
  1. storeyd

    Tip - Repairing the key fob...

    Just though I would post this as i have read a few posts where key fobs have broken and people are shelling out for new ones The problem The metal loop comes away from the plastic housing, meaning that you can't attach your keys to it. Its a poor design so I guess this will happen to alot...
  2. Havok316

    Key Fob Casing

    Due to selling my ibiza cupra il be buying an onvi yellow LCR soon but the key fob is broken (the bit that connects to the keyring part) is it possible to be able to get the casing for this only? where could i get one from cheapish price?
  3. bigalot

    Remote Flippy key fob

    Hello people, I'm after your advice; I have got hold of an Audi keyfob (wit the open/close/boot buttons) but I don't know where it's come from (as in 'has it been lost/stolen'??); if I go to a dealers and try and get it configured to my car, do you think something might come up on their...
  4. What battery(s) For the Key Fob?

    Hi, Can anyone tell me what battery I should be using in the keyfob for a 98' Cupra Sport? I would look at the old one but I don't think it's the right one or is dead... Just need to check. Thanks
  5. thewiizard

    Seat Key Fob Signal Frequency?

    Hi, What is the frequency used for '97 key fob? is it 433mhz? ta. (post will be deleted if i can get the answer)
  6. briggd01

    Foldable Key Fob - Backwards compatiable?

    Guys I have a standard key which is a pain in the pocket, can you get a foldable key and program it to replace the standard key?
  7. hoops

    help! key fob?

    my key fof has stoped working? i have changed the battery and still no joy:( can ant one help????
  8. sooty22

    fob remote

    ought a flip key this week after having loads of trouble getting the key cut and assembled with my olt spare kay transponder in the new flip key i come to programme the key to work with the remote, i cant seem to get the key to work with the remote. the key works fine in the ignition and doors...
  9. ChrisUK

    Key Fob Battery

    Hi All, After doing the fuse 38 re-location & de-lock, I'll now have to keep some speare key fob batteries in the boot of the car incase they run out. Anyone know what type to get ? Thanks
  10. Hold your lock button on your key fob for 3 SECONDS

    Does everyone know that if you hold down ur keyfob lock your car will lock (obiviouslu!) but also windows go up (if they r down) and mirrors fold in:clap: This might b old news but hey if you dont know, it's a neat wee addition!!
  11. Find FOB key Frequency

    I have just got a new 56 Ibiza FR 1.9tdi pd and would like to get a flip key, to replace the normal spare key. I know there are threads which detail how to get new flip key configured/programmed for my car. However i cannot find out what frequency my current key has. I have opened the key up and...
  12. Big_Lad

    Key Fob Battery

    The battery in my key has gone. where is the best place to get a replacement, is it a standard size they i can just purchase from a retailer in town or do i need to visit a SEAT dealership? Ta.
  13. The MoffMeister

    Key Fob!!

    Hey guys went and dropped my key fob and one of the chips has come off, so i've done a blue peter job on it put it back in place with the old trusty electrical insulation tape, and all works well, just wondered though i presume it would be ok to solder it back in place??? :shrug: :shrug:
  14. Key fob

    Hi, /only had the car a week, already the remote key fob doesn't work, changed the battery and nothing, also tried to resync using the method in the manual nothing, so i called seat and they told me the key is damaged inside and a new one will be £90. So with that i've been reading what has...
  15. key fob programming

    hi there, just bought a replacement remote keyfob from ebay, does anybody have keyfob programming instructions? thanks in advance..
  16. Remote Key Fob Broken

    The battery has died on my remote. I have replaced the batteries, the light is flashing but it is not opening thecar any more. Does anyone know how to re program the key? Thanks Alex
  17. Remote key fob

    my cupra is a 04 plate and the distance is getting slightly shorter and a couple of extra presses on the key, so guessing i need a new battery, were would the best place be to get one and wich one, also how does the key come apart, seems a pain :shrug:
  18. Czechboy

    Remote fob not proggraming

    Hi People, Afraid i've done something pretty stupid to my new car already :) ! I have a 2.0 cupra 2 1998 - S reg. With Radio (i think) central locking. My remote central locking was really reluctant to work, would often take 20 presses to get any action on it - locking and unlocking...
  19. Key fob for leon cupra R

    The metal housing for my car key has broken on one end, which means that i can no longer attach it to my other keys. Ive been to see my local Seat dealer but they quoted me around £165 for a replacement plus reprogramming! I have tried using glue but it only held for a few days and as the two...
  20. Dyna-Mikee

    My key fob has stopped working properly

    OK, I'm ready to be laughed at. My key fob has stopped working properly. Unless I get right up to the sensor, I can't lock or unlock the doors. First instinct is that the battery needs replacing, that's why the range is so greatly reduced. But I've only had the car for two years. I've...
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