
  1. 6th.replicant

    Leaking door seals - was it a recall/warranty fix?

    Accepting that the leaking door seals issue is an already much-discussed 'old chestnut', however, was this problem ever a recall/warranty issue? In other words, is SEAT UK obliged to bear the costs (ie parts & labour) to remedy what is clearly a design-fault if my car is showing signs that...
  2. fix for pedal box

    I managed to repair my pedal box, without major hassel. Line it up and drill a hole through the bracket and the bulkhead. Use a big washer and some silicone to stop it ripping a hole in your bulkhead and stop any water ingress. Been fine so far.
  3. Coil/spring snapped: upgrade excuse or hefty job to fix?

    Well, i was just setting off at a delicate 10mph(to warm the car up properly) and i hear an almighty twang. stopped instantly to check it out as i thought i had rolled over a metal rod or something had whacked the car on the underside. no clues lying around so i carried on gingerly and heard...
  4. Fix some bits day.

    Just gave the Arosa it's yearly service and at last had time to fix the door checkstrap mounting on the A post. No more clonking when opening the door, marvellous. I've taken some photos and may do a " How Too" later if anyone is interested.
  5. JamJay

    DIY Fix Cup Holder LCR

    Ok, I refuse to believe that these damn things can't be fixed. Mine popped out for the last time today, and with it came what looks to be a spring. It's a cylindrical thing with a role of copper around the outside which is springy. Nothing is snapped or broken, so how the hell to I put it...
  6. Tfsi_Mike

    Cupra PCV Fix Would anyone reccomend this? If it helps with engine longetivity I'm keen to do it
  7. alx_chung

    Anyone know how to fix a loose wing mirror

    Ugh!! Woke up yesterday morning to find that someone had kindly tried to kick off my passenger side wing mirror (how else do you explain a footprint on the casing??) Anyways the didn't really do a good job of it so they have just unseated the wing mirror from the plastic bit that touches the...
  8. List of things to fix!

    Typically as i plan to sell my car i have a list as long as my arm of things i need to fix/get done. All of which will dent my savings! Grrr! 1. New catalyic converter. The porcelin ‘core’ is loose and rattling about, they say I need a whole new system though! Which is expensive! 2. Door...
  9. Window fix cost

    Some advice please. 20 days after the warranty ran out on my 06 plate Altea I was driving along the motorway and tried to lower the front passenger window when it went bang and stopped only three inches down. I can hear the motor moving but it's obviously become detatched from the mechanism. The...
  10. A.m.C_Ibiza1

    Guide To Fix a Broken Electric Window Switch!

    Ever had your electric window decide it doesnt want to play ball? Will go up no problem but wont go down, sometimes goes down sometimes wont budge? This is probably a cheap fix to the problem! First of all remove the plastic trim from the doorcard so you can remove your switch.. Next...
  11. Right found where the leak is, help me fix. with pics..

    I have had this problem for a while and now I have pin pointed where the water is getting into the drivers footwell, help me fix it please.. The water is coming through a bracket that sits on the side panel in the drivers footwell, just up above the bonnet release latch. I think its a...
  12. red line fun

    door prob ... can i fix myself?

    when i open my rear driver side door water sometimes (depending on weather we've had obviously) starts to drip / run from underside of door i.e. drain hole no doubt. sometimes it just drips 2 - 3 times, sometimes it pours for approx 6 - 8 secs (think tap that's 'just' on and no more.) i'm...
  13. How to: Fix broken Load Signal cable from Alternator

    If your Traction control or ESP warning light comes on after about 10 minutes of driving and won't go off until you turn the engine off, then there is a Strong possibility that your "Load Signal" cable has snapped. Unfortunately due to a slight Design flaw in the wiring loom, it seems to be a...
  14. JamJay

    CD Changer Fix

    Hi all. My OEM CD changer (Aura) has decided that it will no longer recognise that the magazine is loaded, therefore play any of my CDs. Is there a way to fix this, a common fault perhaps or is it a gonna? I found how to remove it here...I think...
  15. Seat dealership can't fix my Toledo - help!

    Hi all, I'm a new member and am hoping someone can help me. I have an 02 plate 2.3 V5 Toledo with 55k on the clock. I bought it privately in July 08 and it has a full Seat Dealership service history. In October last year it started to run rough at low revs and cut out when stationary. I took...
  16. james walker

    ball joint mot failure, how to fix

    hi guys as the title really, falied mot on cv boot(which ive replaced myself), looked at the ball joint also but struggled like hell, also ran outta light! what im after is some tips on how to replace the lower suspension arm balljoint, ive had a go but to no avail. basically i popped the...
  17. vagcom code and how to fix?

    hey ppl sorry if this is in the wrong section but im new:confused:. i started having trouble with my car the other day, one moment it was driving and boosting normal, then all of a sudden the engine management was flashing and the car lost power, it still drove but very shaky and sluggish like...
  18. Factory fit Ipod Fix and TV on the move

    Hi, I just bought a new Leon fr and was wondering if anyone managed to get the Ipod track info displayed on the MFD3 RNS510 display? Also is there a way to get my dvds to play while the car is moving?
  19. lcr225 mk1 pulling left fix????

    i know this is an old problem, but its pi55ing me right of!! just had car a few weeks , drives like a dream and grips the road like glue. best car i have ever owned only real problem is pulling to the left, and also i think when braking from high speeds (in excess of 80mph) it does the same...
  20. chris285

    car died again, ideas on cost of fix

    ok was driving into local town yesterday and got a mile in, and i lost 1st and second gear without warning no noises or anything like that and now lost those gears, others are fine so managed to get it back home for now but need to call the garage about it dad reckons it could be a pin or...
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