
  1. daveyonthemove

    Shell V-Power Diesel. Thoughts?

    I noticed my Local Shell garage was stocking this when i popped in the other day, so i decided to fill up with it instead of the usual Shell Extra. My initial thoughts are that it is a waste of money. Reasons: Over 100 miles i've noticed no improvement, but a couple of negative points. The...
  2. diesel v power

    filled up in the shell garage with shell diesel v power it was 99.9p per litre the motor seemed to pull better than the diesel plus will give it a try its 6p a litre more than the diesel plus anybody in the telford area can get it at stirchley shell garage. has anyone else tried it?
  3. Diesel in WTCC

    Interesting: http://www.crash.net/news_view~cid~88~id~151463.htm
  4. IainW

    Diesel WTCC Leon to make it's debut

    Well this is a surprise. :D I thought it might happen eventually, but haven't heard any rumours about it prior to stumbling across this news story. http://www.seatsportuk.co.uk/wtcc/wtccnews_display06.asp?ID=234 I'm a bit confused by that story though. It says Jordi Gene and Yvan Muller...
  5. Diesel differences?

    Does anyone think the diesel from different garages differs? I filled up at Shell last week and my baby seamed to run alot better? Maybe its me but I will continue with Shell.........also cos it tends to be cheaper!!
  6. Cupra_joeboy

    Diesel Ibiza

    other than the fr diesel, what is the best mk3 ibiza diesel you can buy, would it be possible to build a ibiza, upto a cupra spec but with the use of say a high power diesel lump out of the golf gt/gti tdi 115-150bhp. or is there one already avaliable, my working situation has just changed...
  7. Yella Beeza

    Anyone put in petrol instead of diesel?

    Well I nearly did this morning.:lol::redface: Touring round Edinburgh trying to find BP Ultimate Diesel. Found a BP garage eventually which hadn't run out. Actually got as far as putting the nozzle in, and about to squeeze the trigger - then thought, this is BP Ultimate petrol!! :doh...
  8. m4rtin

    Diesel Dust Problems after Remap

    Hi All, I'm after a bit of advice, I've had my Yellow Ibiza FR 130 PD remapped recently and I'm very really pleased with the performance and fuel economy I've now got. The only problem is that now the build up of Diesel Dust of the back bumper and boot is huge, what would have taken approx...
  9. Cupra R sound like a DIESEL at idle

    Hi all Can any of you reckon this? Does your Cupra R sounds like a diesel at IDLE? I'm tired of my girlfriend that keeps telling me "It sounds like a diesel", so now I want to know if thats normal? Best regards, Thomas
  10. air121005

    Diesel filter location???

    where will i find the fuel filter on my car? :confused: before i get hammered, tried :search: :rolleyes:
  11. lard44

    Leon Cupra R v Leon FR diesel opinions please!

    Hi all, Looking to change my car to one or the above. I'm attracted to the power and tuning abilities of the Cupra R, and my budget can probably stretch to an 04/05 plate at a push. On the other hand, the insurance and running costs are higher than the alternative. I'm attracted to the...
  12. RichieRich

    Lookin for a diesel

    any1 know if it would be cheaper to swop my 1.4 for a diesel? im doing about 15k a year and averaging about 30mpg (maybe because of about 40kgs of weight in the boot) or due to my driving style aswell as... how much do u think i would get for my 1.4 and how much could i get a decent diesel for...
  13. Shell VPower diesel

    Hopefully some people might reply to this thread - new to this place and started 2 other threads with no replies:cry: I know the diesel comparison talks have already done the rounds but I wanted some quick feedback on VPower diesel as I sussed out yesterday that I have a Shell garage round...
  14. TimBarratt

    Swapping a petrol to diesel, what are the costs.

    Do you think I could swap my 04 Petrol LC for a diesel LC, without having to put anymore money in? If not how much would it cost to swap 04 LC Petrol for an diesel LC?
  15. Starbank

    Shell Low Sulphur Diesel

    Has anyone else noticed the increase in smoothness, responsiveness and performance of the 2.0 TDi with the ultra low sulphur diesel! Finally managed to find a Shell garage in my locality with the posh diesel on the pumps and after 150 miles of the engine drinking the stuff, I'm quite literally...
  16. Tesco Diesel

    I know there are many debates regarding fuel but just a quick note regarding my experience. I had to put 1/2 a tank of Tesco diesel in recently and the stuff is awful. I used to notice a marked difference with my last car which would only run on 98 Ron petrol but did not expect it to be the...
  17. Zooneycat

    Help! Petrol in diesel car

    My husband managed to put 860ml of petrol into my diesel car last night. :censored: After I realised what he was doing, he filled it right to the brim with diesel, and it seems to be going ok. Guy in the fuel station said it would be ok, and I couldn't ring Seat etc at 10pm on a Sunday evening...
  18. AndyC567

    Diesel Filter

    Hi all, I was looking through the records for my car the other day and realised that I hadn't changed the diesel filter for over 30k. As I think it should be done at 20k (anyone confirm ?) I thought I had better change it. So, GSF in Coventry, and twenty quid later I had a diesel...
  19. villain24

    Will a Milltek cat back make my diesel sound better

    Miltek cat back make my diesel sound better, or do i need a back box as well as the cat back in order to get a more meaty sound?? cheers Ripper
  20. FerrariStu

    BP Ultimate Diesel - Wallet Thief!

    I thought i'd try a tank of BP Ultimate Diesel the other day as i'm striving for the ultimate mix for best MPG. It cost me a bloody fortune (i've mentally blocked out the cost but it was way over £1 / litre) and it gave me back sod all. Might as well have used Sainsbury's "Taste the...
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