
  1. Seat creaking...

    This is quite a difficult one to search for... as "Seat Ibiza" and "Ibiza seat" get a lot of hits :-) My Ibiza'a passenger seat has started creaking really badly if you lean back into it the top part makes a creaky noise I've had the seat apart but I cannot see a culprit - in fact, taking it...
  2. 20vt4 whining noise from haldex/diff

    Hello, I have a problem with a whining noise coming from the rear axel of my Leon 1m 20vt4. It's a whining noise that start very suddenly at about 40km/h (25mp/h) and up. Doesn't matter if I accelerate or deaccelerate it's still there, but if i drop below 40km/h (25mp/h) it stops suddenly. It...
  3. hudson82

    whining/grinding noise????

    tried searching for this in forums with no result.....when i drop my lcr down a gear eg 3rd to 2nd when im slowing down there is a weird whining/grinding noise coming from what sounds like the front left of the car. :confused: any ideas???? or if anyone is from round near me i can show you if...
  4. LCR Pump/Fan Noise When Engine is off ????

    Hi Fellas Not long had my lcr and just noticed when the car is off /locked etc i can hear a pump noise from the left hand top grill ( no it not the main fan lol ) I can see a pump there look's to be connected to the cooling it will run as well even if the car hasnt been started say when i...
  5. clicking noise on altea

    hello just been driving the wifes 1.9tdi ref sport altea and i noticed a sort of clicking/ticking sound when pressing the clutch to change gear. any ideas? thanks
  6. slim20vt

    help engine noise

    hi people i just picked up my seat leon tfsi sport 185bhp turbo:) 44k miles on clock no mods at all.. got it from south hampton Seat........................ car drives great very quick and smooth. Unti i pull up at a set of traffic lights . Then it sounds really tap tap tap tap tap...
  7. Oil leak - strange noise from drivers side of engine

    I have Sesat leon Cupra, 2003 and have noticed that when the engine is started from cold there is a slight noise from the drivers side of the engine which stops after about 30 - 40 seconds ! Sounds a little bit like a motor whirring ! Also today the red oil light started flashing, i topped up...
  8. Dash noise

    Hi. I have cured one dashboard rattle/creak (lower the steering column - insert black sponge material and raise steering column back up to ususal height and squeeze te sponge - job done). However, I now have a sound near the right hand side driver air vent. It sounds either like a large...
  9. knocking noise

    theres a nocking noise on the front passenger side wheel when i go over bumps any idea's ?
  10. Power steering noise

    My sister has a 1.6 DSG which she picked up today, I noticed when she turns the wheel it makes a high pitch faint whine? Is this normal like the power steering? Anyone? Thanks in advance Jamie
  11. Scotty2hotty

    Carbon Filter noise when accelerating

    Having read through the forums about the noise of the carbon filter tank when idle, I found little discussed about this noise when accelerating. When I push the accelerator in my Mk2 Leon 2.0L TDI, i hear a faint clickety noise eminating from the dash at the front drivers side position, almost...

    Whistling Noise - Loss of Perforance .. any help?

    Hello i have a 1.4 turbo diesel Seat arosa, this last week there is a high pitcvh whistling noise when im driving over 30mph, as soon as i lift the clutch up it stops and the same with the gas, it struggles to reach 50mph and even slows down so i have to put it in 4th gear, its usually...
  13. LewisLeon

    Whining/Rumbling Noise. Worried.

    Hi everyone, Hope your easter has been good. Wondering if I could get some advice. For the past month or so there's been a sort of whining-mixed-with-rumbling noise coming from the front end of my car. I guess the best way to describe it would be like when you ride a mountain bike/BMX with...
  14. hudson82

    vibrating noise???

    just got my leon cupra r 53 plate and noticed when i drop it down a gear to slow down or take my foot off the throttle theres a vibrating noise....any ideas wot this could be if anything or am i just being paranoid? thanks
  15. Squealing noise at 1800pm help please

    Hi, After a bit of help please, Keeping getting a loud squealing noise when i accelerate only seems to happen when i am over 30mph and in 3rd gear or above. Starts at 1800rpm goes around 2100rpm, can hear it inside the car or when i have the window down. Also When i am on the motorway and want...
  16. strange vibrating/tapping noise

    I have a strange noise that seems to be coming from the passenger side of the engine when the car revs between 1.25k to 2k rpm! it also does it when travelling at slow speeds when engine braking or when in neutral if i rev it between these rpm's. its not loud but annoying and seems a bit worse...
  17. High Pitch Noise from Engine??

    Guys when my car is runnin over 2k revs there is a horrible intermittent high pitch squeak! Ive lived with it for abt two years, and has been taken to my local dealers about 5 times to try and repair the problem.....with no luck! I'm 99% certain its coming from the engine bay? :confused...
  18. Really strange noise ??

    Hi i moved my LCR onto my drive today to do some bits under the bonnet, after pulling up i turned the engine off opened the bonnet and there was a stranhe sound of running fluid as if something was leaking out !! this continued for about 2 mins then just stopped, i cant see anything under the...
  19. EPS light on after engine making a funny noise!

    I bought a seat ibiza in January and it cost me over £500 to service it! When I got it back the engine started making a constant noise as if I were needing to go up a gear, but even after changing gear its still very noisy! Then the car decided that on ocassion it wont start, it just chugs...
  20. Rumbling Noise

    Hi, FIrstly I'd like to say a big thankyou for the great help you gys have been.:funk: I recently just got a new exhaust fitted into my car. This solved the engine light that i'd had. However I still get a kind of rumbling noice when I accelarate. So I thought I'd get it checked, and I...
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