
  1. Fuel filter

    Just a quick question, anyone know where the fuel filter is on the leon cupra r, i was giving it a service today ... started raining too much so if anyone can let me know will be sorting it tomorrow. Cheer scott
  2. 2.0 8v which fuel?

    im taking my cupra to RR day next saturday (if i can get it in) and want to know if it would be a good idea to use premium petrol for the day? im going to put some petrol engine flush in aswell for the journey there. suggestions?
  3. Is this the right fuel pump?

    Hey, wanting to get a Leon Cupra R fuel pump, so googled it as you do, and came up with this, far cheaper then eurocarparts. just wanted to make sure it was correct Cheers Matt
  4. auq

    Which fuel?

    SUPER FUEL ive been chatting to Jabba motorsport, and their map guy was telling me the difference between fuel, the highest octain fuel we can go for is the Tesco super with 99%, second is the Shell V-Power with 97% on the Tesco fuel i got a 20bhp increase from using the usuall RON 95...
  5. Fault Code - Fuel Temp Sensor

    My Engine Management Light came on last week so managed to get a mate to fire it through a VAG-Com check tonight. Has come back with this fault code: 17571 - Fuel Temp Sensor (G81) Open or Short to Plus P1163 - 35 - 10 - Intermitant. When we looked through the measuing blocks, the...
  6. volvic

    PD150 Fuel Filter change - How to?

    Hi folks, I've done some searching and cannot find any guides or instructions for how to change it... Is it as simple as out with the old in with the new, crank a few times and finished? Reading the LCR guide it says to remove the fuse for the pump. Is that needed for the ARL engine...
  7. SalSheikh

    fuel pipe deconnected-serious incident averted

    guys, i was driving home today and all of a sudden hear a bang and the car lost all power. pulled into a nearby street and got out of the car to realise petrol was leaking from under the car. had a look and the pipe from the tank to the filter and come off. tried to reconnect it but it wouldnt...
  8. Fuel help pleeeeeeeeeease!!!!

    1.2 12v avg 25mpg ok serviced today and fuel filter changed and still no sign of better fuel econmy, thts how bad it is, i can tell from the past 5 hours since service, so any help much appreciated, vag com bringing up no faults but been told it could be overfueling injectors or coolent temp...
  9. Fuel smell inside cabin

    Hey guys, I hope you can help with my problem. I have a 2001 Seat Leon 1.8 T 20V, I recently had a metal breather pipe installed but since then I can smell exhaust fumes whenever the climate control system is on, I've also noticed over the last few months that it is burning a hell of a lot of...
  10. rahul

    Fuel consumption

    Ok, so i've got this 1.2 Ibiza, i was thinking maybe its a small engine, it'll be low on the MPG, therefore saving me costs, so i noticed i was paying more than i expected on the fuel, so last time i filled up, i put a full tank of Shell V Power, and reset the mileage counter. I just took the...
  11. LCR Fuel Pump & Injectors

    Basically looking at my options on my stage 2 Revo K03S Ibiza Cupra and what I can do to achieve the best performance on that set-up, will I see any worthy gains from fitting a 225 LCR fuel pump and injectors over the standard items? I already have the stage 2 map, Jetex cone filter extended...
  12. Naz

    Burnt fuel pump fuse??

    hey all, Finished work yesterday and car wouldnt start! so i did the usual checks, fuel pump wasnt buzzing on ignition. I had to check the relays/fusebox in pitch black car park with no torch! pulled out fuse 18 and this is what i found!! now im not a sparkie but that isnt right is...
  13. lcr fuel pump

    iam in need of the lcr 4 bar fuel pump for my ihi conversion as iam sure you all no they are just shy of £200. As iam strugeling for cash at the mo would it not be a gud idea to get one from a breakers yard or ebay ? or would i be beter just biteing the bullet and getting a new one...
  14. Bbit of help regarding fuel tank and s3 pump

    Hi i have just received an email from the bloke that is putting me rollgage in and he said that he has had a litle misshap and burnt a whole in me fuel tank and set fire to the tank lol. I was just wondering if the fuel pumps are in the tank, i think they are but not 100% as i have never...
  15. PD150 Engine - Fuel Economy, What fuel economy?

    Hi folks, I've had a bit of search but I am desperate now for some advice. My Leon Cupra TDi has just managed 360 miles to tank. Just. I've just topped up wth 53 liters of derv and worked out that equates to about 30mpg. I do a lot of stop stat driving but this fuel issue has been...
  16. sirjimalot

    No Speedo and Crazy Fuel Gauge

    ive done a search on this and people have said its happened to them and the plugs on the gearbox were either off or bad connections, this isnt the case with mine, nor is there an apparent earth problem, I have had no speedo since August now, and its getting annoying as im not clocking any...
  17. BlackLeon

    17545 Fuel Trim: Bank 1 (Add): System too Rich and 17705 Pressure Drop

    Anyone able to shed some light? My Engine light came on about a month ago then went off a week later. Came back on again the next week and stayed on. Got it vag-commed with 17545 Fuel Trim: Bank 1 (Add): System too Rich and 17705 Pressure Drop between Turbo and Throttle Valve (check D.V.!)...
  18. Diesel fuel additives

    Now then everyone, Just had a quick search but not really found what I'm after.... Basically I have been using Millers in my cupra tdi for a while now as a while ago I had some serious smoke problems. Using millers in my experience has solved this to a point where even when I boot it there...
  19. kineticz

    Fuel Pressure Regulator

    Hey, I am looking to buy a 4 bar FPR, was wondering if this would be ok? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370275671739&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT Looks like a decent kit.
  20. Wont start after running out of Fuel..

    Hi Guys, I’m driving a Seat Leon Diesel 1.9 TDI Hj52 plate. I know i shouldn't drive on low fuel but i had and it has finally caught me out. It ran out while i was at the Traffic lights, so i ran to the petrol station and filled her up, it started up and i drive the last part of my...
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