
  1. FR Questions (Sat Nav / Winter Pack / Leather / Bi-xenon)

    Bi-xenon Headlights. Are all of the lights xenons ie side, main and full beam? I have read some threads saying there is a lens that covers the light when it’s not on full but I was unsure if it was on about side to main beam or main beam to full beam. The Bi-xenon Headlights come with a...
  2. leather FR seats..

    have been looking to replace my fr seats with the leon leather FR all singing all dancing ones there reaaly nice and come in a range of colours bit pricey at £1350 but georgous anyone know if they'd fit in my mk4 beezer?? have been searching for info but no luck so far also 10k service...
  3. nick-barnes07

    quick question about leather interior

    i just won a full leather interior of e bay , its electric and heated , will the electric and heated seats work in my cupra r or will it have to be wired in to work , as i have had some cars and the plugs are some times in there...
  4. Examples of new FR Leather seats

    Hi ppl. My new FR is coming in just over two weeks- can't wait! ;) Anyway i was thinkin of gettin the new leather seats package from SEAT (including door cards) which they list on the accessories section on their website, but i am not sure about the quality of the leather. Anyone know...
  5. Jedimaster65

    Leather Interiors

    Someone posted a photo a while back of a new Cupra with full leather. Does anyone know where we could get a retro-fit like this done ? Any ideas as to cost ? :confused: If anyone has had theirs done, can you share the details with us - any more pics would be great ! :)

    Retro Fitting Leather Seats

    Has anyone fitted a leather seat from a year 2000-2006 Leon/Toledo to another Leon/Toledo. I have seats from a Toledo v5. If so then please help me as i have had these seats sitting in my doorway for too long and i need to do do something with it as soon as i can.
  7. SEAT accessories - FR leather seats

    was just browsing the seat accessories site like u do and some new items have appeared. FR leather seats are now an accessory: Leon Interior Leather Upgrade - Carbon ZGB1P2061624C Leon Interior Leather Upgrade - Carbon (including door panels) ZGB1P2061625C Leon Interior Leather Upgrade...
  8. Leather interior

    Been looking for LCR's and come across this with leather interior: Did they ever come with leather interior or is this going to be a retrim? What do you guys think of it?
  9. Changing to Leather Seats.

    Has anyone changed the standard velour seats to leather in their Cupra or FR? I was watching 'Wrecks to Riches' last night and they did the same on a Mondeo LX, which got me thinking. Will there be issues with plugging in the electrics to get the electric motors for seat adjustments to...
  10. Wear and tear to leather

    I'm hopefully off to look at another Cupra properly tomorrow after just missing a great Ovni one a few weeks back, but when I had a glance in the other day I noticed something a bit odd. The car has done 50k and has an HPI check (by the dealer) and FSSH to back up the mileage, yet the leather...
  11. STOCKY

    Trim Kit in red leather

    Just having a look through SEAT.com accessories.....I know you cant get them here before anyone says it Can anybody picture what this looks like or even better come across pictures? http://www.seat.com/com/generator/su/com/newLeon/site/accessories/interior/Door-trim-kit/main.html If...
  12. v-g

    Do you have black leather interior and armrest?

    Do you have black leather interior and armrest? If so, I could use your help. Do you know the part number on the, what ETKA so nicely call, "trim for armrest"? (The part you lean your elbow on.) I've a couple of possible numbers: 1M0 864 245 N 24H 1M0 864 245 N 2Y6 The upholstery code...
  13. nick-barnes07

    cream leather in cupra r

    i saw this and thought it looked good , never seen a cupra r with cream leather , http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Seat-Leon-Cupra-R-custom-made-leather-interior_W0QQitemZ200135297330QQihZ010QQcategoryZ18270QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem , :drool:
  14. Simon_Peters

    Leather Seats - Possible swap

    Hello all, I bought leather for my car off ebay about 2 years ago and its due to go back to the leasing company in Nov I am therefore thinking of a possible swap with somebody on here who would be interested in my leather for their cloth. It would have to include door cards too. The seats...
  15. Replacing Cupra Cloth with Leather

    Hi to all fellow members, Just wonderif replacing the cloth interior for leather on my52 cupra is straight forward. Will i have any problems with airbag lights or anything else which might panic me lol. Thanks in advance Kev
  16. Best air freshner & Leather cleaner

    as the title suggests.... some air freshners are just minging and smell more like toilet cleaner than a nice fresh smell also as i have a full leather interior, what is the best leather cleaner to really restore that new out of the showroom look and smell? Cheers
  17. Leon Cupra Leather Handbrake Price ????

    I want to replace the Golf leather handbrake (White/Silver stitching) on my Leon for the Cupra leather one with the red stitching. I got the part number from the part numbers section on here (8L9 711 463 PZE) and from various threads I've read state that the LC leather handbrake costs around...
  18. Steve GTI

    Full Leather..

    I've seen an ibiza advertised with full black leather. Was this an optional extra as new?
  19. norrie

    Leather gearstick gaitor.

    Do any of the Ibizas have a leather gaitor around the gearstick? I think the standard one on my Dab looks really cheap. I would prefer to buy a proper one than get an aftermarket one. Also how easy are they to fit? I might also get the chrome surround at the same time. Thanks. Norrie.
  20. Leather Seat Issues

    Please Help !! I've got a 2001 Leon Cupra with leather seats. A while a go the driver's seat occasionally squeaked but iits getting worse and worse. With all the speed bumps about now its driving me mad !! It seems to be coming from the upright part of the seat. Does anyone else suffer...
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