
  1. air121005

    intermittent hesitaion / power loss???

    when i press the accelerator nothing happens! no power at all! the revs creep round to 2250 / 2500 and then normal power is resumed :confused: its only started doing this a few days ago, which at the time i also noticed a "static clicking" coming through the speakers on the stereo which has...
  2. Leon 110 TDI power loss

    I've just bought a 52 plate Leon TDI 110. I've noticed that when I put my foot down the power seems to kick in and out intermitantly. Been reading some of the other postings and i guess it could be the turbo maf but was wondering why the power jumps in and out intermitantly? (kangaroo style)...
  3. power loss, pre heating problem HELP

    Basically, yesterday i started my car after the preheat light had gone off, it revved up to 2k automatically, then when i pulled away the preheat light flashed repeadedly. i could live with this briefly, except it has no power at all. its like there is no turbo, and an anti turbo instead...
  4. Possible power loss at high speeds

    Hi All. I think my car has lost some power top end (55 reg 1.9 stylance 16500 miles) as when i reach a ton, the car takes forever to pull more speed, despite when buying the car it pulled all the way to 125 without problems. I cant really ask the dealer at this stage, as for one the speeds...
  5. Coolant Loss

    Got a 2 litre tfsi turbo FR (8000 miles) and have noticed recently that the coolant level is below minimum even when hot has anyone had any loss of coolant for any reason????
  6. Power loss.

    Hi all, I know there as been quite a few threads allready on this subject. 7months ago i brought another Toledo this time a 2001 Tdi. Cut a long storey Was getting power loss at 3,00rpm the turbo was cutting out . Stopped the engine fine back to normal till you reached 3,00rpm again. Took...
  7. Lumpy Tickover+ Power loss

    I got a 1.6 02 reg leon:redface: so you probably know that any power loss is critical, but i just started it and its got loads of vibration (like an engine mount going) but has lost power and the emissions light has come on, i put £10 in last night cos it was nearly empty, ive done 15 miles...
  8. speedsix

    EPC light and loss of boost

    EPC light came on today, no boost atall. Restarted, still the same. Restarted once more, EPC light went out but the management light came on. Boosting fine again. Will get vagcom on it as soon as I can but anyone got any guesses? Cheers
  9. p34ch3y

    loss of dv loudness

    its bloody gone my dv used to be nice an loud and now it isnt,checked for leaks ect, maf is fine, however my n75 is fooked ,says its stuck on an open circit, an also it says my sai valve is stuck open........ could this have anything to do with my loss of dv loudness?
  10. Toledo Tdi 110- very intermittent power loss

    I have a 2001 TDi 110SE Toledo. This car drives fine but normally after a 10-25 mile drive it goes into limp mode. Very slow no performance at all. Before then, perfect performance. If i switch it on and switch it off, it is fine for a little while. It doesnt do it every trip but say every...
  11. loss of power, any assistance , please?

    hi foilks Never fails, you get round to sorting 1 problem then another developes, flamin cars doin me head in, :lol: :confused::cry: Just driving along happilly, then for no reason what so ever the engine just cuts out, sometimes it restarts then runs for a while before cutting out again...
  12. Coolant Loss

    Hi, My Wreg 2000 V5 (150) is loosing coolant. It falls from max to min over about ten days to two weeks, possibly more quickly when the air con has been used. It is definitely a leak because there is water on the drive under the car. I have looked hard but cannot identify where it is...
  13. TDI DSG momemtary loss of power

    Had a funny the other day. Was accelerating and wanted a bit more poke so shifted into Sport mode. Suddenly had no drive and the throttle did not respond. After about 1-2 seconds it then went again. I wondered whether this is a DSG or engine glitch? If the DSG was about to change up to...
  14. G-FORCE

    Help needed, I am at a total loss with my New LCR :(

    Hi, I got my 2005 Leon Cupra R around 3-weeks ago and been loving it. It's only done 22k miles now and has Revo Stage 1, Green Panel filter and a Forge 007p DV. When I got the car it was running fantastic and pulled strongly and really threw me back in my seat. Over the last week the...
  15. *sigh* Loss of Boost

    *sigh* Loss of Boost on FR TDI 130 After getting the steering rack replaced my cars been great feeling alot tighter on the steering/handling front but now it seems to be time for another issue. I was cruising up the road in town with the window open and when I accelerated abit to stop...
  16. air121005

    full exhaust system power loss?

    i have read quite a few threads on exhausts on TDi's, so many that i am now a little confused! IIRC the back box is very restrictive on the PD130bhp TDi and obviously so is the CAT. i was thinking of purchasing a full turbo-back decat milltek system, but recently remember reading a post...
  17. Power Loss

    I bought a 2001 Seat Leon 1.9 Tdi last week. Took it for its first long drive today (dropping family of at airport). Everything going fine up until approx. 30 minutes into my journey I accelerated up a hill in 5th gear and all of a sudden, it started to lose power. After that, the car struggled...
  18. Leon TDI 110 power loss

    For the last six months occasionally there would be a lack of power above 50 mph. It was around the time I had disconnected EGR valve, I thought it may have been linked to that or the MAF was playing up. But I thought it was a bit early for the MAF since the car is four years old with 44k on...
  19. cupraRgstar

    loss of bhp!

    Just wondering over the years do cars lose horsepower?and if so at what rate?
  20. power loss

    Hello to you all. I have a Ibiza cupra TDI on a 2005 plate. Problemis as follows. Car is ok till it gets warm, put your foot down to speed and its like the turbo is not working. Leave the car to go cold and it's fine again till it gets warm. :help: Thanks in advance
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