
  1. schnipps

    Knocking noise from front wheels

    Weird knocking noise from front wheels, not sure if its drivers or passenger, gets more frequent the faster you go and basically feels like there is something in the tyre hitting the ground, a bit like going over rumble lines or chevrons. There is visibly nothing wrong with the car though steers...
  2. JR750

    sucking type noise after ignition on

    Hi, When i turn my ignition on, I can hear some sort of sucking/rotating noise from underneath the car for a second or less. Is that normal? Cheers
  3. Strange noise!

    After fitting my new 17" alloys when i turn right i can her a quiet *dum dum dum dum* I think it was there when i had 15" but now its louder! Sounds like passenger rear. no singes of marks on tyre or arch. Tyre is close to bottom of rear shock absorber but not touching. Any ideas what i...
  4. Clicking noise on LCR

    Hi Guys, still a newbie on here but have learnt so much the last few weeks on here, its my turn for a question now LOL, I have searched by the way and couldn't find anything that fits the bill. Bit of Background, Brough an LCR start of July (O4 48k miles), got delivered but went straighback...
  5. Creaking noise !

    Hi, I have a MK4 '52' plate Ibiza TDI Sport 130pd and a creaking noise has developped. I only got the car a week ago and it started a couple of hours after collected it. The noise is like a creaking sort of sound and its at low speeds although it it might be that I just cant hear it a higher...
  6. strange air noise when accelerating

    Hey guys, Recently I've noticed that under normal acceleration, a small air leak type of sound can be heard. Not sure how best to describe the noise, but a kind of spurt of air sound. It hasn't affected performance, no faults have come up on VAG and the dealers can't find anything wrong. I was...
  7. MMA FR150

    engine bay noise

    hello there quick one for the techheads out there i was driving earlier and heard a loudish humming sound coming from the engine bay is it anything to worry about or is it power steering pump aircon pump? I opened her up ,then 5-10 minutes after heard the hummingplease help cupra r 225
  8. motty_90

    Help Required / Noise when ignition is off

    Hi everyone, Ive been to look at a 2002 mk3 ibiza cupra and noticed that there was a buzzing noise near the driver side headlight light.This is running all the time even when the ignition is off. May be coming from some sort of small motor/water pump. Can anyone help? is this normal? Also can...
  9. leon_in_uk

    Wing mirror noise folding

    Before I bought my car I noticed a knocking/clicking noise when the mirrors went in auto. The sales guy said it would be sorted by pickup 2 weeks after, anyhows I got a lift to the dealer around 4.30pm and got ready to take my car home, only to find the noise is still there. The Windows click...
  10. seat leon cupra k1 knokin noise from underneath the car

    hello just wanted to know if anyone else has the same problem as me. everytime i drive off or change gears it makes a noise i dont no how to explain it but will try my best its like a knocking sort of noise coming from underneath of the car ive parked the car up dont want to risk anything does...
  11. Squeling noise when cold tfsi fr

    Anyone got the squeling noise when cold? i thought it was coming from the fan belt but seems to be coming from the timing belt? any ideas anyone? thanks
  12. johno1404

    Scraping noise (Behind Steering Wheel) ???

    I seem to have a scraping noise coming from behind my steering wheel. Ive checked all the plastics around it and nothing seems to be catching on it. I have also taken the wheel off and given all the connections behind it a good clean Its really bugging me [:@] Any Ideas :confused:
  13. Whining noise when AC on

    My 02 TDI has started to make a whining noise which increases in pitch with the revs, but only when the aircon is on. The aircon has also started to make hissing noises now and then, no idea what it could be, anyone else had this happen?

    louder whistling (almost shreiking) noise, turbo problem??

    Hi chaps, I think there may be a problem with my turbo somewhere When i put my foot down hard i get a bit of a louder whistling (almost shreiking) noise than normal:confused: I dont really notice any loss of power but i wonder if there is a hose leak anywhere and if this is quite...
  15. Funny noise from y Cupra on warm up

    Hi, Not long had my Cupra and it seems to make a funny noise when its idleing on warm up, leave it about 20 seconds or so and it suddenly goes. Any ideas what this could be?

    TIP effect on DV noise?

    Hi all Just out of interest, if i got a Forge TIP, would my DV be louder or is it just merely a more rigid alternative to the OEM TIP?
  17. Sheff's Cordy

    Strange noise from cold

    hi can anyone give there advise. every time i start my cordoba 16v from cold there is a tapping/clicking sound coming from the rocker cover. doesn't affect starting drivability etc its just annoying. cheers
  18. got the mooing noise

    got the mooing noise on my 08 fr tdi 14000 miles , i had 2 replaced on my 07 but i have a bearing type noise at 1500 rpm , i wonder if its the vibrating of the tubo valve that makes this mooing noise ?:confused: anyone had the same problem
  19. james walker

    engine noise update?

    thought id start a new thread to make thing easier as the other got a little congested right, basically i have a whistling/whining noise from engine bay, more whistling. had a split hose under inlet manny, sorted and fixed that today, full service done today by myself aswell... took the...
  20. Weird Creaking noise and advice on differential

    Hi I have an 53 LCR 225hp, and have recently started to notice a creaking noise coming from the front of the car. It's mainly at low speeds (under 15MPH). I have taken it to 3 different places now, and had my top suspension mount changed, and a new powerflex dogbone engine mount fitted, but...
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