
  1. robreidmotors

    3000 rpm+ power loss

    Just found this whilst reading about ibizas, may be helpful to anyone struggling with this issue; 'Power loss on TDI 90s over 3,000rpm can be cured by replacing a thin hose that runs from the exhaust, near the turbo, to the ECU.'
  2. 1.9tdi 110 SX Power Loss Problem

    53 plate Leon 1.9tdi 110 SX I suffered a strange loss of power a few weeks ago whilst over taking a slow moving lorry. In 3rd gear as the revs built up the engine suddenly seemed to die. It would then struggle to get over 2500rpm whilst in gear, although it would rev normally in neutral...
  3. gib20vt

    Power loss every once in a while??

    I have a power surge ever so often like when pulling out of jct it feels like its miss firing? and the other day when I put my foot down it seemed to miss fire when just changing gear and applying the throttle? does this mean the coil pack is on its way out?
  4. dicko's

    Loss of boost- but gauge shows boost

    sometimes when driving the leon and it starts to come on boost its as if i have hit a brick wall lol the car doesnt boost at all but the gauge does if you get me? anybody had the same sort of problem and what was it? cheers lee
  5. Sudden loss power then Engine Problem light

    Was driving home last night in my FR Tdi and pulled into a tesco's. As I turned in I thought I heard a light bang/scrape noise (someone was talking to me at the time so didn't hear it perfectly) which made me think I had somehow clipped the side of the wheel, got out checked it and all fine...
  6. delaxm

    Loss of boost - any ideas?

    Driving along at constant throttle & the boost just drops off with a slight increase in exhaust note, switch ignition off & on makes it go back to normal - is this stcky VNT control vanes issue? Car is 130pd Ibiza 2004 model with hybrid & remap, its done this once or twice in the past but did...
  7. A.m.C_Ibiza1

    slight power loss...

    bit of a wierd problem, i was driving down the motorway yesterday night and i seem to have lost some power! cant figure it out!!! still pulls well, no oil leaking, all gauges normal ect but a loss of power! its quite annoying! any ideas????? i am thinking either boost leak from somewhere...
  8. Loss of turbo in the mornings

    My Leon 1.8T Cupra Mk I has developed an annoying habit...if the car has been stood and not used for a only a couple of days, the turbo doesn't work. Even if I drive very carefully until the car is totally warmed up (ca 10 miles), the turbo still doesn't want to kick in and there is a lack of...
  9. complete loss of electric to the car??

    I own a seat leon cupra k1. I have owned it for a bout a week and only encountered this problem recently. I will start the car, and as I turn the key to the turn the engine over I lose everything. all power.:confused: The power returns bout 20 - 30 secs later and the clock is reset...
  10. Engine Coolant Loss...

    You're probably all currently watching Top Gear (in Pause mode as we speak) but when you return.... Anyone had coolant loss problems? Today whilst driving on the motorway I had the 2-3 pings and a warning message saying check coolant but the temp gauge was normal. When I arrived at my...
  11. 20 valve turbo boost power loss

    Hope someone might be able to help me with this problem. The car was running great up until a few weeks ago then i was hitting peak boost .8 bar then it levelled out at .7 bar.The car then started to feel as though it was towing something and it was being held back and boost is peaking at .3...
  12. Ibiza TDi FR 130 - Loss of power following cam belt service

    Hi All, Had my car back for a couple of weeks now following a cam belt service (plus all the usual service changes). I noticed pretty much straight away that it wasn't as quick (oh and the aircon is making a really annoying whistling sound). When the turbo kicks in, about 2k RPM, it used...
  13. Glovepup

    Loss of boost

    Last night when driving my cupra 07 i noticed the rev counter dip, and then when i reached a dual carriageway i put it to test. Was doing 40mph and put the car in 5th and put my foot down, the rev's increased and when hit 4k dropped down then picked up and when got to about 5k dropped down...
  14. mrwookie

    LCR Power Loss Logs - poss boost leak??

    Since having my LCR remapped ive been loving the extra power and like a kid with a new toy i take every opportunity to give it a blast that was up until Wednesday evening whilst coming back from the petrol stsation I put my foot down for a bit of dual carriage way fun and whilst you could here...
  15. ian_cupra's progression thread - track time

    Right then guys, about time i put everything in one place :) Here it was, a week after i bought it
  16. Turbo problems - intermittent power loss (1.9 TDi SE 110)

    Hi, I've only had my car a few days but I'm almost certain that the turbo is failing at times and it feels completely gutless. I'm not really a fast driver at all, but it's still very noticeable and makes the car feel even more feeble than my previous 306 D Turbo. Sometimes it's fine, but...
  17. intermittent power loss 1.8T

    Bit of a problem Driving my car the other day and it had no go like the turbo was not there. So i drove a bit more to a petrol station stuck some fuel in. I pulled of and it shot of like i just stole it thought it was a bit wired as before there was no go in her. So i thought m.a.f sensor on...
  18. Loss of power- SEAT Leon 150bhp TDI Cupra

    Hi all Can anyone please help me with some suggestions? I'm new to SEATcupra.net. I bought my car about 1 month ago and as normal I've been out and about more than usual. The car is remapped to 170bhp and it goes like s**t off a stick. However I left the car at my brothers the other night...
  19. Clutch - Bite point getting lower, improves with heat - fluid loss?

    Hi, I posted before about my clutch, but now it has got worse so I'm pretty sure it is not just my imagination now. Over the last week or so, the bite point for the clutch has moved closer to the floor, with the clutch no longer springing back up to the rest point. It will come up slowly...
  20. loss of power

    I have a problem with my 04 ibiza fr petrol. When I start my car and drive I don't get the full amount of power from the engine it feels like a limp mode. But when i turn of the ignition and restart it the car is back and runs perfectly. Now the thing is that i have a remap made by a serious...
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