
  1. Some Electric Jams...

    Hello, and thank You for Your attention, I just joined this fine forum. I would like to ask you some hints useful to solve a little problem I have on my 2001 Leon 16V. It works fine, just did 39000km but quite often it fails in startup. It seems not casual, even if once started, it works very...
  2. nev

    electric window motor

    Evening all, not a major problem by any means, but pretty sure the drivers side motor has packed in for the window, not a good noise when trying to operate and no response! Anyone got a clue how much these are to replace?
  3. Hayz

    Electric window fuse

    My other half posted up on Astra Owners club about my rebuild of my 2.0l 8v. Someone put up an interesting post : "I used to have a 2.0 8v, cracking engine - and great power to sweight, heavy clutch for town though. Also - try pulling the fuse for the elec windows for an interesting...
  4. Electric Window Switches

    One of the electric window switches has been abused by a canine creature of the previous owner. The result is the window (passenger side rear) will open but will not close with this window switch. the window can be closed from the window control in the drivers door. I'd like to replace...
  5. Electric mirrors question

    When I am adjusting my drivers mirror the passenger one also moves. It never used to do this. When the passenger one is adjusted the drivers one doesn't. Is this a mode that it has gone in to (bit like the dual climate adjusting) or is is faulty?
  6. electric shock

    Static Shock Does anyone else get a slight shock when you have been driving anc close the door:lol: Ta
  7. electric windows fault

    Hi, Son in laws 2006 5 door fr passenger and rear windows have stopped working:( ,drivers is ok they are on separate fuses according to the handbook and seem ok,anyone any ideas what to look at next before the 50 mile return run to the dealers. Thanks Peter
  8. mattbolt

    Help electric windows not working!

    Connected up my new guages this evening to the light switch for headlights as everyones suggests. My windows have now packed up. both sides. Checked all fuses and power going to them and have had the negative termianl off the battery for half an hour any suggestions as my window is now left...
  9. electric seats wiring help!!

    hiya guys, i've recently just brought a full leather interior for the leon all is fitted. but when fitted i found that there's no wiring for the front electric seats. doh! i have a quick fix using the ciagarette socket with an inline fuse for now so i coudl set the seats up. has neone ever put...
  10. Electric turbo?

    What do you think of this? In theory it should work although I am thinking that when the fan is not spinning,ie not at full throttle there may be some restriction to the airflow...
  11. Front window electric failure

    My front left window is stuck on my Cordy '06. :( The right window has no problems. All fuses check out ok. I get some sort of clicking sounds from inside the front left door when pressing the button. What could be wrong?
  12. Some electric items not working after fitting radio

    fitted my new stereo last night only to discover today that i had wired the switch and constant the wrong way round. So swaped them over today but when sliding my stereo back into the cage on of the bullet connectors must have popped out as now the stereo wont work on ignition at all [:@] So...
  13. pj2001

    Electric Folding Mirrors

    Folks, Used search but only found Leon specific queries - my question is this: can the folding still be done manually? i don't think it can, i've tried to give them a wee push but they don't move. They both work fine, i was just curious as to whether the can ob over-riding manually. Any...
  14. Electric Problems

    Electric Problems - ***UPDATED - Should make a little more sense now*** Hi All, Help needed !!! I've got a 03 reg Cupra and I am having a problem with my electrics. The mirrors do not work at all, completely dead. The central locking does not engage when using either the key fob or the...
  15. ddc

    Clutch judder & electric window issues

    Hi all, I really love my "ugly" 06 Tolly.. But I've got a couple of issues.. 1. Bad clutch judder when accelerating through 2000rpm in third.. 2. Electric front windows closing after a "one shot" up and then going straight back down by themselves!! Anyone had the same problems...
  16. electric window... repair?

    My drivers side electric window failed fairly recently. its not the switch or the motor itself, it appears to be a relay (maybe)... I dont mind buying a new one, but i dont think it would be all that hard to fix... Has anyone experienced this and tried to fix it? Dont wana take it out...
  17. aaronbromley

    Passenger side electric window not working

    Bascially.... its as the title says, i had a passenger in the car tonight and noticed that their controls for the passenger window were not lit up, nor did they work when pressing the buttons, however with the controls the driver side the window work fine. I am asking what you people think the...
  18. Electric Windows....

    ... as usual fix one problem with a cupra and another ****er rears it head! Stupid cars. My passenger window appears to have packed up, the drivers passenger window switch doesnt work, neither the passenger window switch. Drivers window is fine. But.... in typical seat style, both windows...
  19. Electric window regulator.

    Hello, My passenger window died on me the other day driving back from work, glad it was not raining as I work 60 miles away from home. It was stuck half way down and when I flicked the button a nasty grinding sound would make my teeth chatter! I got home and pitched up my Mag light and...
  20. Electric wing mirrors stuck

    I folded my mirrors in last night..... and now the damn things wont fold out! i can still adjust the glass position on the mirrors when folded in, so i assume the fuse hasnt gone is this a common problem?? does anyone have a resolution? where is the fuse box location in the cupra r...
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