
  1. problem with my diesel

    got a 150bhp fr, having trouble with the vacuum control intake flap. i have replaced the n75 and n73 valves which has not helped. however if you remove the two vacuum pipes from the n73 valve and hold them together it will close the control flap???. i have also tested the electrical feed to the...
  2. 1.9 Diesel

    Well here I go again, My cars now 16 months old, still it has a judder around the 1750 RPM mark and now it's developing 'clutch judder'. Back to the dealer again tomorrow, I'm starting to regret getting rid of my Mk 1 now.[:@]
  3. PAK

    TT shifter on a diesel?

    can anyone tell me if the FWD audi TT gear shifter will fit on my 2001 110 tdi ibiza? it fits on the petrol so wondered if itd go on mine. cheers:)
  4. Petrol vs. Diesel

    Just looking for some opinions / advice; I've got an '04 Altea 2.0TDI Sport, engine unmodified. My Bro-in-law has a '52 Leon Cupra 1.8 20VT, again engine unmodified. We have talked for some time about doing a driving holiday thru Europe, and watching TG last night gave us some impetus to...
  5. D&C

    V power Diesel

    Just been out to fill up for week and have finally got V power diesel at the local shell (Saxondale Shell A46/A52). Has anyone else used this with a splash of Millers Sport 4? Do you think both together might be too much?
  6. CJFR

    Forge diesel dumpvalve - pin69?

    Hi got the forge diesel dumpvalve (and before anyone starts, i couldnt care less that its a 'diesel dumpvalve' and theyre crap) for the motor but think the garage has put it in wrong. Theres a wire that goes to pin69 which the forge guide said maybe blue and grey. Long story short, the blue...
  7. CJFR

    Diesel dumpvalve - pin 69?

    Hi got the forge diesel dumpvalve (and before anyone starts, i couldnt care less that its a 'diesel dumpvalve' and theyre crap) for the motor but think the garage has put it in wrong. Theres a wire that goes to pin69 which the forge guide said maybe blue and grey. Long story short, the blue...
  8. my mates 182bhp diesel just back out the bodyshop

    hi there i am posting this on behalf of my friend who didnt know how to use photobucket so i uploaded for him. here is a pic of the new cupra r kit. just the back for the time being as we are fitting the front tommorow at 6am. before work. what you think?????????? and my leon with new cupra...
  9. LC diesel a good buy?

    I'm looking to change my MG :cry: for something more economical, and after some web browsing the Cupra TDi looks like it could be a good contender. I looked at a Leon (Cupra R) before, after I sold my Coupe, but opted for the MG. However, after many years of fun and not much economy I...

    diesel boost problem

    hi have a mate who has a 110 leon diesel and he is having some issues with it going into limp mode when he gives it some welly (also got a mate who has the same on his 110 golf ) i have heard some people mention the boost pressure sensor , does this sound familiar to anybody thanks in...

    diesel problems

    im putting this post up for a mate who has a prob with his 130 tdi leon . when he puts the ignition on and you get the light for the glow plugs that then goes off so you can start the car, well his dosent go off it just flashes all the time . any ideas hope i explained that right
  12. Birdy

    Warning Tesco diesel not good

    I was running low on diesel the other night so i poped into my local tesco filled my FR to the brim, drove for about 1.5 miles and the engine managment light came on, next the car started to splutter and then would not rev over 3000 rpm but was not in limp mode. I carried on and the car was not...
  13. RichL

    Diesel sump

    Just to round off a crappy day, I put a bleeding great hole in the sump of my 2001 TDi110. Not sure if I've buggered the engine, had to limp around a roundabout after the oil light came on and it conked out :( GSF are showing a sump for a Golf mk3 diesel for £22 ex vat, is this the same part...
  14. Mattyh87

    Diesel Additives

    Is it safe to put Diesel Additives such as Redex in the tank? Someone working at a petrol station told me to check the manual as they had a diesel mondeo which was damaged (several hundred) due to the additives! Any ideas?
  15. is it worth changing to a diesel !

    Afternoon All, I presently have a LC and recently moved and now i am doing around 350 + miles a week, hence me petrol has gone up and i got a bit of a surprise from my bank when i see i spent over £200 in a month on the petrol ! so obviously now, i am thinking maybe get a cupra tdi ! are...
  16. Audi Le Mans diesel article

    I have just read a fascinating article in the August edition of Race Engine Technology. Some key points are: 5.5 litre V12 Bore approx 83 mm Weight 250 kg Injection by common rail at 2,000 bar Power in excess of 650 bhp – limited by two 39.9 mm air restrictors and max boost of 2.94 bar...
  17. CUPRA TDI diesel consumption ??

    Hi all, I am new to this forum seeing as i have just purchased my BLOODY great and beautiful Ibiza CUPRA which was kinda of a hard decision seeing as i was goin to buy a VW Golf GT but anyways apart from being a great car i am having some issue's, When i fill up my tank the Autonmy states...
  18. Petrol in Diesel :-(

    Help! Have gone and filled my 130 TDI Mk4 Ibiza with Petrol Towed home Anyone know the best place to get to on the car to disconnect/drain/pump the fuel out from please?
  19. TallFella

    Sporty "sound" from a diesel

    I'm thinking of changing my LC - and one of the possibilities for my next car is a BMW 525d. However, one of the things that I'm thinking about is the noise from the exhaust. I love the "sporty note" that my car gives, and don't really want to give that up. Obviously the sound from the...
  20. m4rtin

    Remapped Diesel Soot Experiences

    Hi All, My Ibiza FR 130 PD was remapped and I experienced problems with the huge amount of diesel soot deposits left all over the back of the bumper, boot, etc, and with my Ibiza being yellow this wasn't a good luck (I had to clean it nearly everyday). I've had the map changed but now it...
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