
  1. AUK gearbox into BAM car

    Lads, My diff is in the process of packing up and im looking at replacing with a second hand gearbox. I have located a unit with 20K miles off an 180bhp cupra 6-speed. The engine code on that model is AUK and im wondering if its compatible with my 04 Cupra R BAM engined motor. (I am not...
  2. J0N

    How much is my car worth?

    Unforseen circumstances mean I might have to reluctantly sell my car. Those who are not familiar with it it's an 05 LCR in platinum, just over 60,000 miles, it's mint and has full main dealer service history upto 40,000 and from then upto 60,000 it's been serviced by JBS Autodesigns including...
  3. Car Scratched During Service

    We had our 57 reg diesel FR 170 serviced at a main dealers yesterday and when we got it home noticed several scratches on the rear bumper, including a flap of paint, about the size of a finger nail, hanging off. I know, absolutely 100%, that the scratches weren't there before it was taken to the...
  4. Remove car radio (mrk5 ibiza)

    Does anyone know how to do this?
  5. ABS, TCS lights on car goes mental!!

    (toledo 1.8 20V AUTO 2003) ABS and TCS lights came on and car slowed to 5mph auto speed (even with foot to the floor) Stopped left for 10 to 15 minutes...started it again, it started OK drove 20 yds or so then car alarm went off with all lights flashing and not many revs as if it was...
  6. Car Doesn't like early mornings

    Hi Guys, i've had my Leon Cupra for a few months now and generally i'm really happy with it. It does however give me a few problems when starting up in the cold weather. It always needs heaps of revs to get it going which i don't like doing with the oil cold (someone told me it's not good for...
  7. mileage and current miles are still on dashboard even when engine is off

    same as in title. Car is locked and engine off, but all the miles are still shown on dispplay. Does anybody else got it? Never had it before in other cars.
  8. Car judders but not coil pack related!!

    I get the same judder as a coilpack blown but no missfires or codes or Check Engine light. I was told it's most likely spark plug failure :confused: Denso IK22 . 15000 km. Any suggestions? Thanks
  9. Bentley1989

    Sub wiring - how to get the wire from the battery into the car?

    Im sure ive seen somthing about this before on here but i cant seem to find it? :confused: anyways im putting a sub in and i dont know how to get the thick power wire from the battery into my car? in my mates focus there was a rubber gromit that i put it through, on the ibiza there is that...
  10. sambryant

    17535 too rich, 17705 pressure loss, 17704 temp sensor -garage said actuator faulty

    took my car out 2day, it was in the garage having some work last week. the problems i had were, 17535 running too rich, 17705 pressure loss, 17704 engine temp sensor. any way the guy at the garage said its my actuator thats playing up. so i got them to fit a new 1, he checked for boost leaks...
  11. jezyg

    Ibiza is the next Top Gear Car?

    It has been mooted that the next reasonbaly priced car is to be a MKV Seat Ibiza has come from a reliable source but I suppose we shall have to wait and see. Engine and spec has not been devulged but a 1.4 S would be my best guess......
  12. Help both headlights just went on the car when i turnt them on!!!

    As above only replaced them a month ago so was wondering if its a short circuit or something??? Any ideas would be much appreciated.
  13. nightflight

    Will waxing keep my car cleaner?

    At the moment i regularly wash my car, and every few months clay bar it, SRP it then use TW premier gloss sealant on it, but within days (i did this saturday) it's filthy again. Will waxing it after the sealant stop so much crap sticking to my car?
  14. New Car Purchased at Liverpool Seat

    Just like to give a review of my experience of purchasing a new car with Liverpool Seat. I went in way back in July last year to ask about the new Cupra range and spoke to Nick Creswell he informed me that they had no info as yet but would contact me as soon as they did. Sure enough a few...
  15. What is my car?

    I have an 05 1.8T 20v Leon. It also has an FR sticker on the nearside wing. Am I right in thinking this isn't actually right? Also is this the Cupra version. I just assumed the Cupra was the 210bhp version.
  16. Bit of advice needed on brand new car prep

    I’ve just purchased a new car in Candy White (Ibiza Cupra Bocanegra). I opted not to go for the Superguard option from the dealership. I pick the car up tomorrow and i’m guessing they will just wash the car and that’s it. I already have some NXT and autogylm shampoo + proper leathers and...
  17. fans have to be manually switched on from inside the car

    hi all was wondering if any one recognised this Leon its a 2001 reg KX51 BVU Candy white with black bonnet and chequed roof i am going to do a deal with it and my fiat coupe 20VTurbo on sunday he said the temp guage sits at 90 degrees all the time and this is a common fualt and the...
  18. AntneeUK

    The Most Popular Car

    Not a question, but I just wanted to point out that today, in a queue of traffic, the most common car in the half-mile long queue as far as I could tell was the Mk1 Leon :funk: Of course there were more Fords and Vauxhalls, but they were of various models, but there were three Leons; my LCR, one...
  19. bla1n3

    pot hole / suspension? *** JUST HAD A GOOD LOOK UNDER THE CAR ***

    Just before Christmas many pot holes started appearing where i live with the bad weather.. now im noticing like a squeaky / creaky suspension .. not sure wether its coming from the back or the front of the car. squeaks a bit when its just me in the car but more noticeably when there's 2 or...
  20. car coughed and spluttered badly and would not idle on its own.

    hi guys im new to the scn forums... I have recently bought a 2000 ibiza cupra, saturday morning pulled away from a set of traffic lights and the car coughed and spluttered badly and would not idle on its own. Have had a brief look at the car and it is producing a vac figure of around -6 if you...
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