash
  9. Spark Plugs & Oil change

    Hiya guys, im about to fully service my 03 plate Cupra. Can anyone recommend a good set of spark plugs and oil? With regards to the spark plugs i've heard that the Iridium power Denso IK22s are quite good and that the Castrol 040 oil is the best for performance? Any recommendations would be...
  10. Cowie

    socket size for spark plugs?

    Can anyone confirm what size socket i need when i change me spark plugs?
  11. Bosch Spark Plugs

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone has tried / or used Bosch Super 4 Spark Plugs in their Leon 20VT?? Ive been told to go for Bosch by the guys who re-mapped my car as NGK are very standard! :confused: Any info people??
  12. How do you remove spark plugs: AKL engine ???

    Hi, I thought I could remove spark plugs on my Leon but I found out it is more complicated than I thought + I don't even have the correct tool (I thought that I could use the tool that I use on lawn mower when I change spark plug) This is ELSA instructions how to change spark plugs on AKL...
  13. cupramillo

    Reading Spark Plugs

    Removed mine this week, been on a few website to try and read them but to no avail. Anyone know what state mine are in? They were a little bit oily around the thread when i removed them but i guess thats normal? Pics: Thanks
  14. Glow Plugs

    Right my engine management light has come on and from a vag com it says intermittent glow plug. So im guessing one is on its way out. Anyway im just wondering what glow plugs to go for? are their any that are better than some? I drive a Leon 1.9 TDi 150... 04 plate.
  15. s1l3nc3r

    NGK or BOSCH super 4 spark plugs...?

    Im going to be changing my spark plugs over in the next few days or so but cant decide on what ones to get NGK or BOSH super 4...had a search but nothing really conclusive on it... Looked on euro car parts NGK are £3.42 BOSH are £3.26 Is there going to be much difference in...
  16. 20vt running bad...Check your plugs

    My golf has been running bad for ages, did all the usuall checks, even got a new maf. i totally discounted my plugs as i fitted them a mere 7k ago. so after all my testing and logging it turned out to simply be the plugs,. It had all the so called symptoms of dodgy maf , just...
  17. johntheboy

    Glow plugs 150PD

    Ive had an error message come up when VAG-coming my car (2005 Leon PD150 FR+) which has been diagnosed as the glow plug in cylinder 1 as faulty. Ive not even gone as far as removing my engine cover but dont mind having a go at changing these myself as long as it's no great job? I didnt know...
  18. johntheboy

    Changing glow plugs - PD150

    Ive had an error message come up when VAG-coming my car (2005 Leon PD150 FR+) which has been diagnosed as the glow plug in cylinder 1 as faulty. Ive not even gone as far as removing my engine cover but dont mind having a go at changing these myself as long as it's no great job? I didnt know...
  19. Lodgey180

    iridium plugs

    doing a service on my lcr over the weekend and wondering where im gonna get some iridium spark plugs from.. any advice ?
  20. what plugs??

    Im runnuing a gt30 on my mk2 golf with omex manegment and im after a set of cooler running plugs if anybody has any part numbers or places to get them from would be gratefull cheers Aaron..