
  1. golf_john

    wing mirrors

    ive just taken my original ones off and im looking at selling them, but i wouldnt know how much for!!:confused: they are off an 04 1.2 unpainted and in very good nic. any idea or a guide price?
  2. andygolf

    wing mirrors

    how do you know if your car has heated wing mirrors.do all cupras have this option.cheers
  3. snipaz

    Is it me or are MK3 wing mirrors like rocking horse poo?

    Been after a wing mirror for my MK3 Ibiza for some time now ( cupra ) been doing my nut in!. Would buy a brand new one if somone could find one....any ideas whatsoever would be great, already posted in another part of the forums with no response and that was the area for parts, so now im...
  4. Folding mirrors

    Hey guys, I just found the folding mirrors on my new 1999 Toledo SE (1.9TDI 100bhp). First time I tried them though, they seemed temperamental. They folded in well enough, but didn't want to go back out for a while. After a minute or two they moved back out of their own will, is this normal...
  5. folding mirrors

    my leon ever came with them but have won a passenger side one on ebay at £20 inc delivery. Am i right in think i will need both mirrors and the door loom along with switch? was thinking about getting one side and seeing if i can get them to work, prob best to get the driver side loom for...
  6. Mirrors??

    Anyone got any bright ideas to change the mirrors on a mk4?? I think they poke out way to much, and noticed yesterday when i folded them in down the ghetto (where i have to park for uni) that with them folded in the car looked a huge amount fatter! :confused:
  7. Folding Wing Mirrors

    HELP HELP HELP..... I parked up, folded the wing mirrors in and went about my business... came back to the car and the wing mirrors won't fold out.. I've checked the obvious: fuses all fine had the multimeter on the switch : that looks ok (was only replaced in sept) Any ideas??
  8. c11rgd


    Went to the movies, parked the car, folded teh mirrors in using the switch. Came out started the car, turned the switch and......................NOTHING. What is going on! where is the fuse for this? i checked all the fuses on the side panel, they are all ok. anyone shed any ideas on...
  9. Electric mirrors question

    When I am adjusting my drivers mirror the passenger one also moves. It never used to do this. When the passenger one is adjusted the drivers one doesn't. Is this a mode that it has gone in to (bit like the dual climate adjusting) or is is faulty?
  10. wing mirrors clicking

    i havent got the button for electric folding mirrors, but when i manually fold them, i can hear a clicking noise is this to be expected or is it possible, mine as electric folding with no button?hb
  11. schnipps

    FR Wing mirrors

    Went and scraped the passenger side wing mirror last night in the dam garage, :cry: does anyone know the colour of these as they arent the same colour as the car. Local spray shops quoted me £40 to do them both the same colour as the car which is platinum grey, not sure how that would look though.
  12. Replacing Mirrors

    Some Tw@t in a horsebox lorry decided to modify my beezer today. reversed round and took my driver side wing mirror clean off and left it hangin with the wires. Question time: I've got a new set of M3 Mirrors Lying in my garage doing nowt and was going to put them on temporarily to avoid...
  13. adding folding mirrors

    is this an easy job?
  14. Seat Arosa door mirrors

    Just picked up my blue TDi yesterday and already love it. One question...are the Arosa door mirrors on 2001 models different sizes from drivers to passengers. My offside mirror is slightly longer and I can only suspect that this is due to the wide angle mirror glass fitted. My good lady's 1999...
  15. RobM

    Changing wing mirrors

    Has anybody ever changer their wing mirrors from the post-facelift Golf style mirrors, to the later 'teardrop' style mirrors? If so, what parts are involved and how do you do it? I'm really tempted to change my existing 'Golf' mirrors to some teardrops and to paint them black. My other...
  16. AlpineWhite

    mk3 wing mirrors on a mk2?

    As in the title! Answers on a postcard please :D
  17. New cupra wing mirrors

    Hi, anyone knows the color of new cupra wing mirror. I would like to paint mine in that color(I drive a FR one). Is it standard black, like black leon or something else. Does anyone knows what color is it, number of the paint? Thanks.
  18. Guinness

    painting Wing Mirrors and Side Strips

    Whats the best way to do this, order new side strips or just mask and paint originals? and do I order new wing covers and paint em or can I get the originals off easily. any advie would be appreciated im a bit of a nub when it comes to painting, I get the baisics but would be good to get some...
  19. davea

    Folding wing mirrors.

    The other day as I was just about to go home from work I decided to test to see if the folding wing mirrors, when folded, bleep if you started to move away to drive... They didn't.. I wonder why SEAT didn't either 1) make the folding mirrors fold back out once a key was put in the ignition (ok...
  20. pj2001

    Electric Folding Mirrors

    Folks, Used search but only found Leon specific queries - my question is this: can the folding still be done manually? i don't think it can, i've tried to give them a wee push but they don't move. They both work fine, i was just curious as to whether the can ob over-riding manually. Any...
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