
  1. Mk3 1/2 leather seats

    If I wanted to replace the Kat Slater red and black tiger stripes 1/2 leather I have at the moment and then swap it for the mk3 black leather with plain red seats which would look far better than the current ones. How easy is it to swap em out ? Im getting that its pretty straight forward.
  2. Leather seats?

    I'm getting my new 2.0 TFSI on monday, so I can't wait for the weekend, which hasn't started, to end.... however, has any one seen the new Leon with a leather interior, í'm thinking about having this fitted, but it would be nice to see some pictures before I re-decorate the lounge.... and not to...
  3. TDI PEP

    Leather re-trim

    Anyone on here know of any reputable leather retrimmers around the Nottingham area. Can travel circa 100 miles as I work in Milton Keynes at the moment. Was going to use seat surgeons but looks like they have gone as their website isn't available, unless anyone knows different. Seemed odd...
  4. Scotty_b

    Leather retrim?

    Ok after getting my recaros sorted i can finally get all my seats leathered in Audi Napa leather with alcantara insides. I’ve tried to post on the leather group buy post but cant for some reason (maybe its locked?) and ive tried to find contact details for seatsurgeons but the links wont work...
  5. Leather seats

    Chaps! what do you think? just had my new seats fitted in in my Cupra. all opinions welcome hopefully you can see the links!! http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c74/MEXICUPRA/001.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c74/MEXICUPRA/002.jpg...

    Fitting Leather Seats From Toledo 2.3 V5

    Does anyone know how i can get the electric seats (FROM THE TOLEDO V5) connected to work. OR OBTAIN A WIRE LOOM FOR BOTH SEATS. i am about to attempt this before the weather changes. can anyone help?? :cry:
  7. m15try_1

    MK3 Cupra Leather Seats

    Just wanted to know, how much youd say the cupra seats are worth, as ive been offered some for £400. went to the dealer and they send the seats come in parts, so id have to order every single part. Help please!!!!
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