
  1. adm013

    Engine Temperature issue

    G'day, I have a 2003 LCR, and I have noticed that the engine temp is sitting around the 60 mark and hardly lifting off, the journey i do is a bit of town then 25 miles trip on motorway, and it still hasn't risen, when it does lift up in traffic as soon as i start driving at speed it drops...
  2. kenny_fr

    Power issue.

    Hey guys recently went and had the tailgate smoothed on my fr and so far ive been just opening it by reaching in the boot and pulling the lock lever. What im looking for is a power point where i can wire in my solinoid kit ive had a look at the fuse points up at the drivers door and can...
  3. Leon Auxilliary Belt issue

    Hi there - hope you can help me.... On Wed I got my 2001 1.6s SEAT Leon cambelt, tensioner kit, aux belt & water pump changed on my car from a local garage with a good reputation. Yesterday I drove about 50miles and all seemed fine but when I went to park the car I lost all power and when...
  4. tarzan

    limp mode issue

    when im driveing in 5 gear give throtlle at 2500 rpm my car goes in to limp mode... have a mbc on it and i`m on 0,7 bar it overboost?coil packes?boost leak?maf?lambda have done the search.the car have remap.also falied mot. to high co 0,56 and htc 190 has to get it under 100... has...
  5. Issue with Bluetooth

    Guys, Had my car for 1 year and had my phone paired with the bluetooth all the time with no problems. Yesterday I attempted to make a call and was 'told' 'The pin is not present'. I've tried a few times and had the same result and have also attempted to re-pair the phone. Can anyone tell...
  6. mdonaldson

    LCR Brake Issue ---- Still ongoing

    Third set of lcr discs - they keep warping! HI there, WHen I bought my LCR (53 Plate) I had all the discs and pads changed, Im now on my third set of discs :confused: for some reason they keep warping , happens roughly betwenn 1500 & 2500 miles, I dropped it off at my local dealers, theyve...
  7. Change in design of TFSi engine. Important issue with fuel pump and engine wear

    After several conversations with people in the know yesterday, I learned that VAG have modified the design of the TFSi engine and that the new variants coming out will no longer have the camshaft driven fuel pump. Some of these engines are already in the UK and the result of the fuel delivery...
  8. dainott2105

    fuel flap release fix

    Hi folks, just tried to put fuel in my car and the filler cap release aint working!!! When i press the button nothing happens. tcs is working ok. Fuel light is now on and i need to get juice asap so anyone know how to at least get the thing open? cheers
  9. C12HLL

    Early morning clutch issue?? Cupra TDi...

    This will sound weird but please bear with me.... I leave for my work at 7.30am every morning. When i start the car and engage a gear it seems almost like i dont have a clutch. By saying this i mean i bring the clutch up and it doesn't seem to have a biting point . Has anyone came across this...
  10. MARRA

    Yet another coilpack issue

    Hi folks, The wifes 1.2 Ibiza was in the dealers last week for misfire and engine diagnostic light on dash. They said they had replaced a coilpack and "to keep an eye on it". They also said that if it did happen again then it was a problem with the wiring. The same problems returned last...
  11. thewiizard

    Limp Mode issue - TIP related???

    Hi, Just been under my car and noticed that a hose connecting from the rocker to the TIP right near the turbo has began to perish quite badly, now I fiddled with the pipe and decided to cap the TIP side in case it split. Now since I've done that I'm in limp with a lovely management light...
  12. Clutch issue and brakes need replacing.

    Hi all, When changing gear the clutch pedal goes past the biting point but sometimes sticks and needs a little tap from behind, after a couple of quick pumps of the clutch it goes away for a little while then rears it's ugly head, any ideas all I hear about this is needing the slave cylinder...
  13. Rear brake pads and discs issue

    I was just wondering when do you no that the rear pads are ready to be replaced:shrug:. I have just replaced the fronts. Car has done 22K. Also on the tops of the rear discs are rusty. Thanks
  14. alternator charging issue

    Has anyone experienced this before? when i start the car and leave it idling the alternator does not seem to charge at full capacity, it is not until I rev the engine to 2.5k that it gets going properly. I only noticed this as I have a rather power hungry install, and at idle, it can drain the...
  15. Phil K

    [LCR] Boost issue

    Hello! Sorry if this has been covered before but this is a problem that has been troubling me for a few months... Basically, when driving on light throttle the boost comes in and occasionally drops back (normally when cold-ish) it kinda feels like an auto box changing up early if you see...
  16. Limp mode - Pressure issue

    Hi all. Im a total newbie on this site, but have posted this question on other forums. My 1999 (Mk2) Toledo TDI (110) SE has occasionally gone into Limp mode when flooring it up hills etc. Usual engine off / on fixes it. I had someone look at with Vagcom and it was a pressure related...
  17. Bluetooth Phone Book Issue

    Hi chaps Got a new phone (Nokia 6500) and paired it up fine in the Leon, and it uploaded the phone book, last numbers dialled, etc. WIth my last phone I had saved some "voice dials" in the car which I wanted to delete, so I said "delete phone book" thinking this referred to the voice tags...
  18. Clutch Issue

    Hi. I didn't know whether to put this in the TDI section or not, but here it is... (Car is a mk2 TDI Ibiza) It's not a problem as such, but i don't think it's right. Basically, when the car's in gear, (1st), i can take my foot off the clutch pretty sharply (no revs) and the car doesn't stall...
  19. Advice needed asap warranty issue

    As some of you may be aware of, I have had a few problems with a new turbo that has been fitted to my car. Now the car is in limp mode and I have taken it for another dealership who for the time being will remain nameless. The car still has warranty until early next year, they advised as...
  20. Cooling fans issue

    My car cupra tdi had its 20K service done today at a local vw specialist. They picked up a few issues: 1st: Front brake pads are down to 2mm..are these expensive to replace? 2nd: They said the cooling fans are not working, however i do 300 miles a week and never seen the temp gauge go...
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