
  1. A.m.C_Ibiza1

    1.4 cutting out

    Evening All! i have come all the way over from the MK3 department! to make a long story short, i have been having issues with a MK2 ibiza! Its a baby 1.4 and has a P.I.T.A intermittent fault, it will occasionaly fire up from cold and cut out straight away and more recently it has been...
  2. seat leon 1.4 cutting out

    hi i have a leon 1.4 on a w plate. my engine seems to cut out a few times a week, whether im doing 30 mph or 80. the rev counter goes down to zero and there is total loss of power. this only lasts for about 1 to 2 seconds then goes back to normal. any ideas of what is causing this would be great...
  3. Pacey


    Hi everyone just driving home from work today and my offside HID keeps cutting out?? if i turn off my lights and turn them back on again then it comes on for about 5 secs then goes off? anyone els had this problem?? really need your help! :cry: Thanks Pacey
  4. Gauges cutting intermittently

    Hi everyone i'm new here. I have a torledo with an intermittent problem. The problem is that all the needles on the speedo, rev counter, fuel gage, and temp gage all drop and all the lights in that part of the dash go off for a couple off seconds, sometimes a bit longer, and then return to...
  5. CELICA88

    Cutting springs

    Hi, i know this is normally a big no no, and ive always said ill never do it, and my other cars run coilovers, but my dad is in germany and has bought me some cheap fk ones, but isnt back in the country for a while, and im hating using this as my daily drive atm as its on 17s and is as high as a...
  6. adam kelly

    bumper cutting and cross member for fmic

    how much has people cut from there back of there facelift bumpers to fit a fmic to a 130 as iv had to cut alot which means no fog light on the drivers side.Might put some pics up soon
  7. Cutting out

    I have a R reg Alhambra that has done over 150K . It runs smoothly and sweetly and on a recent diagnostic check at Seat specialists they could find no fault. However I am getting sudden drop in revs especially just after starting up from cold. The revs drop without warning and the car stalls. At...
  8. captin_urbis

    cutting a coil in springs

    anyone done this or any reason as to why i should not do it??
  9. cutting out

    my t reg ibiza cupra keeps cutting out . it drives fine until it gets warm then cuts. let it go cold and it starts again. please please help some body my garage dont know whats wrong:shrug::shrug:
  10. chumsofmanutd

    Idle Speed and cutting out

    Hi, I think I've got some kind of air leak on my ibiza. I've had a couple of problems with it which I think are linked: 1. When idling all of a sudden the car just decides to cut out, then it takes its time to start but eventually will start and run perfectly. 2. When idling suddenly the...
  11. Help! Cupra TDI cutting out when cold.

    I have an ongoing problem with my Cupra, every morning when i go to back off my drive Keep revs level, raise the clutch & start to reverse then all power goes, revs drop & engine nearly stalls. Have to give it a right good rev first then back off, even then its a bit sluggish. Once its warmed...
  12. Car cutting out at low revs?

    Hi, I wonder if anyone can help? :confused: My Leon 1.4S 16v for the passed week has been cutting out on me "a lot". last night it cut out on me going round a roundabout, luckly it started up straight away. It also cut out on me going round a corner & the steering locked up & i ended up...
  13. Engine holding back and rev limiter cutting in at 5k

    Hey guys having more problems with the cupra. For the people who don't know its a t reg 2ltr 8v cupra gti. During a service i've done on the car before it properly going on the road its had the cam belt,plugs,leads,rotor arm,dizzy cap,catalyst converter,lambda sensor replaced (to eliminate...
  14. _Hellfire_

    LEON Bi-Xenon Headlights... cutting out problem

    :shrug: Hi all - I haven't been on the forum for a while... but still loving my car!!! I've had a recent problem which I'm told is recognised by SEAT as a common unresolved problem which affects the bi-xenon equipped LEONS. What happens is quite disturbing... on my way home from working...
  15. beezertart

    cutting out

    Evening All, The girlie is due to go in for a going over however last couple of days she's been a little bit poorly....done some good runs over the hols rather than the usual 2mile stints,well excluding the car park that was the M1 on Boxing Day:) Anyway,all has been fine n dandy n i never...
  16. Turbo Cutting In/Out Tdi 150

    Hi, Just wondered if anyone else has had this problem: Sometimes whilst I'm driving around off turbo ~ 2,000rpm, I go to accelerate and the turbo cuts out. Always at the same point ~ 2100 rpm. The problem seems to be more apparent when I'm in sixth so I assume it's to do with the amount of...
  17. smiff

    2001 lc cutting out

    Basicly my lc is cutting out whilst driving along or when im at standstill it starts to chug a little and then just shuts down it starts again after a little hesitation and then is fine again .Ive tryed to diconect the maf sensor but this hasn't helped the problem at all the car seems to be ok...
  18. chris27

    1.4 keeps cutting out

    Now that winter is here my car is having this problem again. It starts 1st time in the cold, but when i reverse off my drive and stop to put it into 1st, the revs drop straight past idle and it cuts out. Takes a long time to get it started again. Anyone had a problem like this before?
  19. Key cutting (possibly a silly question)

    Bought an Altea XL a couple of weeks ago for the missus but didn't want to carry the old-style manual key myself for when I use the car so I ordered one of these -
  20. truCido

    Boost cutting out and coming back

    I've had a search around and I can't really see what this relates to.... Only recently when at about 4000 - 5000 revs, boost will drop completely for a sec or two and then come back... I'm guessing its something like the N75? or a pipe caving in? not really sure, can anyone give me any...
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