
  1. NottsLCR

    Pipe diameter

    Hi, Does anyone know the internal diamter of the rubber hose thats comes of the charge pipe to the DV? Its the larger of the 2 that come of the charge pipe I need, can't get to car at the moment so this would help me! Thanks
  2. kevh

    whats this pipe called ans what does it do?

    does any body know what the pipe at the top front of the engine is called and what it does? it comes from the back then goes into a y piece one part goes into inlet manifold the other drops down between inlet manifold and engine.:confused: kevh Leon 1.8T Cupra 03
  3. Popping boost pipe joints - a cheap fix....

    OK, as many will know, the inlet/boost pipe fittings used on the VAG TDIs are prone to popping apart. If the two small retaining lugs on the end of the pipe get worn or damaged, it's often a downhill slope - once it's happened, it's quite likely to happen again. Each time the joint comes apart...
  4. Turbo Inlet Pipe 100/130

    Hi im currently changing my turbo on my PD100 Polo to a Pd130 i already have the turbo and ive bin told its a straight bolt on however some people have mentioned that the turbo inlet pipe and intercooler pipe maybe bigger. if so what pipe do i use to connect the turbo to the car? and where can i...
  5. chris_200120vt

    sports down pipe price

    right then peeps have just been quoted £275 for a 3" downpipe with sports cat fitted from exhausts uk at sheffield now do you think thats cheap or do i just go from a milltek sports cat downpipe and pay the extra £115 :shrug:
  6. gezmeister

    Spongy top breather pipe

    Ok Just installed my Forge 007 dv :D but when having a check round the engine bay, i thought i'd better check my breather pipes as i'm having a stuttering issue. Bottom pipe seems fine, and although the top on doesn't appear to have any splits, when you squeeze it, it feels very spongey...
  7. What is this pipe thingymibob for?

    As above it looks like the pipe i used on my impreza when i put a vta bov on it. Dont think i have any type of aftermarket valve on and this pipe is the blue samco type so i dont think its standard. Anyone shed some light on this for me? Should there be a pipe there connected to something...
  8. wayne lcr

    de-bafferling the charge pipe

    as its says carnt find the link or pics any no it please:(
  9. DPF Removal Pipe - Classed as Stainless Exhaust?

    Dont know if this is in the right place but my insurance allows fitting of stainless steel exhausts without any charge. Would the Miltek DPF removal pipe be classed as part of a stainless steel exhaust? Please move if not in the right place (just want to capture the audience that the DPF...
  10. DJ-LIAMC

    Dented charge pipe!

    I recently replaced my charge pipe for a polished debaffled one because i felt like a change, but as i changed it i noticed the original one had a large dent in it, i dont see how it could have got dented in this place? :shrug: So its a good job i replaced it then, but i guess i cant...
  11. smivvy

    Turbo outlet pipe for 1.8T AUQ

    Ok, this is my last port of call to see if anyone can point me in the right direction. This is the pipe in between the Metal Turbo outlet and the so called 'pancake' pipe. Through many, many searches I have seen one by SFS that seems to be only for the Tdi engines. Is there an...
  12. twig

    Brake pipe part no. request

    Does anyone know the part no. for the last section of brake line which joins onto the brake cylinder? Mine was on so tight I've ruined it trying to get the nut off and had to scrap it. The car has rear drum brakes if that helps. I've looked on Vag Cat and can't for the life of me find where it's...
  13. skullmunki

    Purge pipe?

    Hi all, Just a quick question.... Can someone explain the purpose of the small rubber hose that connects to the airbox, just under the maf inlet? I've heard it referred to as a purge pipe, but what exactly is its function? thanks!!
  14. suj

    Breather Pipe Name/Part Number (ABF)

    Hey, does anyone know the part number for the breather pipe that comes from the square box into the engine? it goes into the engine just below the rad top pipe. it's for an ABF here's a pic, red has been highlighted to show the pipe needed thanks in advance!
  15. intake pipe change

    hi there i have a leon mk1 cupra T the 180 version i recently bought a new intake pipe for the car from SFS says the pipe should fit, however im finding that there is a metal pipe in the way of the new less restrictive intake, down were the pipe attaches to the turbo, anyone changed this...
  16. NickLCR

    Polishing Charge Pipe

    I've seen this on a few cars, and I quite fancy giving it a go myself. Are there any special methods to it? I've got a grinding wheel on a bench that I can put a polishing wheel on, so hopefully that should make life a lot easier. So what do I need to do though? Take it off, strip the...
  17. Snapped rear brake pipe! :(

    Everything for the rear disc and pad change was going so well until I snapped the screw in brake pipe whilst trying to get the caliper back into the carrier. Anyone know if this is full length or if it just screws into the caliper and connects to something else? Thanks Need to get this...
  18. vacum pipe routing on the cupra 20v t

    can anyone send me pics of there vac pipe routing from the turbo wastegate and the n75valve also the egr valve!! cheers
  19. Map pipe

    Hi all could do with knowing what size is the outlet on the oem map pipe where it joins the intercooler as am ordering hoses for my fmic set up
  20. ibiza_95

    long shot i know... can i get the part number of this pipe?

    i need the part number of the rubber pipe, attached to the right side of the head (passenger side) via a black plastic thing screwed to the head... then turns 90 degrees and head to the back of the engine... i need the part number off this pipe, i cant find it on VAGCAT and need to cross...
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