
  1. Help Diy Shortshift

    spent 20mins searching for the post on how to move the possition of the gear cable on the gearbox but nothing. I have seen the post which gave me the idea but cant find it now any ideas.:confused:
  2. badlydrawnbanan

    Car park scrape (DIY ?)

    Hi all, some kind soul left me this in the local supermarket car park yesterday :censored: Do you think I could do a DIY repair on this or is it a stealer job ?
  3. DIY exhaust fitting - yes or no ?

    I'm looking at replacing the back box on my standard exhaust myself with a new one I've acquired, but reading a few posts on here it sounds as if it could be a real pain in the bum to do. Original one piece exhaust is on so pipe needs cutting to remove back box and then sleeve fitting on...
  4. Big_daddy

    Body Work Diy

    Im thinking about this for a few days. my leons comes with front and and rear bumper strips (black ones). Im thinking if i remove the strips in the front and rear bumper, then fill the gaps and respray!Leaving the door ones just spray them Has any one dones this before? my front bumper...
  5. Cruise Control DIY

    I got there :clap: .. Cruise control fitted DIY with VAGCOM to activate on Cupra Tdi Used Erwin to make sure of wiring .. but it is all doable .. the biggest problem I had was getting the crimps/terminals to insert in the plugs. Wurth sold me some as this is who the dealers/aftermarket buy...
  6. Changing Pads & Discs - DIY?

    I'm full of questions today! Is this an easy task to complete on an Ibiza? I'm reasonably happy doing stuff on my MTB but the most I've done on a car is change a wheel and swap a back-box on my scoob. I do have axle stands and a trolley jack. What else would I need other than big hammer...

    Diy Is Bad For You...

    Did the usual wonder around DIY stores yesterday.... Came out of focus (about 15 miles from home) and the car sounded a bit funny...then it got worse - eventually sounding like a motorbike... so i pulled over and let it idle while i listened - thats when i heard a sound of metal rattling...
  8. DIY TDI Remaps

    Hi Gents, I have a Seat Leon SE 110 TDI I am looking to get remapped. I understant they are usually done through rolling-road reprogramming, but there are also companies who will remap the engine with a standard upgrade package based on your original engine. Surely just an upload of a new...
  9. DIY a/c recharging...?

    Anyone tried one of these to recharge the refridgerant in their air conditioning systems recently? Only started seeing them around in the past couple of months. Are they any good?:confused: I presume the recharge point is the silver little valve that sticks up above the radiator?
  10. davidol

    why doesnt everyone DIY IHI?

    Just a thought really, always seeing cheap IHI turbos removed from scooby do's on ebay and everyone is always on the hunt for cheap K03s conversions, wouldnt it be just as easier (and in fact easier to source IHI than K03s) to do a IHI conversion and maybe run 280-290 BHP comfortably? Who...
  11. Intercooler DIY Piping solution? Tempted to do my own IC setup , i can get my own made, but this has caught my eye, and with the added bonus of having an engineer to hand, he...
  12. DIY servicing

    Hi, I am going to start doing oil changes etc on my Leon 150TDi. Can anyone offer me any advice as where to find the Oil Filter & Fuel Filter Do I need to change anything else? Cheers, N
  13. fitting a supersprint exhaust - diy or garage?

    ive just bought a supersprint exhaust for my 20vt, and was considering fitting it myself. i was just wondering if anyone has any tips or hints, or whether it would be better to take it to a garage and part with my £30. i have also heard from a couple of people that the old exhaust needs to be...
  14. Water leak into footwell - dodgy seal info and DIY repair guide

    If it is wet just in the passengers footwell then the leak could be due to a poorly fitted pollen filter or cover. Pollen filter cover – to remove : unscrew and pull out plastic clips with screw heads (circled red) then pull up rubber seal from end, marked with yellow arrow. Pull...
  15. Water leak into footwell - dodgy seal info and DIY repair guide (Image links dead)

    If it is wet just in the passengers footwell then the leak could be due to a poorly fitted pollen filter or cover. Pollen filter cover – to remove : unscrew and pull out plastic clips with screw heads (circled red) then pull up rubber seal from end, marked with yellow arrow. Pull...
  16. danny842003

    DIY tints

    anyone here had ago at diy tints? i fancy having ago myslelf. just going for a light smoke all round. wondere dif u had any tips. if it looks crap i will probs take them out and just save up for some proffessional ones.
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