
  1. Leon Cupra Mk2 Fuel Consumption

    Just wondered what other people's experience of fuel consumption on a Mk2 Leon Cupra was. Seat say 34.9mpg combined or there abouts but I've been getting closer to 23mpg. I do have a heavy foot though! Does this seem about right?
  2. 2.0 i GTI using lots of fuel and loss of power ?? help!

    got my car about 2 months ago now and was nippy for 2.0 8v but after 2 weeks it started playing up if i floored it it would hesitate then go so i changed the spark plugs + fuel filter + sprayed injector cleaner into the air flow meter and it made the hesitation go away but i lossed alot of power...
  3. i think i have a faulty fuel sender unit

    after these past few months about my constant going on about crap fuel consumption, it got better as the cold went away, and driving more carfully but about town was terrible. the other day i was just pulling into the petrol station when i notice my fuel guage went from empty red line, to full...
  4. Jimlad86

    FR Trip Computer Fuel Consumption Innaccuracy

    Hello Everyone! Long time browser and first time poster to these forums as i have just got myself an Ibiza FR! 2007 reg in black with 17k on the clock :) I have just filled her up for the second time, and to test the accuracy of the trip computer i did a little calculation of my own. After...
  5. TDi_B5

    The dreaded fuel filter

    I tried to replace my fuel filter today (under the driver's side rear arch) but gave up! The damn thing just wouldn't budge and my fingers became so sore I just left it. From what I've read, this shouldn't be a big job! I'm also thinking that the current filter is the original. Its made from...
  6. fuel pump???

    hi. can anybody tell me wot this problem cud be? wen im drivin normal its fine, but wen i put my foot down it splutters and coughs? could it b the fuel pump?? cheers:confused:
  7. schnipps

    Fuel Gauge Stuck on Full

    Done over 100 spirited miles on a full tank in my fr and the dial hasnt budged, anyone experience the dial sticking on full before? The dial drops down when ignition off so it must be some sort of fuel reading issue?
  8. Fuel cap wont open !!!!!!!!!!!

    Right folks went to the petrol station this morning to fill up, pressed the button and nothing happend :cry:, i could not hear any noise behind the cap and the light was not on at the button, are these common faults ? does anyone know the fix ? thanks chris. :)
  9. mk4 golf 130 pd tdi fuel usage/low power

    hi guys need some advise i have a mk4 golf which i fitted a 2003 130 pd tdi 6speed into which as run like a dream tbh , but these pass few months mpgs and power seems sluggish until the turbo comes in . i replaced and bought a brand new 130 tdi turbo unit ,the engine starts first time every...
  10. Altea tfsi remap on 95ron fuel

    Evening all. Was just wondering if anyone has had there fr altea remapped but using only 95ron fuel, reason being the local garage only does 95/97 fuel and its a pain and to get optimax or tesco99 as theyre miles away, and also its my other half who drives the car normally and i know she wont...
  11. lcr fuel pump or walbro ?????

    as title really which one is the best to use for bt applications i no walbro is cheapest but is it the best ?? thanks for help .
  12. Calyx

    Fuel Filter PD150...

    Well changed my fuel filter this morning. Clamped the lines, removed them, filled new filter with diesel and changd the o rings on the black thing on the other lines. Put new filter in, put lines on and unclamped. Cranked engine and now it leaks :/. WTF? Lol any ideas anyone? Thanks.
  13. Ibiza FR fuel consumption.l

    Hi everyone, I PX my wifes Honda Civic for a new Ibiza fr in November 09. We love everything about the car, however I am a bit dissapointed in the fuel consumption. Around town its about the low 30 mpg. On the motorway its about just over 40mpg. Is this normal?Thats with a light right foot.
  14. Fuel Cap Panel Release

    Trying to understand the wiring for the fuel cap release on my 1.9 TDI. It does not show any associated fuses in the owners manual and on the SEAT TIS Service & Repair Workshop Manual CD that I have, it mentions a second fuse/relay panel under the facia - which I don't appear to have?? The...
  15. V-power or normal fuel on stage2 + when in stock..

    Hi guys, Just a quick question. I've recently bought a mk2 Cupra that's running a Revo stage2+ map, Miltek TBE, Upgraded fuel pump, air filter and an SPS switch (I think that's all the mods). What I wanted to know, would it be okay to use normal fuel when running stock settings on the car? Or...
  16. Fuel Guage and Climate Temperature not working

    I have an IBIZA 2002 130 TDI SPORT a few months ago my low coolant warning buzzer started playing up and light has been going off.This happens even when the car is cold. Today my fuel gauge worked when it wanted to and then dropped to empty. The outside temp stopped reading on the climate...
  17. heatfan8

    Leon 110tdi fuel filter replacement

    Hi all. I have searched and searched and can't find info on changing the fuel filter on a 110 tdi mk1 leon. Anyone done it? If so....HOW!!
  18. ROBD--M15RPD

    Fuel tank?

    This may be a really simple question. How big is the fuel tank on a 07 1.4. I think its 40 litres, for some reason though my car has done 100 miles from full and the needle has not moved. If im right after 100 miles I should have used something. Any ideas? Thanks in advance rob
  19. AntneeUK

    Fuel economy meter accuracy

    Just how accurate is the readout for fuel economy on these cars? I've just moved job where I now have a much longer drive and it's through Nottingham itself. I'm also in traffic all the way in each direction so no chance to gas it. I've been pleased to see an indicated 30mpg a few times, yet...
  20. stu38

    Fuel consumption in your boc/cupra/fr

    Hi guys well just 3900 miles now in my boc and what a machine it is:D just wondering what people have been getting mpg out of them? I've always used optimax and this week got my best overall mpg (42) and 350 out of tank, this was a mix of mway and urban but only in drive mode. Deffo getting...
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