
  1. MrJohnnyB

    Bonnet Release catch - Snapped Off!

    This morning I had my bonnet open and closed it in the normal fashion and was driving a few places for work, I got to a car park and after getting out I noticed my bonet release catch has snapped ie the one that protrudes from the grill. I have read about this before but cant find it for love...
  2. Which oil catch can have you got ?

    Im gonna buy a catch can in the near future. Was just wondering which ones everyone had gone for, they all look like they do the same job really. Are there any to avoid or go for ? Ive been looking at the ebay ones, looks like i can get one for around £40. I think ive got the idea of how it...
  3. Phillc

    Guide to fitting Catch tank

    I have put this in my thread aswell but for those that did'nt read it here it is again.:D Right here we go, sorry for the delay the battery on the camera was flat then i had to go christmas shopping lol, i will give a guide after the pic's. This is the over all pic you can see the one from...
  4. Phillc

    Oil Catch Tank..Why you need one.

    About six months ago i fitted the oil catch tank and today i thought i would have a look. :-o what is all that crud, if i had not got a catch tank this would be in the pipes and intercoolers and its only after six months. All i can say is look at the pic's and go and buy one. Oh...
  5. Reluctant Bonnet Catch

    Sometimes when I close the bonnet on my 1.4 the catch won't work, and it's just held closed by the little release lever under the lip of the bonnet. It only seems to happen when the engine is hot, so I think that the metal is expanding which makes the catch stick. Is this a common problem...
  6. passenger seat catch not working!

    After the 6 hour marathon of car cleaning I spent yesterday I just wanted to share with you all my joy of having my Beeza clean and tidy :D and to ask if any other Beeza 3dr owners have had any issues with the passenger seat catch not working to bring it forward. Had the seat in bits for about 3...
  7. back seat catch

    my back seat is stuck in the up position and the catch to release is feels like its not attached to any thing help as i need to put the seats down and can find no way of doing this any suggestions would be great
  8. FAO: LCR owners who have fitted a Catch Tank

    Hi all, I've been looking into how to fit a catch tank and have been searching for a couple of hours now, and come across a few useful threads, however the people who have done this mod generally speaking seem to have ibizas. This thread is the most useful...but still nothing for LCRs-...
  9. jason-jm

    catch tank with jabba heat shield?

    for those with jabba heat shields where have you mounted your catch tank? ive searched for catch tank fitting and the ones ive seen all seem to be mounted in the top right where the filter is..

    catch tank pics!!!

    hardest bit was making my own braket but very happy with the results, i know my induction side is abit messy but its a work in progress as im going big turbo and a 3" inlet pipe has to be fitted
  11. djscorch

    Part Number Request - Boot Catch

    Anyone know the part number for this please?
  12. ChrisCurzon

    Bonnet Catch

    Hey guys wondering if could get some one to maybe post a pic of there bonnet catch as mines not working. The bonet closes properly but wont catch and you can just lift the bonnect up and flick the catch and its open. Tried having a look at it but not sure what its supposed to look like...

    catch tank!

    after a lot of fiddling about i removed the pcv valve and put the 19mm straight pipe, got rid of the t piece and sealed the pipe going to the inlet mani, but did not have enough time to fit my catch tank will it be ok running it without the pcv valve in and without my shiney new catch tank and...
  14. Rear seat catch

    Does anybody know how to remove the mechanism for the catch holding the rear seat backs up on a mk1 leon. One of the plastic tabs that attach the handle to the catch has broken on mine. Can the handle and mechanism be pulled out without pulling the seats apart?
  15. Rear seat back catch

    Does anybody know how to remove the mechanism for the catch holding the rear seat backs up on a mk1 leon. One of the plastic tabs that attach the handle to the catch has broken on mine. Can the handle and mechanism be pulled out without pulling the seats apart?
  16. p34ch3y

    where do you plumb your catch tank into

    have done a search but cant find that more clearly any pics of this would be grate
  17. Bonnet catch

    Went to check the oil level and found that the bonnet catch won't release enough, the bonnet is popping up marginally but not enough to allow the catch to pop out between the slats on the front grill, any ideas how i'm gonna get into the engine bay?
  18. bonnet catch on lcr help!

    hi guys need sum help just finished fitting a new rad to my lcr. got bumper headlights to go in but have forgotten how the bonnet catch goes back on and how the cable fits any help would be grateful pics if poss thanx:cry:
  19. str8ballin

    Catch Tank connector size...

    Hi all I am looking to but this catch tank... Wondering what size connectors I would need.... 9mm or 15mm? Thanks!
  20. nibbles

    do you think it will catch

    now lowered do u think i,ll have to watch the kerbs :blink:
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