
  1. Part number help

    My plastic untertrays have started falling off the car (the 2 that run from front to back). So went out and ripped them off. All 18 nuts that hold them on are gubbed. Seat have been extremely unhelpful :blink: Anyone got a part number or even what these "self tappers" are called?
  2. SA Polo

    Part number needed- front spoiler

    HI guys, can anyone please supply me with the front spoiler part number, as in this pic of crezzys one....
  3. SalSheikh

    windscreen trim/petrol cap holder part number help

    guys, dont have access to etka so was hoping you could help. i need the part number of the plastic trim that fits either side of the windscreen as mine appears to have a chunk missing from the passenger side. any ideas of price also? my petrol cap rubber holder snapped off so need to know...
  4. 4 bar FPR part number

    Does anybody know the part number for a 4bar FPR that i can get from SEAT? which will go straight inplace of my standard one. Thanks
  5. Brembo Discs part numbers?

    Hello, Am after the Brembo disc part number? I've a mate that works for PDC (Who make discs for Brembo etc etc) and basically I can get 'em cheap.. but I need the part number... Any idea folks? As in the standard discs that ship on the Ibiza Cupra R...
  6. Please help with part LCR

    Can anyone tell me if this will fit a 2005 cupra r ebay number 380184462293 If not where can i get a crash bar, dealers quoted me £360 plus vat
  7. m0sch

    jetex cone filter for s3 air flow meter part number ?

    Hello sorry I'm at work so quite restricted does anyone know this part number and a good distributor I could ring as can't really use web at the moment Iv just ordered my air flow meter but everyone asks for the engine code for the filter
  8. Foglight part no. help

    I have a 2003 ibiza with a pre-facelift front bumper. The glass cover to the foglight on the passengers side has cracked and I need to replace it. I've had a hunt through the site and found the following part no. N/S Fog Cover, 6LL 853 666 79Y, £5.54 Is this the part I need? Thanks
  9. gemini

    Quick part nr question

    I don't know how familiar you guys are with suspension parts, I need part number for front axle track control arm mounting. (both front and rear) year is 2002 engine code is AZD

    part number front panel

    can anyone please tell me the part number for a seat leon cupra 1.8 t slam panel/landing panel eng code auq. i have used the search button and i cant find anything in here with the part number. thanks
  11. Full Milltek or Re-map and part Milltek

    I am thinking of taking my car to AMD after 2 years and finally getting some mods done. I want upgarde to a forge 007p and air filter but don't have the funds for a full Milltek exhaust and a stage 1 re-map. So was think of getting a re-map and the back box only. Any advice as to what you would...
  12. help please, what part????

    Hi, can someone tell me what the rod is called that is bolted to the front strut and ARB? I thought it was an ARB link/Drop link but i ordered a pair and the're alot shorter than the ones i need. Are they different/longer for an LCR??? The car is a 54plate LCR if you need to know. Any...
  13. Part numbers needed please :-D

    As some of you will know, I bought a 2003 Mk4 Ibiza TDI 130 yesterday. I'm considering changing the following parts as I have a mate who works at a VW garage and it'd make things easier for him if I could just give him the part numbers... - New suspension bushes all-round (would like to...
  14. ibiza_95

    Part number request... scuttle clips

    Im usually the one digging part numbers up for people but i just cant seem to find this one :( lol I need the diagram or part numbers of the clip / screw things and their locators that hold the scuttle panel to the car. Theres about 5 of them along the length of the scuttle, about the size...
  15. TDi_B5

    Rear mudflap part numbers?

    Does anyone know what the part numbers are for the rear arosa mudflaps?
  16. Can anyone help me with a part number?!

    I have recently bought a Ibiza TDi 130 and it has an aftermarket filter on it which i don't want. I am currently on the search for a standard filter box and trumpet but i need the part number for these but can't get hold of then on the tinterweb! Would anyone be able to shed some light on this...
  17. Toby Davis

    Cant get this part back in place. HELP !!

    Just in front of the gear stick is the ashtray compartment that slides open showing the cigarate lighter and storage compartment for coins etc. I have taken this out to change the bulb as it blew. I have put the whole section back in place but it wont stay in place when you slide the lid back...
  18. what part do i need

    engine management came on tonight, car has lost powered, and just shudders faults VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N Control Module Part Number: 03E 906 033 D Component and/or Version: 1,2l/4V SIMOS3 00HS4342 Software Coding: 00061 Work Shop Code: WSC 06402...
  19. zach225

    removing lower part of airbox

    hey all, just a quicky, as title says, need to remove airbox, top is easy but there is a weird bolt thing where it connects behind the battery, i have tried pulling but dont want to break it, any info please
  20. martin CR

    Skoda rear wiper centre cover part number?

    Hi, I had a Skoda rear wiper on our Cupra R and someone has taken the plastic cover that goes over the nut, can anyone remember the part number for this? as I can't but I know I gave two part numbers to Skoda, one for the arm and one for this cover. cheers Martin
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