
  1. Oxygen sensor replacement troubles?

    Hi, About a month ago the engine management light came on my 2013 1.4 (non act) FR, I took it to the garage, they plugged it in, and saw that the lambda/oxygen sensor was reading too rich. The timestamp was when I had <20 miles of fuel left in the tank, so I thought it might have been something...
  2. Blinking pre glow plug and yellow solid engine management sign

    Hello friends, I have a Seat Altea 1.6 TDI CR 105 style. Year 2010. 107000 km. Manual transmitter. Recently I am having a problem, explained below: For the first time it happened 3 days ago, I was in the road and to be honest for the first time I filled car with fuel/diesel in a fuel station...
  3. Romigo

    Tail light issue , light control unit problem

    Hello could anybody help me . Having Seat Cupra 1.4 (2011) with automatic sensor and xeons head lthe issue is that RS tail lt& RS brake lt & Right Side front parking ligh are not working. Code reader tells me lots of sporadic falts in the lights system however after reset it says “ parking light...
  4. Power/Gearbox Problem, Help!

    Hi everyone, I’m hoping somebody might be able to help me! I’ve got a problem with my dsg 1.4 Ibiza Cupra (I’ve added a video link to show the issue, it’s hard to explain but I’ll try my best!) The car sets off as normal then all of a sudden gears down regardless of speed and looses power, it...
  5. andy_lang

    Bad Idle issue and also Traction control!!

    Hi all, Right my mk1 Cupra has developed an idling issue which was very random but now more and more so. Idle is very irritac (excuse spelling!) and when I clutch it often now just conks out!! This is very VERY annoying at junctions, roundabouts etc! :( While on idle its hovering around 500...
  6. Clutch/Gearbox issue.

    My gearbox blew up about a month ago and I have found and purchased a replacement from the code the dealer gave to me (085 ASD). It turns out, the box I have bought was from a toledo with a cable activated clutch and having just looked under my bonnet, I seem to have a hydraulic activated...
  7. Jordan20vt

    Another Boost issue

    Hi all, I have just got to the bottom of my last boost issue which turned out to be a faulty N75 which has now been changed. Cars boosting fine again way over 20psi peak. I now have a new problem [:@] when I hit peak boost in 3rd it seems to vent about 5 psi off instantly. I get a little...
  8. jms_cupra

    Electric window issue

    Drivers side window seems to be having a mind of its own. First click doesnt seem to want to work and some times if the window is already part down it will go up instead. :confused:
  9. tarzan

    clutch issue

    have some rattling from my car but when i push clutch pedal down the rattling is gone:confused:and t it makes som noise from the pedal to squiking noise have standard clutch and works fine easy to get in gears is this the clutch bearing on it`s way out?or flywheel clutch?
  10. toledo limp mode issue

    Hi , my 2002 Toledo 1.9TDI is going into limp mode again after having the MAP and the other devices, vacuums etc replaced about 18 months ago. diagnostics incdicate pressure control problem. I intend to change the 5mm vacuum pipes could there be anything else causing me this grief. Thankyou. Malc
  11. Grounding out a Cupra R...a real issue or not?

    I'd read up a bit about the Cupra R before I decided to get one, including a number of magazine reviews. I got the impression that they definitely had an issue with taking speed bumps. There was no way that was gonna stop me getting one, but as I've not had a car with as little ground clearance...
  12. Musty Pie

    lumpy/kangerooing issue

    Ok please bear with me because im pretty noobish when it comes to mechanics/cars. I recently purchased an 8V mk2 ibiza 2.0 jobby and im over the moon with it. However last night when driving to the gym from home i experienced my first issue with the car. (and im sure more are to follow)...
  13. Annoying starting issue

    Ok dudes, i have a 2000 1.6 Cordoba vario with an annoying starting problem! Basically when its cold, it starts fine, first time, no drama. However, once its warmed up and i turn it off and leave it for say 10 mins, then go back and try and start it again, it's just not starting! I have to...
  14. Weird Clutch Issue

    As I was leaving work this evening, I went to put the clutch down, and there was LOADS of play! Usually, the whole travel of the peddle is stiff, but tonight is was free, and only last hal inch or so was "stiff".... Gradually came back, and after 5-10minutes driving, the clutch peddle was back...
  15. RichN

    INA Exhaust Manifold - now squeak/leak/stud issue

    ...fitting nightmare "by proxy" anyway. My car's been in local garage for a full day, still not done yet, they're having a mare getting the INA Exhaust Mani' to fit. First, they tell me they've had to file a bit off it to stop it fouling on the head. Second, they've now got it bolted up...
  16. seanaldo1987

    possible clutch issue

    Hi guys last week when sitting at motorway cruising speed i put the foot down in 6th gear as soon as the car came on boost the revs raised from about 3.2k to 4k then dropped back to 3.5k and boosted with no problems is this signs of the clutch starting to show tell tail signs of being on...
  17. ando

    V5 registration issue date not right on car im looking at buying...

    Hi guys, Im currently looking for a new seat diesel, i had one checked out at and it came back saying the V5 registration issue date was different to the DVLA record. Is this something to really worry about? Everything else is ok, like chassis matches the VRM, the V5 serial is not...
  18. strange headlight issue

    My sister's 2007 ibiza tdi DAB had its first MOT done yesterday morning, and it's failed on the headlights. apparently, the lights are dipping to the right instead of the left. the tester couldnt see the adjusters to sort it, and the dealers were closed, so he couldn't pass the car due to the...
  19. Found the boost leak issue LCR!|

    After a few hundred pounds of searching, and vagcom's, the problem has been found, The issue was after swapping the std DV for a recirc, the car was wheezing and didnt have alot of boost, Work this one out then,.............. 2 blades bent backwards on the turbo?? So now what...
  20. Funkyfin2000

    Bizarre Tyres issue!

    Hi All, I phoned my local tyre (independent) place today, great peeps used them all the time. My car came with Goodyear F1 Assymetrics on them all round. The fronts have worn down quickly (7months) and require replacement asap. I rang the tyre place and they said they would need to...
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