
  1. Sooty torques

    Scratches on top of dash - removal?

    Because I'm a :censored: idiot, I've ended up with scratches on top of the dash on the passenger side. No, not from the wife's high heels :p but from loading some timber through the hatch to lay down into the passenger footwell... Covered all the seats and stuff, but wasn't watching where the...
  2. Dash Clock

    Hey Guys, just picked my new car today - an 03 LC, but i have no manual with it unfortunatly, and the clock on the trip computer is one hour out and i have no idea how to change it! can anyone help me with this?
  3. cus

    Guide to Removing Dash

    Please note that i'm not responsible for anything that might break whilst doing this. This is a rough guide to the steps that I took... if there is anything missing please add it to the bottom! thankyou. disconnect battery first!!!! tools used... 7mm socket 8mm socket 10mm socket 24mm...
  4. Big roars

    Changing the time on the dash !

    Does anyone know how to change the time on the dash of a mk4 Ibiza FR ? It realy bugging me :confused:
  5. RaggedLob

    Question about EPC light on dash...

    the EPC light (says in the manual Accelerator Pedal fault) comes on when the ignition is on, but goes out once the engine is started... is this usual ignition stuff? or something i need to examine? have only had the car for a week, but it has lit up every single time (Seat Ibiza 1.2s- 02)
  6. richellis

    dash vents

    Are the cupra cupra r dash vent differant to the ones in my SX????they look like they heve chrome on them, is this normal?
  7. cus

    spraying dash / flocking

    hey. i have a week off work, and i'm wanting to strip my car and get sound deadening out and get everything cleaned etc professionally. i'm also after spraying my dash as its gone blochy using some cleaning stuff, and looks a mess.. but only the bit around the steering wheel/HU anyone...
  8. deedaskrh

    New Dash project

    Right after gettin totally pissed at fitting a new headunit in my LCR. I have decided to find myself a dash (or the bit housing the aircon and headunit only) and try to modify it to fit with a bit more easy. What im wondering is has anyone around tried this themselves? do you ahve any tips...
  9. blotchy dash

    hey everyone first thread! i recently bought a 2001 seat ibiza cupra. yestorday i cleaned my dash and the surface seems to have lifted leaving it all blotchy. just wondering if anyone has had this problem and if any one knows what would be best to use to get it looking good again? thanks paddy
  10. Test Dash Warning Lights

    I used Cruise Control today for first time. It worked fine, but the dash warning lamp did not illuminate. When i got back home I checked the lamps illuminated when key is first turned and still not all lamps were on, only some come up. (i.e. door open warning lamp does not illuminate on the key...
  11. kyle18uk


    Hello all, right I'm looking to buy a second dash so that I can get it flocked, will one out of a 6n vw polo fit? There the same right? Thanks! Kyle
  12. Moffat

    really stiff buttons on the dash. Can i WD40?

    The 1-6 buttons on my headunit, and the temperature -+ buttons are really stiff to press, and feel as if they have no give in them. I've never ever used WD40 inside the car, let alone on the dash, but could i do this? Just spray a bit in the gap, using the straw that comes with it. Obviously...
  13. Dash Lights!

    Hi i bought my Cupra a couple of weeks ago, Im more than happy great car apart from ant the eletric sensors etc. I took my battary out of the car yesturday just to clean it etc and i put it back in, switched the ignition on and now the ESP light stays on and wont go off:(. Then i took it...
  14. jonnie5

    Dash warning lights

    Right guys there are 2 long display bars on the middle (bottom) of my main display. Owned the car for 2 years now and never seen any of these lights come on. Wasn't sure what they actually displayed! During the week I had my headlight bulb blow and all my cars before showed a warning light on...
  15. speaker wiring in dash of a 97 Ibiza

    Hi, has anyone installed new speakers in the dash of a 97 Ibiza? Went to drop a couple 4inch cones into the dash, but when I cut off the original speaker adaptor, there were 4 wires going into it, not 2. Is it ok just to attach the new speakers to all 4 of the wires (paired up as before)?
  16. cupra_tan

    Light on dash

    Hi all. I have just noticed a light has come on on my dash, it looks a bit like a video camera (but has a small line aon the top and down the left hand side), and it is orange. Does anybody know what this means?? I dont have my manual with me. Cheers all
  17. light on dash. please help

    hi does anyone know why the diagnosis/excess of pollution light is staying on in my seat leon cupra. please please help
  18. shantybeater

    Crazy dash :S

    Well, i've never heard of anything like this before...I was driving home tonight & my speedo intermittently dropped to 0 sometimes for a few minutes (whilst travelling at 70 on a dual carriageway), I thought this was odd then i noticed the petrol gauge swinging widly about every few seconds from...
  19. frenzied dash

    Hi everyone Have an annoying dashboard problem.All manner of idiot lights are flashing as soon as ignition key removed as well as a buzzer sounding- only solution being to turn the lights on and leave them on but obviously not for hours so have to keep disconnecting battery.Oddly everything...
  20. shadw_uk

    Non Seat chrome dash rings help

    Hi THIS IS NOW RESOLVED (Read the thred to find out how to fit them) I wonder if anyone can help. I've just moved up from an ibiza fr to a new 58 plate leon FR. I bought some chrome/polished aluminium dash dial surrounds & vent surrounds from ebay here from user the-tuning-shop. The...
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