
  1. No glass Cover on Dash!

    I dont have the cover for the dash i can literally touch my speedo, rev gauges, shall i get a replacement dash or can i find a glass for it?
  2. captin_urbis

    mk3 dash??

    does anyone know if the polo/ ibiza mk3 dash fit inside the mk 2? if so what do i need?
  3. golf dash pod

    hi all i fancy something a little different,i have a cupra 1 2002 could i fit a golf anniversary mk4 dah pod directly in?i think it may also be ouy of a diesel,will this create additional problems cheers lee
  4. Engine Diagnostic light on - what do I do ????

    The engine diagnostic light came on on my 04 Ibiza 1.2 sx today. The Revs keep dropping and when I'm trying to pull away (eg from sitting in traffic or at lights) it's really sluggish and feels like it's gonna stall, I have to rev it quite a lot to keep it going. I haven't got a clue what to...
  5. RichardMurkin

    ABS Light on dash

    Alrite lads my abs light came on yesterday and was wandering what the problem is? it works but the light is tempremental, Comes on when fired up then goes off like it should, sometimes its on for 10 mins then goes off, I have noticed the pads are down though so would changin the pads make any...
  6. Sportrider

    RESULT ON THE LAST PAGE = Should i color code this to my dash?

    i had a headunit fitted and needed the space where the storage slot is for all the wiring and my soon to be fitted kce350bt bluetooth kit. i i bought a blanking plate from my seat dealer for £3.09p (surprised as it was the dealer) an its plane black as pictured below. i was wondering...
  7. Many dash lights

    came out the gym last night an turned the key and nothing, clock was at 0.00 inside light came on, headlights came on, cd player the lot. Just didn't start, no clickin either. Waited a minute an tried again, started clickin an my dash started flashin like a saturday night fever dancefloor, but...
  8. red light on dash - some thing that seat has never seen be for.

    Hello there people. I have owned my lc for about 5months know and its started doing some thing that seat has never seen be for. When you turn the car on the red light in the temprature gauge beeps 3 times then flash intill you turn the car off. Any one got any ideas.
  9. dash lights

    does anyone know how do you change the clock lights ? as mine r really dim and what bulbs do i need ? cheers
  10. What do you use on your dash ?

    What products do you use to clean/dust your dash ? I've got a mk 2 Leon - I don't like shiney products any recommendations ? cheers
  11. Sportrider

    Has anyone chage the led/lights in speedo? or can you?

    Hi guys and girls i was wondering as the question states can and has anyone changes the leds in the speedo and/or the dash controls/buttons? its something ive wanted to do as i love the neon blue golf speedo. many thans in advance
  12. Sportrider

    Cupra/fr dash dials

    hi all i was wondering if you can buy the cupra/fr dials? if so anyone have a part numbers or know anyone that might have a salvaged set? thanks in advance
  13. cypher007

    dash lights

    can these be turned off when the side/headlight switch is at the first posistion? seems silly to run them continuously.
  14. 1L19

    Electrical Problem? Dash Board Lights Go Crazy, Help!!

    When I turn off the engine (mk1 Leon) some of the dash lights, millage, petrol light etc. flash on and off like crazy, and the petrol beep noise beeps on and off too. Even after locking the doors it won't stop. :( However, when I turn the sidelights/lights on it stops, and everything is...
  15. leon291155

    Audi A3 cluster on Leon mk1?

    Hey , can i use Audi a3 dials on my Leon mk1 , did anyone change his mk1 dials? if anyone did this mod to his car,pics will be appreciated
  16. brake pad warning light on dash

    hey guys i recently got the brake pads on my 2001 mk2 toledo tdi se replaced. the pads are now fine, but the warning light on the dash is still on what needs to be done to disable this bulb on the dash? thanks ed
  17. Fog Light Indicator on Dash ??

    Hi, Just noticed that my front fog light indicator is not lighting up on the cluster. Works for the rear fog, any ideas ? It defo did used to work. Also, anyone have any issues with the drivers door window not going fully up, seems to get about 2 inchs from closing then goes back down...
  18. Which models of TomTom will fit the Seat official dash mount?

    I've just bought a Leon FR MkII and it has the Seat official dash mount installed. I've read that people also have this and got it free with a TomTom 710, does anyone know what other models of TomTom will fit it as the 710 is now 2 years old. Cheers
  19. the_fbi

    OIL and Spanner on dash.

    I know its been covered a million times but this is weird..... Had a spanner and INSP (pretty sure it was INSP) come up about 1000 miles ago, when judging from the previous service it was in fact due. Changed oil and all the filter and reset the service indicator (trip reset knob and...
  20. Strange symbol on dash led panel

    Hi Guys First time posting here. I have a 2007 Seat Ibiza 1.4 Sport and she is due for her first 10k service and I have had the spanner symbol and the milage countdown appear on the led screen on the dash and thats fine, she is booked in for a service next week. But just when I am...
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