
  1. key fob reprogramming

    hi there does anybody know the procedure for reprogramming the toledo key fob, have tried a couple of the suggestions on the website to no evail!!!
  2. Another Key Fob Problem

    Helppp!!!! Ive just recently bought a 2000 Toledo 1.8 20V. The key fob wasnt working so I changed the batteries (the correct way round) - to no avail!!! noticed that the red light wasn't illuminating when the button is pressed. I'm currently looking for a new fob. Had a browse on ebay and seen a...
  3. Replacement fob or can it be fixed?

    Hi, My remote fob has stopped working for my 52 plate Leon Cupra - no red light etc. etc. :confused: Changed battery but still no light or any response from central locking or alarm. Do I need to replace whole fob or can it be fixed / re-synced?? Any help gratefully received.:think...
  4. key fob

    Hi People, My remote central locking has just died on my 97 16V Cupra - i suspect that there is a fault with the key fob. Where can I get a replacement and how can i reprogram the thing? Thanks in advance CG
  5. Key Fob . . . headache

    I am almost going to give in and pay some money over to a Seat dealer! 1998 R Reg 2.0 8v Cupra Sport The central local began to play up a few weeks ago. You'd have to press the key fob half a dozen times or so to get it to open / close. So, I replaced the battery and still no better...
  6. Remote fob programming problem

    I have a problem programming the remote fob for my Cordoba 1999 model. It has the remote included on the key, with two buttons, radio type, the older one (not the one with the foldable key). As far i understood I followed the procedure corectly, but nothing happens... Is there a light that...
  7. stoneyfordNI

    programming immobiliser/key fob

    i have a new flip key fob that is cut and programmed so that it opens the doors etc (remote works) but i need the immobiliser reprogrmmed , im booked in at the dealers next week , but was wondering can i do this with vagcom ( have full version) i read a guide somewere that i need a dealer code...
  8. Empi5

    Key Fob needs Viagra

    My key Fob has suddenly had a desire to go all floppy. ie wont lock into place. I would hope this a warranty issue otherwise it will be a visit to the backstreet doctor to get some magic pills !!! (apparently) !
  9. replacment fob

    my fob was damaged, so i bought a replacement from ebay (same type, same frequency, same part code) , but how do i get the damm thing re-programmed help!

    key fob playin up

    having probs with me keyfob to open and unlock the car If its the battery do i have to go to seat and get the whole end unit or can you get away with just a battery If its the whole unit i take it that seat will also have to code the key to the car costin me money ifso any ideas how much i...
  11. replacement fob

    i have managed to knacker by button on my fob to open the doors, does anyone where where a i can get a fob so i can get it re programmed? i really dont want to get it done by the seat dealer as i dont really fancy paying £150 for a new one the fob model number is 730-955-00 its running at...
  12. Cordoba SX Key Fob needed

    Does anyone have a keyfob that they no longer need? it has to be from a mk2 cordoba/ibiza. I believe it has to be from around 97 onwards. I bought one off ebay but it was of a newer seat so did not work at all. my car has a circuit board built in the rear view mirror with recievers at...
  13. Auto Fold Wing Mirrors (from the Key Fob)

    Is it possible to program the LCR Key fob, so that when you lock the car, the wing mirrors automatically fold in? I have done a search, but can't find anything about programming the key fob. :confused: Thanks :worship:
  14. Pabs

    2nd Key+fob + battery failer

    2nd Key+fob + battery failure Hey all A few questions: 1) When the battery in the remote fob goes flat, if i change it over do i have to recode the key using the ignition again? Basically, if i delock my car, and the battery goes flat but i replace it, do i still have to climb in through...
  15. Toldedo key fob prob

    Hi everyone, Can anyone shed any light of a remote key fob problem on my 2000 Toledo TDI? The remote doesn't open or close the doors although they and the central locking work ok manually. When pressing the key fob remote a red light falshes on it but nothing happens on the car. I've...
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