
  1. lawrieIbizaMk4

    changing rear number plate lights, tutorial needed

    can some1 give me a quick tutorial on changing the rear number plate lights?
  2. Brake lights come on when car off

    Noticed tonight, i kept my foot on the brake when i turned the engine off. When i took my foot off, they went out, but if i pressed the pedal, they came back on, even when the key was out of the ignition. Is this a sign of a electrical fault. No dash lights are on and everything works fine. Any...
  3. keirravn

    a guide to tinting lights with tint spray

    thought other people may find this useful, it's the process i used to tint the rear/front light and side repeaters LEGAL this is not an official guide and you should check out the legalitys of this for yourself, what i am aware of is that you should have a non tinted reflector (so mask them...
  4. LCR aftermarket fog lights

    Just noticed that my fog light glass seems to be cracked. I have heard that oe fog lights are pretty expensive from dealer so anyone knows is there to be found aftermarkets cheaper?
  5. coming home lights and chirping alarm???

    hi all . I have had my tfsi fr for two weeks now and was told by the stealer that it has coming home function? Can anyone tell me exactly what this is? Also i have been playing with the settings in the car and for some reason i cant seem to make the chirp work when locking/unlocking the...
  6. 1997 toledo center console lights have gone off

    Hi there all, I have a 1997 Toledo (not sure what mark that would make this). Anywho my problem is that the center console lights (the heater ones) have gone off, never to come back again, could this be a fuse problem? if so which one? I checked the fuse box for broked fuses but with no...
  7. Dectane LED lights pics

    Not bad
  8. crazybrumi

    Rear Reverse Lights Dont work

    Hi i have bought my first car the other week and only just realised that my reverse lights dont seem to be working, i have changed the bulbs checked the fuse even had the reverse switch changed to no avail. what am i missing, could this be an earthing issue? i think this but then i also think...
  9. Coming Home Lights

    I have now managed to figure out how to activate the coming home lights, however was wondering if anyone knew of a way that this would automatically happen every time you get out or whether you do have to activate it every time? Also does anyone know whether leaving home lights can be...
  10. Courtesy Lights Failure from D-Door

    As title When i open my drivers door it doesnt activate the interior lighting etc Now it works from all the other doors just not the drivers door I cant even see any sort of switches etc in and around the door frame Where is the switches or sensors etc etc
  11. Brake lights flickering and loss of power

    Hi, Anyone help me with this one. Brake lights flicker/flash when applied and I suffer loss of power. This only happens when I actually have the lights turned on. Without lights on this doesnt happen. Brakes work fine. Totally baffled. Any ideas? Thanks
  12. Xenon Lights

    I have tried to fit Xenon lights to my Leon but they trip the Bulb Failure warning light.If i attach a resistor the xenons start flashing. Has Anyone got any ideas???? Nige
  13. Dash Warning Lights

    Hiya, probs covered before but, has anyone got a picture of the dash lights? Mine have been flashing at me this morning but they came on and went so quick i couldnt tell what the picture was of... i just need a picture of all the dash warning lights so i can work out which one is was...
  14. My fog lights come on occasionally

    I bought a new Leon in December and i noticed my fog lights were on when i saw my car in a shop window however when i got out to look they were off. As i was parked up tonight i noticed it again however they went off after a couple of seconds. They came back on each time i put my car in...
  15. Cornering lights on FR

    Hi Can this function be activated on the leon FR my wifes is a 57 plate and she loved this function on her old 207 GTI as she drives alot of dark country lanes on her way home? Cheers
  16. Grat

    Xenon fog lights

    Hey all just wondering can you fit the xenon kits in to the fog lights on a lcr and if so what H is the bulb? Many thanks Dave
  17. Gordz

    LED Fog Lights Not Working!

    FINALLY (ebay from china!) my led fog lights arrived and was just fitting them but they don't seem to be working :confused: Do the LED H3 bulbs need to be wired differently than normal bulbs? :shrug:
  18. motty225

    no brake lights?

    was out in my car last night and someone pulled up along side me and said "you no you have no break lights" so i checked and he was telling the truth... any idea why this is? im thinking either a fuse, or the switch on the brake pedal? would anyone else agree? its a LCR 225.
  19. Side lights

    How do you change the side light bulbs on a sc sport?
  20. cyphnar

    Warning lights ont he dash :(

    Hey, I was driving home just now and i noticed two ligths come on randomly. One is the TCS "skidding car" symbol and is solid, according to the Manual this means there's a fault with the ABS, but normal braking seemed fine... Any ideas/experience with this fault? The other one is the...
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