
  1. cus

    adjusting handbrake cable

    hey. since having my new rear discs and pads put on, i get a lot of play in my handbrake, and its not working properly. the handbrake can be freely moved about an inch or 2 without it clicking or the handbrake light coming on. after that, i have to pull it as far as it'll go to grip! is...
  2. handbrake light

    When i bought my cupra my handbrake light worked now it doesnt it comes on when ignition is on but not when car is started does this make any odds because my MOT is due and im panicing boyfriend says it might be switch on handbrake itself is this right please HELP:D
  3. handbrake and ABS problems

    hi my handbreak has to be pulled a long way before it works...and the light never comes on beside the speed dial...?? also the ABS seems to be kicking in rather easily??is this normal...never had it before...but its quite annoyin to here and feel the brakes doing this... also when i open...
  4. Handbrake adjustment

    I have an R reg Arosa and the handbrake works fine but seems to pull up a long way. Is there a handbrake adjustment?
  5. Leather Handbrake cover

    Hi there I've been trawling through some old threads but can't get a definitive answer. I would like to get a nice leather cover for my 2002 Leon Cupra to replace the crappy black plastic thing & I've seen a nice Golf Mk4 Anniversary GTi leather cover for sale. Would this fit ? :confused...
  6. Handbrake light wont go out

    Ok, so I had a small fire in my engine bay after the earth lead to the ignition coil got worn through and shorted. Now after offending wiring has been replaced, my handbrake warning light will not go out. Any guesses??
  7. Correct Ibiza Cupra Handbrake Cover Part Num?

    As the title! Searches have unveiled one part number which is incorrect. Cheers
  8. HandBrake problem

    Hi folks Got a 1.2 Ibiza 05 plate and this morning pulled handbrake on and it wouldn't engage, there was tension in the handle but it wouldn't click on, so had to do a lot of jumping from brake to accelerator, didn't want to ride clutch for 15 mins, got to work and pulled it up really high...
  9. joonspoon

    Handbrake binding

    Hi folks. I've noticed in the last few weeks that my handbrake has started binding. Seems to be worse when cold or handbrake has been on for a while i.e. overnight. Reversing from stationary I can hear them rubbing, but moving forward I hear a small clunk. The car was recently serviced...
  10. Ricardo_Smooth

    handbrake symbol

    when i first got the ibiza the handbrake light used to light up rarely (big 'P' at the bottom as its a 2000 model) i tried moving the steering wheel about as i was told it may be a loose connection behind there and that doesn't do anything! can anyone tell me where i need to look to find the...
  11. davecash

    Frozen Handbrake?

    Drove my car for about half a mile this morning and noticed it was struggling a bit as if the handbrake was still on, pulled over and the rear passenger side brake was glowing red. Any other occurrences of this in cold weather? Or is it likely that I've suddenly got a seized calliper...
  12. fuzzy

    Handbrake Light Flashing

    52 plate Leon Cupra 81k miles, Recently my handbrake light flashes and beeps when first started but when the engine is warm doesnt happen, also has happened when drove for approx 40mins and has stopped, handbrake on Help?
  13. 1997 Cordoba Handbrake Problem

    97 Cordoba TDI Having a problem adjusting the handbrake. New shoes fitted recently and I can't adjust the nearside cable, despite accuating the self adjuster the NS cable is screwed up to the maximum on it's thread and even then the NS wheel can still be rotated albeit with some difficultly...
  14. Handbrake warning light and beep - now fixed

    I couldn't get my handbrake light to turn off yesterday and it was accompanied by a very loud, very annoying beeping when I tried to drive off. The noise went off after 5 mins, but came back on when I drove off again after stopping at some traffic lights. Following advice elsewhere in this...
  15. Handbrake Light

    Hi Guys Got another problem with my MK4 1.2. On top of the Air con breaking a seal, and my electric window breaking, now the handbrake light is staying when I pull off. Now from my limited knowledge, I know it could be a number of things, worn brake pads, low brake fluid, faulty...
  16. seatcupra

    Leon Chrome Handbrake Cover...

    Has anyone got one? If so what make is it and where did you get it? Saw this one on fleabay but i think it'd be cheap plastic crap considering the price... :rolleyes...
  17. handbrake cover

    Im after the cupra handbrake cover, part number 6LL711461SHG believe its priced at £13.42, does anyone have any pictures of what its looks like, did a search and had no decents results. Any help would be grateful
  18. lc_allan

    Where is the handbrake sensor under the car?

    I have no idea what one looks like or really where to look. I have just gone over a small bump when parking up. Come back to the car drove off, handbrake fully down and the handbrake light is on and beeping constantly. Turned off Ignition, handbrake up etc... into reverse, no light on...
  19. CraigW


    As everyone knows ive been having the common pedal box issue. Becuse of this my car aint been used for the last 3-4 weeks, been out and started it every few days and let it tick over, but that aint the issue. I tried to reverse it back alittle then move it forward again yesterday but my...
  20. Annoying bit of plastic behind handbrake

    I've tried searching for this but can't find any threads. Does anyone else have an annoying problem with the bin/cup holder that sits behind the handbrake always coming out? Is there a way to stop it? I'm sure I saw an arm-rest kit that fit into that hole for the Ibiza but can't find it on...