
  1. SCupra

    How do I fix this one

    Hi all Just the other day I replaced the Y shape breather hose as it had a big split in it. I thought everything was all fine but then, another hose split, the one under the manifold, I have hissing noise coming from the dipstick area.:blink: My question is how do I get to this hose as I...
  2. dainott2105

    fuel flap release fix

    Hi folks, just tried to put fuel in my car and the filler cap release aint working!!! When i press the button nothing happens. tcs is working ok. Fuel light is now on and i need to get juice asap so anyone know how to at least get the thing open? cheers
  3. Leaking washer fluid in the boot - my fix + Pics

    Finally fixed my leaking rear washer jet.. only it wasnt the jet itself lol. One of the pipes had clicked out of place. Below are pics of the pipe and where it had come apart :) no more wet boot for me yey (for now :)) Hope this helps anyone with this kinda issue.. Here you can...
  4. A fix for 'can't sync baud rate' problem

    I recently bought a cheap OBDII cable off fleabay and started using VAG-COM. After setting it all up with drivers and COM ports I was able to use certain control modules, such as 46-Central Conv., with no problems. However when trying to use control module 01-Engine, the one i was most...
  5. Guinness

    How to fix this?

    Right well I think I should get my own section "guinness's car problems". Anyway a fault code I had the other day (01272)means there is a problem with the direction flap on my HVAC. Appartantly there may be something obscuring it or it may be broken or blocked meaning the servo moving it cannot...
  6. gb

    final fix rattle

    had a rattle for a while on my lcr and couldnt figure out what it was:( and was told it could be bushes , steering rack , ball joint etc final got to the bottom of the problem it was the ball joint . there was hardly any play in it and the car passed its MOT but it didnt half rattle so than god...
  7. Searching for thread: Secondary air intake fix??

    Hi all, Ive been searchin and searchin, but i cannot find a thread i saw a few weeks ago that had nice colour pics that someone posted when they did DIY replacement/fix of their secondary air intake pump. My engine management light keeps coming back on 50 miles or so after i reset it. My...
  8. Secondary air pump fix, not work around

    As in the title, usual situation my car on cold start sounded like a diesel so decided to try and get it sorted took it to stealer's and they were quoting £500 to replace. So scoured the Internet for hours and found a really great guide. All in all took about 1hr 20 to complete Only...
  9. GlanzaV

    Boot not locking? Here's how to fix it...

    This happened to me, and I've seen a couple other people posting asking how to fix it. There are a couple of threads with the solution but none as an actual "guide" so anyway... The Dummies guide to fixing a boot which doesn't lock...
  10. Balf2k

    LCR Secondary Water Pump quick fix guide

    I noticed my secondary water pump was spinning slower that usual today so I WD40'd the electrical connector up, wiggled it about the revs of the pump went up when the connector was held one way, then it would slow down when pushed very slightly the other way. I got the multimeter out and had a...
  11. stevie steve

    Rear Interior lights gone - £200 to fix!!!!!!!!!!

    Brakes were scraping, so took them into be replaced. I also mentioned that my rear interior lights (above rear doors) had stopped working. I was then told to that it was to do with motion senors/alarm or something and they are £100 pound each. Although the alarm still works. Sorry but...
  12. Cracked pedal box - easy fix. (Cable clutch)

    First of all hello to all. Never posted on here before. SWMBO has a 2000 W reg. Ibiza 1.4 with a cable clutch. The pedal box had gradually cracked and bent - enough for the clutch to stop working properly. To be honest, I didn't fancy removing the box etc and fitting a new one. It's a...
  13. Help me fix my brake discs

    i recently bought some ebc grooved discs for my leon cupra size 312mm. however i cant find a garage willing to fit parts i provide. i dont mind having ago at it my self as i do most stuff to the car my self but i have never removed a brake disc and im not sure wether i need to dismantle to...
  14. Need to fix a few things... Seat Ibiza 1.9 GT TDI

    Hi Friends, I 'inherited' my car, a SEAT IBIZA 1.9 GT TDI (I think its a 1998 model) from my parents. I don't know much about this car but I'm good at DIY and therfore I decided to spent a good GBP500 - GBP750 on it to give it a fresh look and hopefully some more power. Its got 130k Kms on...
  15. storeyd

    How to fix the key remote

    If the metal loop on your key remote has broken and you don't want to buy a new one, heres how I fixed mine... After trying several methods to re-fix the loop, I just drilled a 3mm hole through the lower left corner (looking from button side). If you take the remote apart you will notice...
  16. BUGIE

    Bl00dy Chavs. Help me fix me mirror Plz..

    Bl00dy Chavs.. I came back to my car to find that some knob had pulled my mirror all the way forward and so broke it. I'm sure the ***** did it on purpose as there wasn't any damage which would indicate the mirror had been hit by a car. I hope whoever did it keels over and dies! yesterday I...
  17. Aura fix

    I've had a problem with the Aura stereo in my Mk 2 Toledo for several months. The buttons would not respond and the radio would start beeping and default to one particular station or to the CD player. I rang several dealers about an exchange and finally was quoted £270 + vat for an exchange...
  18. Sure fix for dash board rattle yet?

    I remember seeing a thread about a loose wire, that was causing this rattle. I was just wondering if anyone had found that this IS the cause of the rattle for all of us? As I would like to take the car in and tell them exactly what the problem is and how to fix it.
  19. Rear Window Washer - Fix it Guide

    Sorry if this has been posted before, but it seems comprehensive. I'm going to try it this weekend, probably end up at the stealers buying new clips!
  20. Water pump DIES at 39K?! How easy is it to fix? (Cupra 20VT)

    Has this happened to anyone else at such a low mileage? The car began overheating about 30 mins into my trip to work. Oil and water levels were fine. RAC guy checked it and found that air wasn't being heated at full whack. It is now at my regular garage but i'm considering taking on the...
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