
  1. Leon / Toledo 99-04 Hazard warning lights / Indicators - DIY repair guide

    Have your indicators started working irratically or intermitently? If so check the hazard warning light switch. Does it cut out after a short period of time/ work irratically or just once? Both problems will almost certainly be caused by the hazard warning light relay which is...
  2. bigish turbo for my s3 DIY instal eazy fit help needed

    Hi guys Im new to all this forum stuff, I have had my Audi S3 2002 BAM for just over 2 years and spent quite abit of money on it so far witch I know I will never get back but im doin it for the love! so far mods are Remap KW Variant 3 coilovers CMD carbon indution kit Forge FMCL007P...
  3. Servicing - garage or DIY?

    As I am intending servicing my Cupra over Christmas I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on what's best - a garage/dealer doing it or doing it myself? It will only be a basic service (plugs, oil, filters etc.) As I see it there a few pros and cons of each. Doing it myself is obviously...
  4. is ther any good diy mod for the ICR 1.8 20V

    is ther any good diy mod for the ICR 1.8 20V thax
  5. D.I.Y 5 speed short shifter

    Hi all couldnt really find much info on the 5 speed while searching so here it goes, i know you can do a diy on a 6 speed shifter to make it a short shifter, well reduce the distance between gears, is there any way the 5 speed shifter found on 5 speed boxes obviously can be turned into short...
  6. D.i.y arbs?

    I have been thinking for a while now about getting a set of front and rear neuspeed arbs, 25mm front 28mm rear. My problem is whether to buy and fit them myself or buy and get them fitted. Im swaying towards fitting them myself but how difficult is this? I have read a alot of the threads...
  7. MrJohnnyB

    DIY Colour Code or the real deal?

    Should i attempt to DIY colour code my bumpstrips etc, I did my alloys about a month or two ago and am well chuffed with the results but was wondering if i should really attempt to do the bumper/bump strips etc. Very tempted because I hate them at the mo. If I do it, should I wait to get the...
  8. lm_gauci

    My Mk3 Imperial Blue Ibiza Cupra * Final Update 30/5/10*

    Right, had my car for a while now so thought id post up a few pics of its progress :) Bought the car standard with 40k miles back in June this year Pretty much kept it standard apart from a few things i had left from my old Cupra 15mm Eibach Rear Spacers Seat Sport strut brace...
  9. Damoegan

    DIY short shifter

    Since there is no short shifter available for the mk4 I am gona try to malk my own. Something along the lines of this. Only problem is there dont look like there is enough meat on the bracket to move it safely (to where the red circle is)!! I'm gona have another look when I get time at...
  10. Cupra Front brake pads DIY

    Well I read the stories on here.. and chose to ignore them:redface: .. well mostly.. Take them to a garage if not technically pretty competant .. if you are happy with repairing their damage (I am not.. so DIY and do it right once...:whistle:) In another 3 years time there will be articles...

    DIY Cam belt change

    Yes I have done a search but I can’t find what I need. I’m looking for a comprehensive guide on changing the timing belt on an LCR. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  12. C11PRA DC

    Timing Belt DIY - How difficult is it?

    Hi all, Looking for a bit of advice/experience: Is changing the timing belt on a 99 2L AGG engine a realistic DIY job? Are there any specialist tools required? I'd like to be able to pay for someone else to do it but I've been quoted £270 - £320 which is a bit much at the minute...
  13. DIY clutch fitting Cupra tdi

    Well I searched and found nothing... there is a bit on Briskoda; maybe this will help someone else. 2005 Cupra tdi needing Sach sports/organic clutch from JBS fitted (after 18k miles on stock with 312 ftlbs from Star Performance on stock car)... doing a DIY clutch; Not the easiest clutch...
  14. Guffers

    Coil Pack Replacement (DIY) **Picture Heavy**

    Right guys and mechanically minded girls, I've been having a bit of a problem with my coil packs on my 1.4 02 ibiza. Two in a week to be precise. [:@] First time happened coming down the motorway and had no choice but to go straight to Morrisons Stirling and get it fixed. All in all cost...
  15. DIY Remaps ???

    Hi, Just seen this on fleabay. Do you reckon it would be possible to read a re-mapped ECU then reprogram it on to another ...
  16. CORBY

    DIY Air Box

    Guy's, I have already got the green cotton air filter for my TDI FR Ibiza, and cut the flap off the intake. I had a proper look at it the other day and noticed some sort of plastic grille just before the MAF sensor in the box! Has anyone cut out and sanded this...
  17. xd-data-ii

    My DIY Short Shifter

    Hey, Inspired by this thread I decided to try to modify my gear shifter for shorter throw. Took off the shifter component to find that the original pin cannot be removed and is pressed into the shifter. The guy in the other thread...
  18. __B3NNY__

    DIY Wishbone Bushes

    At the weekend when Hooch was fitting my wilwoods he noticed that my wishbone bushes were starting to perish. Now half my trouble when fixing things on my car is that im not to sure where/what stuff is if i know where to look and what to do i dont mind having a pop, so would replacing the bushes...
  19. JIMYU

    forge DIY or not?

    I'm told my fmic should be in tonights post but I'm not sure whether to have a go at fitting it myself using the guide or just pay someone else to do it.. I'm not the most mechanical minded person but I can get change my own brakes etc. So for those that have fitted one, is it...
  20. LCR Cambelt change - DIY Guide

    Anyone got a guide for DIY'ing the cambelt change on an LCR ?? Have checked m0rk's guide in the info base, but it's half missing (corrupt database)....
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)