
  1. hoggy90

    Just got my new gear and handbrake gaitor but dont know how to put them on!!

    Well heres my new gaitors which im pretty pleased with as im sticking to a black/red theme in the car:D but my problem is...how do u remove the old ones...and how do you put the new ones on? i couldnt find any help in the search area related to leon's so im asking you guys in the hope...
  2. Cupra20

    Handbrake cable

    Got to replace the drivers side for the mot, anybody got any tips to make it easier or what i should look out for? I know i've got to take the trim out round the hand brake to get to the adjusters but is there anything else?
  3. Seat-Chris

    Permanent handbrake light on and total loss of foot pedal and breaking

    Right, i got in my car this morning after releasing the handbrake i noticed the warning light stayed on so i thought it mite just be the handbrake sticking a little so i took no notice of it, everything was fine until i was 2 miles away from work, i came up to a long left hander and went to...
  4. Dave_R

    Flashing Handbrake Light

    Right, started the Ibiza after 2 months and got it off the trailer. Thought I give it a good run this afternoon before it goes off to Saxon Motorsport BUT... wouldn't start, bit damp wd-40'd everything wiped them clean and started but misfiring when I drove it found out that one of the leads...
  5. handbrake light flashing!

    Hi Yesterday I fitted new discs and pads to the rear and test drove it, everything was fine. I didn't touch the handbrake as I've not needed to when I've done the pads before, its the first time I've done the rear discs though. Today I went out and the handbrake light keeps flashing about...
  6. Handbrake Issues

    I've noticed quite recently and quite suddenly as in the matter of days where the handbrake has slackened off to the point where its not holding the car when parked. I've checked over the rear brakes and the pads are within decent wear and the discs are still good. Has anyone else experienced...
  7. Help for those with sticking calipers/ handbrake

    Hi all I am a Fabia VRS owner since it is the same platform I thought some of you might have the same problem with the rear caliper (especially the O/S) sticking on. See this thread: http://briskoda.net/fabia-i/handbrake-cable-issue-my-vrs/154579/2/ It involves fitting a small spring to...
  8. stezo2k

    Handbrake surround removal

    Hi guys, can anybody tell me/show me how to remove the plastic around the handbrake to get to the sensor cable? btw i mean the plastic around the handbrake not the plastic on the handbrake itself to avoid any confusion :) cheers guys ________ Bond insurance forums
  9. SeanyK

    Heatshield under handbrake rattle...

    Hey folks, Since my Blueflame Turboback was fitted a couple of weeks ago, I get the most annoying rattling ever when idle, driving etc, it sounds crap like a cheapo car, so I need to sort it out. When it was in for it's MOT last week I went under the car with the guy and asked, and he...
  10. stezo2k

    Handbrake sensor cable

    Hi guys, i'm going to attempt to connect my new headunit to my car today but i have to connect it to the parking brake cable to watch videos. any ideas how to get to get to the cable for this? ________ Herbal store
  11. GarryGti

    0ne beep and the handbrake light flashing

    This has happend to me tonight the car was coldish (which is shamefull but i needed to get onto a slip road FAST) i came onto boost and then i had a beep and the handbrake park light flashed 4 times. Has this happened to anyone else? why is it?
  12. ibizadoyle

    gearknob and handbrake

    hey guys anyone got any pictures of the cupra handbrake cover and 6 speed gear knob please??
  13. highguyuk

    Handbrake - Potential Problems Ahead?

    Hey, Pulled up yesterday in a car park, put handbrake on and got out etc. Came back and the button had "gone in" the hand brake and it was feeling stiff to move up and down. Eventually, the button did come back out again and all was ok. Very unusual I thought, what is this likely to be...
  14. p34ch3y

    flashing handbrake light and beeping four times

    right on my way home from work i came of a roundabout rather hard in 2nd then 3rd (booting it!)into a slight corner then all of na sudden i herd the same beeping noise that you get when your fuel light comes on but it did this four time along side with the hand brake light flashig at the same...
  15. Handbrake switch location?

    Hi all, 55 plate Toledo Noticed a while back that my handbrake light wasn't working when the handbrake is applied. However it does come on when the ignition is first switched on. Looking under the plastic cover under/infront of the handbrake I have found a wire with a brown plug with 2...
  16. mk3 handbrake icon

    hello, i ve had my mk3 ibiza for about a month now but when i park up it is very rare for the handbrake light icon to illuminate the dash :cry:, i recon its a sensor problem. If anyone has had this problem (sensor or not) i would appreciate your advice, cheers
  17. L14M_T

    02 1.2 Handbrake Trouble

    Hi, Does any1 know where the adjuster is on the handbrake of the 1.2s? i noticed theres a ashtray behind the handbrake lever could it be under there or do I have to pull all the centre console off?:confused:
  18. handbrake light stays on

    hi, my handbrake warning light has just started to come on & stay on when driving. Anyone know why? It's the red one which has a circle with an! in it. It's not my ABS light (I got that fed up of seeing that come on & off, I took the bulb out!). I read my SEAT handbook & it says it's because...
  19. Leon Cupra Handbrake

    Hi, I'm interested in getting a Mk2 Leon Cupra, but I've noticed that the handbrake is on the LEFT (thanks Jedimaster65) handside of the centre console. Has this caused any problems for anyone? And does it feel odd having it there?
  20. Handbrake Sieze in the Cold

    Hi All, Has anyone else had problems with their handbrakes sticking in the cold weather? Mine have been not been releasing properly in the mornings?? The pads and discs are in good condition and have done less than 10,000 miles and the car has just been serviced. Is this a normal thing...
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