
  1. Intermittant Stalling Issue

    Hi all My Ibiza Cupra Mk3 has an annoying intermittent problem; when I rev the engine to 1500rpm approx. if I let the revs fall the engine will stall. I wanna get my Cupra remapped to Phase1, but not before I’ve sorted out this problem. I have replaced the crank sensor, air mass...
  2. knotty

    Gearbox issue?

    When im pulling away in 1st gear it seems to be really noisy, all the other gears are fine but this sounds like a very strange rubbing/grinding type noise while its in first gear, there doesnt appear to be any problems with the drive from it but the noise is slightly worrying so ive been trying...
  3. Glassy80

    Funny issue when I first start the engine...

    Basically when I first start the engine the rev's go straight upto 2,000 rpm, then its drops straight down to about 1,100 rpm and sits there for about 3-4 minutes when idle and then after that drops down to the usual 900 rpm after that. Also sometimes when I pull up to some lights or stop in...
  4. Ibiza 130 tdi

    Climate control issue

    Hey guys. I have searched so be nice! :D Right, when I go out to my car in the morning and turn the ignition/engine on, every single light on my climate comes on and they all flash on and off. I'd imagine they do this for about 10-15 seconds and then it goes to normal showing your...
  5. Havok316

    Brake Light Bulbs (rear) Issue

    After finally getting out in the leon last night i was told by my mate the drivers side brake light bulb at the back wasnt working. I checked it today and the bulb is working its like it doesnt make contact with the tracks properly although secure! After tapping the light cluster it finally...
  6. cupralite

    Possible Start-up issue

    Over the last couple of months I have been getting a noise when I start the car. It only happens when it's cold / damp (been left overnight). It is a whining noise which sounds almost like a belt slipping and lasts for about 5 seconds. There are no other obvious problems - drives fine...
  7. My cupra tdi has an issue

    I have had this ever since I got it and it may be normal. In any gear but mainly 5/6 on motorway, when you have your foot completly off the go pedal and then depress it I get a small judder/jerk. It doesnt happen if i have the pedal slighlty down then depress more to get the power. Any ideas...
  8. RikH

    Brake Switch issue

    OK, i was getting codes on VAG-COM for failing clutch and brake switches so replaced both and no more codes happy days but ive now noticed that the brake lights are only coming on right at the bottom of pushing on the brake-aka hard braking only. Been off work and not using car so thought...
  9. Side Skirts Issue

    ok done a search in the for sale section quite a few times now and still nothing. and the net. have even put in the wanted section...nothing.:shrug: i know this should probably be in another section but am desperate. DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHERE I CAN SOURCE SOME LEON MK1 SIDE SKIRTS...
  10. Leon Cupra Power/Cat Issue

    Hi all, My first post so dont rip me to bits if this has been done before, I cant find much info. I own a 2001 LC. I had an engine light come on about 4 months ago, Took it to main dealer they told me I needed new cat and 2 lambdas. (total cost about £700) Code was - Cat bank 1...
  11. HiDs Crazy Dial issue!?!

    Hi guys, fitted the 6000k kit from mydepots at the w/end, it went hitch free and the kit works great. The RH side was fuss free and worked great, however now i have both the LH and RH hooked up when i turn the lights on for the first time my REV and MPH dials drop to zero then return to...
  12. Big_daddy

    Strange Rev issue

    After i got car my car back as i had a new clutch master cylinder and clutch pedal fitted. My revs feel abit slow, basicly. when idle if i rev it, they will rise and drop down to idle as usual. but when driving, changing gears, the rev stay for around 2seconds then drop in between gears, on...
  13. Ibiza cooling fan issue

    hi i have a vehicle in my care at the moment which a few of you may know of, its a grey X plate Cupra with a long list of mods and was recently bought by a mate of mine from a guy who lives in wales. anyway, the last week or so the cooling fan has stopped working (the one on the radiator)...
  14. a11y

    Can anyone explain tracking/alignment to me? (tyre wear issue)

    OK, I've just had new tyres fitted after the last tyres did this: This was the front driver's side. The front passenger side was similar but not quite as bad. Wear is on the inner edge. Remaining tread was still above the legal requirement. Car is on standard suspension. I'm still...
  15. a11y

    Tracking issue with Ibiza's? (knackering tyres)

    Shiiit! If I had adjustable suspension I'd blame that on too much negative camber (i.e. front wheels form an "A" shape when viewed from the front) but there's no way to adjust the camber on mine (standard SEAT suspension). Any ideas folks? Only had the car 3 weeks and just noticed this...
  16. CHR15B

    Fan issue with my PD 130!

    Hi folks, Don't think I've ever had anything go wrong with either of my TDI's but it looks like I have a bit of an issue now. My car has Climate Control and thats on all the time, I don't use it on ECON so the air conditioning I guess is running all the time. What my problem is, is...
  17. Broken window 'lift mechanism' issue

    Morning all, I recently had a problem with the window dropping down inside the door and it would not come back up again, it sounded like the motor was whirring when I pressed the button but nothing happened, the glass wasn't even visible from through the crack. I took it back to the Seat...
  18. freddie

    Radio issue!

    Since last week my radio has stopped turning itself off when you remove the key from the ignition. I've tried turning it on/off with ignition on but still no joy. Also the interior light had started taking ages to dim once door is shut not a problem in daylight but again anoying when its dark...
  19. Damo

    Intermittent starting issue

    Now and again, when starting my car in the morning it won't fire up. It only seems to do it one or twice a week. The starter motor turns but it won't start. My usual procedure when starting the car up is key in ignition so the lights come on, dip clutch, wait for lights to go out and then...
  20. Smokey issue

    I have noticed that sometimes when I put my foot down especially in 6th I get a puff of white/grey smoke. Most of the time its black but wonderd what It could be. Cheers
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