
  1. Ash-Kennard

    car project decision

    right, im 19, im a student, had my 96 1.4 ibiza for a year and 1/2 and want a summer project basically. should i buy a 2l 16v ibiza and strip it or stick with the 1.4 and engine convert. i reckon i could get an engine in in a weekend for about 300 ish. then brake, sus, wheels, exhaust, roll cage...
  2. mitch2028

    Will coilovers settle without driving the car?

    Mad question i know but maybe someone can answer it? Ive fitted my coilovers tonight and got them the lowest setting they can do all the way down the threads. I dont drive my car though maybe 6 miles a week at the very most...will they settle on the car with just the weight of the car on them or...
  3. Pre-heating Car.....

    Okay... I may be thick but..... I want to pre-heat my car before setting off to work in the mornings. Now I have 2 sets of keys so I thought I'd start the car, put fans on etc lock it while I get my stuff together. However it won't lock remotely, so if I turn off the internal sensor and lock...
  4. getting a wire from the engine to the car's interior

    Does anyone know how i can run a wire from the engine bay to inside the car? I want the wire to end up at the fuse box... :think:
  5. Brummy

    Condensation in car.. to the point where its just becomimg stupid now, so this afters , Ive been out to investigate .. well, considering my car is/was a Cat 'C' at one point (for those that dont know, follow the link under my siggy ;) ) the most obvious place to aim for when looking for water/moisture ingress...
  6. AdamRoutley

    Putting Car back to standard

    next task is to whip out my alpine HU, i still have the single slot aura, ready with code. is it simply a case of plugging the iso off the apline into the aura? and i know there isnt a cage for the aura so does it simply just push into place? thanks
  7. Car vinyl

    does any1 know anywhere around wiltshire tht can do car vinyls, i got a black roof atm, but i wanna get a yellow camo roof nd on the dishes on my wheels. but i jus dnt av a clue where to go? lol Cheers
  8. strange whining from rear of car

    hi sorry this is a bit of topic but i have a 2000 polo (work car) and theres a whining noise coming from the back when i'm driving so i think one of the bearings is on the way out :cry:.......does anyone know if i need to replace just the bearings or the hub as well..:(
  9. teeth2k

    16v abf car battery

    Quick help needed with a replacement battery for my 2.0 16v abf Ibiza anyone know how much and part numbers and best place to find one cheers
  10. Tapping & vibration when car in motion!

    :confused am getting a aterible taping when the car is in motion and the car vibrates at around 60mph and also when you decelerate it sounds like it is coming from the front Does anyone have any ideas what it may be? :confused: Ryan
  11. Car Parts

    Well i've been looking on this forum along with others for years for advice but some of the information can be quite confusing so thought i'd start this thread. What i thought would be handy was if there was a list of various parts and the car models / engines they are fitted on. Things like...
  12. tom w

    mk3 ibiza car cover

    i was wondering does anyone do a fitted car cover? As i am thinking of putting the cupra away for winter and all i can seem to find is the universal crappy ones.
  13. NOTE: Leaky Pollen Filter=Steamy Car

    Finally got the car to demist properly. I had the leaky footwell problem and sorted it out last week. However, since the filter was damp, hardly any air was blowing out of the vents. Just put a new filter in and hey presto, demist works now.
  14. Car Ordered

    Hi, i am new to the forum, i ordered my car in mid october, 1.4 SE SC in Emocion Red, with Ipod Dock, Dark Window Tint, Lecky Mirrors, 16"Sonda Alloys and Alarm as options, im looking forward to getting the car although ive just been thinking over the past few days about room, im not fussed if...
  15. PhilW

    Starting A Car Thats Been Stood For A While Help

    I havent started my car in nearly 2 months now, its gonna need jump starting but is there anything i should do before i fire her up? All levels are ok btw. Thanks.
  16. car not running right after cambelt change

    hasd the car in today for a cambelt and water pump change, drove back to inlaws to pick up wife in traffic so not really above 20mph, driving home 60mph back roads and car not right at all, no ecu light or anything, but car is very sluggish, you can hear the turbo spooling up quite loudly...
  17. dervpower

    For everybody who has lowered their car...

    How and what have you done to stoo the bloody tyres wearing fast on the inside? Got the wheels alligned, think this may have helped, but not cured the problem. have been suggested bolts which the a ridge in which then can mean the camber will be adjusted, like below: This seems a...
  18. Really miss my old car

    You know that feeling you have when you sell your old car, Sold it to a mate who then 2 months later sold it to someone else. I now see the car on my route EVERY DAY . They seem to have repaired all the surface rust and then given it a full respray. Sooooooo happy.
  19. car cuting back

    last night when driving home the car started to stutter or cut back under acceleartion. disconnected maf still the same, connected snap on ethos diagnostic tester 3 intermittent faults. 1. maf signal too low 2. coolant temp sensor 3. throttle body position...
  20. noddyFR

    details of car on posts

    Silly question time here..... How do you put your cars details underneath each posting??? You know under the line and it shows your cars mods etc....:confused: "Just canny do it captain" :lol:
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